wishes viewing..best area for my camcorder model...

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Well-Known Member
I have videotaped Wishes several times, and finally have what I believe is the best shot of the whole lot. You may view it here if you wish <no pun intended>


This was taken right on the bridge on main street connecting the "roundabout" and main street. You can hear the music easily since it is piped in through the speakers all over. However, as you can tell, in this video I stripped off the live sound and replaced it with the actual soundtrack from the Wishes CD.

As for IllumiNations, the best place, to me, is right by the trash can at the World Showcase entrance - the area where they have it roped off at the very top of the sloping pavilion. If you intend to have a fixed camera, rather than have it pan-and-scan, then make sure you aim high enough up in the sky, or else you'll miss some of the fireworks. In other words, the globe should be at the bottom edge of your frame. If you do not have a wide angle lens, you will need one for this.

You may check out my IllumiNations video. As with Wishes, I've stripped the live sound and replaced it with the actual soundtrack.


I have a bunch of other videos listed in my Signature. Check them out if you have time.

Good luck.



New Member
Original Poster
I shot my video directly in front of the castle ... in the middle of the tram round
that was where I did it last time.

I can't do it up on the bridge or at the edge of the hub because the corder is not a wide enough angle..that's why I was asking about the train platform...can you hear the sound and music back there?.thanks...t


New Member
Original Poster
I don't know why this was moved to this forum..it has NOTHING to do with
Digital Media techniques and tips. EG. Camera buying advice, encoding DV video files, capturing audio etc.

i am not asking for advice on buying, capturing, encoding or any other bloody techniquesor anything mentioned in the description of this forum OR this Category....I was asking for advice, of where to stand for a couple events to get good shots..(in case you did not notice I already have bought my camcorder and have 10 years experience with it, the Canon professional still digital cameras and capping and encoding.)

Thanks to the 2 folks who responded and to the mods....thanks for trash canning the thread where it doesn't belong and will not get many if any more responses.

Also I find it discriminatory that you move my post when in essence the same post Here belongs her more so than mine and you did not see fit to move it....Why? Discriminating? what did I do wrong????? or you??

In fact I would appreciate the mods also trashing/deleting my account here.

I am done here....t


Well-Known Member
that uncommented moderating happens here a lot .. 99% of the threads get moved without a comment why .. I guess the mod saw .. oh camera .. hmm must be advice how to... film,capture,dives,tripod etc.

btw .. I just realized that I needed no wide angle lens .. I shot the fireworks in widescreen (native not fake black bars) so thats the reason why the firework came out superb in that spot :lol:


Premium Member
I don't know why this was moved to this forum..it has NOTHING to do with

i am not asking for advice on buying, capturing, encoding or any other bloody techniquesor anything mentioned in the description of this forum OR this Category....I was asking for advice, of where to stand for a couple events to get good shots..(in case you did not notice I already have bought my camcorder and have 10 years experience with it, the Canon professional still digital cameras and capping and encoding.)

Thanks to the 2 folks who responded and to the mods....thanks for trash canning the thread where it doesn't belong and will not get many if any more responses.

Also I find it discriminatory that you move my post when in essence the same post Here belongs her more so than mine and you did not see fit to move it....Why? Discriminating? what did I do wrong????? or you??

In fact I would appreciate the mods also trashing/deleting my account here.

I am done here....t

In response to your orignal barrage of complaints. Your question has very little do with 'WDW Resorts, Trip Planning & Cruise Line', and was more focused around using a camera at WDW. I therefore moved it to this area.

Instead of behaving like a spoilt little brat who has lost his favorite toy, you could have brought it to my attention, and requested the thread be positioned elsewhere. But unfortunately, like a lot of people these days, if anything happens that doesnt suit you, you just immediately lose it, and start shouting. You need to remember you are/were a guest on this site. Try showing some manners.


Premium Member
that uncommented moderating happens here a lot .. 99% of the threads get moved without a comment why .. I guess the mod saw .. oh camera .. hmm must be advice how to... film,capture,dives,tripod etc.

Unfortunately there isnt time to reply to every thread that is moved. That would turn an already lengthy job into a an unfeasible task. In 99% of cases it is very obvious why a thread is moved, as generally they are in totally the wrong section.


Well-Known Member
I took my photos from the train station which gives a nice shot down Main Street with the building line down each side - the problem is the flagpole.
I camcorded Wishes stood on Main Street - stood about 30 / 40 metres in front of the flagpole- perfect !!


