Wishes Dessert Party


Well-Known Member
only you can decide for you. when it was $25 a head, it was clearly worth it to my family. the chance to rest, out of the heat, away from the crowds, with great desserts, and a place to sit and enjoy dessert after the show while main street empties out....all major pluses. however, now at $50 a head, we just can't justify the expense anymore. we have 6 people = $300 for some space, a few desserts and a little rest is just too steep.
I agree with docdebbi... it was an awesome experience for my family when it was less expensive and when you couldn't 'reserve' an area to watch the fireworks for free with FP+. Now, I don't see the value as much.


Well-Known Member
It was great to do once and at $25. For $50 - not so much. But it is fun. I'd almost put it in the same vein of MVMCP - do it once and then you can decide whether it is worth doing again. I'd do MVMCP every year.


It's expensive. It's Disney. For my family, it is worth the money since we are out of towners who can only visit so often. My family appreciates the cover, guaranteed seating with a good view, in addition to pretty decent desserts. We don't have to worry about finding a spot to see the show or tying up a Fastpass (it's the only way my 70+ year old parents will make it to see the fireworks).

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