Originally posted by Testtrack321
I'm working on it in RCTLL. It'll be in Arial Hights. It's hypersonic.
Here's a preview of the preshow...
You'll enter down into a subway system across from the actuall ride. As you go down, you see a que to get on an actual subway car! The car then speeds way as you get on. It sways using electro magnets (a la Indiana Jones at Tokyo Disney Sea) and creates an illusion of movement. After a small ride (1:30, where you get introduced to the concept of where you're going), you end up at the underground subway entrence for a mega corporation. As you exit, you walk past fine art, glass sculptures, and other expensive things in a massive atraium. You then get into an elevator (it's really just like the hydrolators at the living seas, only bigger). As you assend, you get a small breifing from the local news. It seems like the notorius Dark Culpret has escaped from the penatentuary. He has stolen billions from the corporation your in right now and has killed the CEO. You then are escorted to "an open air monorail" and you are seated. You then move out of the building to a "secure area" as you go past the crowd below, you see the sights, then assend down to street level. As you approach the secret area you hear the pleas from your superhero, Mach Man, to hold on as he takes over the vehicle to catch the baddies. You then get ingulfed in smoke, then the color of the train changes magicaly! Hold on!