New Member
Original Poster
In response to your orignal barrage of complaints. Your question has very little do with 'WDW Resorts, Trip Planning & Cruise Line', and was more focused around using a camera at WDW. I therefore moved it to this area.

Instead of behaving like a spoilt little brat who has lost his favorite toy, you could have brought it to my attention, and requested the thread be positioned elsewhere. But unfortunately, like a lot of people these days, if anything happens that doesnt suit you, you just immediately lose it, and start shouting. You need to remember you are/were a guest on this site. Try showing some manners.

Thanks guys for the suggestions for videotaping....will check it out.

As for the quoted post...no one acting like a spoilt(spoiled) brat...just making some points....points that my original post has even less to do with this whole category than where it was to start with. Furthermore you did not even address the issue of threads like the one I linked to that should have been moved to here before mine as it was more "techie"...like I said very discriminatory.

And as I stated your statement that it was about using a camera at wdw, was a distorted statement in that it does NOT fit the description you have put for this forum and this category. My post was where is the best place to to stand to do it, not how do I use my camera. or what camera to buy etc, which IS the description of this forum. How about answering the question about why the link I posted did not get moved when it was more suited for here than mine? Or is it that to answer it, you have to admit you made a mistake?..which there is nothing wrong with that either.

Also it was not about how to use a camera...I have had yrs experience using digital camera and camcorder, in case you missed that part...my post was like many others I have read in that same forum about where the best place to stand and see the show or best place to photo it....heck in 2004 when I first went I posted the same exact question in the same forum and it was not moved....but now that I have been and have an idea where everything is I could ask it and understand better where folks were talking about....so your statement that it was how to use a camera was a TOTAL mistatement.

I also have not forgotten that I am a guest here and there is a lot of great stuff here to help. But like so many other people, instead of saying hey, made a mistake, sorry and correcting it, you want to put it off on the other person.
So I am asking that rather than banning my account just delete it from here as I won't be using this place as a resource anymore. I don't want to be a member here anymore. The manangement here is one of those few around that are never wrong.
BTW as for bringing to your attention, I DID email the contact link at the bottom...t

P.S. But I am man enough to say that for the 2004 trip we took, thank you for your resources here, and thanks so very much for the people who have and had responded to my questions and were a great help to us on our trip.


Well-Known Member
As for the quoted post...no one acting like a spoilt(spoiled) brat...just making some points....So I am asking that rather than banning my account just delete it from here as I won't be using this place as a resource anymore. The manangement here is one of those few around that are never wrong.
If you can't respect the people who work so hard on this site to make it the fantastic place that it is, then you probably don't belong here anyway...
Have a great trip!


New Member
Original Poster
If you can't respect the people who work so hard on this site to make it the fantastic place that it is, then you probably don't belong here anyway...
Have a great trip!

Thanks Nemo
as for respect..I respect them, and I beleive I have shown that to an extent and expressed my appreciation, but I also believe that each of us deserves respect too. ANd yes it is a fantastic place.

As I noted I did email the contact link below about it and have yet to receive a reply about it....the admin said I should have brought it to his attention...I did with that email.

I have nothing but respect for everyone here and gratitude for their help and to the owners for having the site and the immense amount of help and resources...nothing else on the web beats it.

My whole point is that I believe a mistake was made, trying to say I am asking how to use a camera at wdw.....the link I posted read it, should have been moved here before mine and it wasnt and I could prob find more, I can go back to 2004 where I specifically asked for best places to photograph spectro and wishes and such and they weren't moved...same exact posts as mine now. My point is that management here won't admit they made a mistake and apologize, rather they start calling names and demeaning the poster..I have yet to demean them in the manner they have me. I used the word disciminatory because that is how it appears....move one persons thread, perhaps because they have only afew posts or something as compared to those veterans here.
I was not yelling nor complaining. just pointing out things and the bold was to make it a focal point, not intended to yell...so expressing my thoughts and opinion is not being disrespectful....all I am saying is if you made a mistake own up to it and apologize and say hey we misread or misinterpreted your post or whatever.

