Disneyland - 55
Walt Disney World - 71
Tokyo Disneyland - 83
Euro Disneyland - 92
Hong Kong Disneyland - 05
Shanghai Disneyland - 16
So it looks like the world ticks along at intervals of about every 12 years a new Disney destination is built.
So… they’d be building the next one right now if that cadence were to continue. But they aren’t.
In what ways has the world changed? Or how has the company changed?
This seems like pretty macro/simplistic analyst as to discussing WD company building. For example it lists Walt Disney World date at 71. This completely ignores Epcott that was opened in 82, Animal Kingdom opening in 98, and and MGM/Hollywood Studios opening in 89.
But assuming the discussion is just about completely new destinations, as opposed to significant building at already existing locations, what would be logical reason/spot for a brand new destination? I mean a company isn't going to just keep building for building sake, hey we haven't spend billions of dollars to open a new spot in 10 years, we got to get going on that.
So you already have 2 well established spots in North America. I can't seen any business reasons for building a new stand alone location in that market, as opposed to building out existing infrastructure at the already established parks.
You have 3 separate locations in Asia. Again i can't imagine where it makes businesses sense to build a new forth location in that market vs just expanding in the existing 3, which they have been doing.
Is there any thought that that a stand alone destination in Australia makes sense? with a population less then 1/10 of the United States, what reason is there for opening a completely new park complex in that region?
Europe has an existing destination and has had it since 92. There has been some spending and expansions taking place at the park itself recently, but the history of the park hasn't always been one of raging demand. I can't see where you would put a new destination/location in the European market that has demand that's high enough to warrant the construction of a new park, and that is far enough away geographically that it would make sense to build a new park there, as opposed to expanding Disney Paris.
That leaves really 2 areas that could see a completely new destination be built. First somewhere in Africa. Obviously WD has more data than any of us have, but given political stability/instability in the region, and a less overall monetary base (sure you have some outliers with oil money, but on whole the disposable income levels in Africa are far less than say NA/EU or AS) why would you invest money in a park in that area?
So that brings you to South America, likely IMO the location that would probably have the most going for it. Large populations, no existing parks in close proximity. At least Anecdotally from my previous visits, large groups of visitors from SA countries to US parks, which at least shows some demand in the market. But again is there a large enough, self sustaining market to justify building a new park, when you do get the tourists from the SA market coming up to NA?