I respect them but I also expect respect and fair treatment in return..t


Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying, but keep in mind that what you write can be interpreted in many ways, and there are often better ways of dealing with an error than immediately jumping on the mods here and saying that you're quitting, etc. Our mods here are top notch and stay on top of things daily. Perhaps if you had PM'd them and explained why you felt you had posted in the correct place, they would not have been so much on the defense.
As far as what category your qusation belonged in, it's probably not all that much of an issue. Most of us check through NewPosts when we come on anyway, and your question would have come up then anyway.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I am very confused about what you find discriminatory about your thread being moved. I am hoping that you are just using that word because you don't know of a better one. What possible information could you have given any Mod (Steve included) that would make them want to discriminate you? It's sure has hell not that you're a Disney fan! :lol:

Calm down and look at it from this perspective before you bash the man that owns and runs the site which allows you to get all this great information...

The forum is called 'techniques and tips'

Are you not asking about 'capturing audio' per the description you posted of the forum? i.e. "Can you hear the music from _____ spot?" [EDIT: I see that this pertains to your other thread you started, but the same reasoning applies]

Is this not a question dealing with camera technique or a tip on how to best utilize your camera -- How can you use ____ camera to get ____ results?

I don't see why this thread doesn't fit here :wave:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Thanks Nemo
as for respect..I respect them, and I beleive I have shown that to an extent and expressed my appreciation, but I also believe that each of us deserves respect too. ANd yes it is a fantastic place.

As I noted I did email the contact link below about it and have yet to receive a reply about it....the admin said I should have brought it to his attention...I did with that email.

I have nothing but respect for everyone here and gratitude for their help and to the owners for having the site and the immense amount of help and resources...nothing else on the web beats it.

My whole point is that I believe a mistake was made, trying to say I am asking how to use a camera at wdw.....the link I posted read it, should have been moved here before mine and it wasnt and I could prob find more, I can go back to 2004 where I specifically asked for best places to photograph spectro and wishes and such and they weren't moved...same exact posts as mine now. My point is that management here won't admit they made a mistake and apologize, rather they start calling names and demeaning the poster..I have yet to demean them in the manner they have me. I used the word disciminatory because that is how it appears....move one persons thread, perhaps because they have only afew posts or something as compared to those veterans here.
I was not yelling nor complaining. just pointing out things and the bold was to make it a focal point, not intended to yell...so expressing my thoughts and opinion is not being disrespectful....all I am saying is if you made a mistake own up to it and apologize and say hey we misread or misinterpreted your post or whatever.

I respect them but I also expect respect and fair treatment in return..t

Since your original 2004 visit there have been a lot more Moderators added because of the growth of the site. That being said, things are running a lot more smoothly around here because of the increase in the Mods. If your similar thread was not moved back then, you should consider yourself lucky. :)

And just think about how all of this is bumping your thread to the top on the new posts page... By you getting all upset that no one would probably see your thread again you have successfully bumped it so that people will continue to see it... :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
No you dont, or you would not continue giving lip about the issue.

there is a difference between giving lip and explaining oneself. So until you know the difference and you know what I am trying to say(you are not in my head, so you have no idea of what I am trying to say above), move on and let it rest and quit trying to force your idea , opinion, and definition of respect on me and others. Like another above posted, it is hard to tell how one is putting something, tone wise and so forth in a post because it is just text. So you are out of bounds telling me how I feel and how I don't feel and if I respect someone or not. And you have no way of ascertaining whether it is lip or not, so butt out.

When I make a mistake I admit it. And though very frustrated that this was moved to a forum that it has nothing to do with I should have waited for a reply from the email I sent to the contact us link below before posting public.
And to the admin I apologize for that mistake.

But by the same token I have not received a reply yet to the email.


Le Meh
Premium Member
there is a difference between giving lip and explaining oneself. So until you know the difference and you know what I am trying to say(you are not in my head, so you have no idea of what I am trying to say above), move on and let it rest and quit trying to force your idea , opinion, and definition of respect on me and others. Like another above posted, it is hard to tell how one is putting something, tone wise and so forth in a post because it is just text. So you are out of bounds telling me how I feel and how I don't feel and if I respect someone or not. And you have no way of ascertaining whether it is lip or not, so butt out.

When I make a mistake I admit it. And though very frustrated that this was moved to a forum that it has nothing to do with I should have waited for a reply from the email I sent to the contact us link below before posting public.
And to the admin I apologize for that mistake.

But by the same token I have not received a reply yet to the email.

Its my opinion and I will give it to you if I want to.
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