Why do u love the world


Original Poster
I was just wonder why u love Disney world...? what does it mean to you?? I know for me it means escape into a world of love laughter happiness and everything in between.... It's just a place full of memories and fun and thing u never want to leave you. It means childhood for me and boy do i miss it. I remeber goign through the magic kingdom about 7 and running through the park from 8 to 9 not a stop to rest.... i remeber being so tired but the world was worth it.... i remeber my brother being to young so my dad held him on his shoulders and he was sleeping... everything about Disney is a dream come true.. from the rides to the movies to the sing alongs to the snow white and the seven darfs nothing compares to the feeling of that... i love it


New Member
As a little child I saw it on television, it was a magical looking place on the other side of the world. Never got to go as a child, but when I made it over as a big kid it did not disappoint.


Well-Known Member
DIsney world to me is a reminder of simpler times. A reminder that they world doesn't have to be hard and stressful but it can be enjoyed to the fullest and should be enjoyed. I know it's cliche but you can be a kid again(I know I'm not that old but....). I'm only 15 I know but I still feel like I can be so much more goofy and wierd and it doesn't bother me. I think disney world is a place were you can be whoever you want to be and it doesn't matter what other people think.

Pixie Duster

New Member
One of the reasons we are called Cast Members is sometimes we do have to act. If we are having a bad day we have to pretend as if we are having a great one. And if you are a really good actor / cast member after a while you stop pretending because you stop having really bad days because of your perspective. Your thinking becomes more positive because it is almost like habit.
I loved WDW before I was a CM, that's why I got a job here. Way too many people say that don't like WDW after working there, but that's because they are grumpy people who need prozac :). For me Disney is my prozac....
God I am weird.


New Member
for me, disneyworld is a place for me to get away from the everyday stressful things that seem to haunt me. when i'm there, i feel so peaceful and i just forget about everything else thats bothering me. the rides, the scents, everything....i just love it all. :D


Well-Known Member
I have always liked WDW, I grew up only 4 hours from there, but we hardly ever went. My husband and I went on our honeymoon. But it really started to mean something when we took our daughter for the first time. Watching her face, seeing her excitement. Those the happy memories I'm keeping. And planning this trip she gets happy and excited just talking about it. That's what I love about it. :)


Well-Known Member
Not really because its an escape, but its a place where you can "visit" places that you never could anywhere else?

Like someones sig says, I rode an elephant, survived an elevator freefall, flew around space, went to mars, test drove a new car, and had a good lunch (not exact, I know, just an example)

Its like being in a book, or someones imagination, somewhere that you couldnt normally go. Its being able to see things that normally dont exist, yet when your there, they seem strangely ordinary, like they belong.

Its being able to travel to various places, without leaving a small area. Its the sights, the sounds, the feeling it gives.


Well-Known Member
WDW is the only place on earth where I can run around crowded theme parks for 14 days solid, get jostled and bumped, spend a fortune on basic food items, and, get home and still feel that I need a holiday AND want to go back again :hammer:
Seriously though - There is NO place on Earth like it - its unique and its brilliant :cool:


There's just something about Disney World that is unlike anywhere else. I don't think anyone gets excited in the days leading up to their Disney vacation the same as another vacation. I feel like I can be silly there and walk down the street wearing a princess tiara even though I'm 22 and no one thinks twice about it. It's also in my opinion the most romantic place the in the world...I mean how often do you get to sit in front of a castle at night with the person you love? The little touches make it the most fun for me, like learning about the hidden mickys and knowing the history of the names on the windows on Main Street.
I don't know, it's kinda hard to put into words why I love Disney World so much. I just know that when I see a picture of it or a commercial I get all excited. There's no where else in the world quite like it. :)


New Member
Ok first off you can not in a few sentences describe the awesomeness of Disney World. When I go to Disney I go back to being a smaller child. The stress of being older (ok so I'm 18) and the lack of a prince charming is thrown away once you step out of the car and into anywhere on Disney property. Disney reminds me of other Disney trips that I had. Disney reminds me of teams for when I went for cheerleading competetions and Disney reminds me of senior trip. When you go to disney you are transported to this other world where nothing is hard and everything is simple and every girl gets the prince.


Well-Known Member
Disney World, to me, is all about bringing yourself back to a less stressful, happier time.

A time when you always felt safe and the only worries you had were over sleeping and missing the school bus.

Disney World allows us to do things and feel things again that people say we are "Too Old" to do and feel.

In Disney World I can dance on Main street w/o people looking at me like I'm a crazy old man.

In Disney World I can sing songs out loud like " It's A Small World After All "...and people not only don't LOOK at you funny...they sing along WITH you!

In Disney World I can bend down and talk to a small child I don't even know w/o his or her parents looking at me like I'm some
kind of nut...it's always fun to make a new friend..even if it's a child.

In Disney World I can talk to people on buses and in elevators without feeling like I'm invading their "Space"

In Disney World I can wear Mouse Ears on my head, and the only comments I hear are "Nice Hat!! Instead of "Act your age!"

In Disney World I can smile and be smiled at for 12 hours a day without someone thinking I'm insane.

As I grow older, and my reponsibilites grow heavier, I sometimes need a place to go to release the tensions and stress of everyday life.

Disney World IS that place.


Original Poster
In Disney World I can sing songs out loud like " It's A Small World After All "...and people not only don't LOOK at you funny...they sing along WITH you!

Boy I couldn't have said it better SCOTTER! I know what you mean! That really touched me what you said above because it's true and boy do i miss it! I am going this summer again! in august i believe.... how am i gonna wait that long!? It bring happy tears to my eyes that once again my family ( cousins as well) are all going to FL with us! Now it could be like the old days in 1995 (the last time we went together!)... I love WDW with every bone in my body!


I love it for its magic....
I love it for is dreams....
I love it for the memories that it brings....

I love it for my children.....
I love it for my friends....
I love it for the happiness that comes when within.....

I love it Magic Kingdom......
I love it MGM......
I love it Epcot.....

Cant wait till I am there,
cause it makes my day at work
a little easier to bare.


New Member
I agree that there are too many reasons to list but something did happen to pop in my mind. To me WDW represents the very best in customer service, quality of entertainment, and bang for your buck on the planet. Just today my wife got a little frustrated with me when she tried to talk about the places she like to vacation and all I could do was talk about the different Disney hotels I havent stayed at.


It really is the happiest place on Earth. We've got the war on terror, the war in Iraq and code yellows and code oranges, but at Disney it's like the real world ceases and there isn't a care in the world. No danger, no fear, just dreams and magic and that's cool.


It's a total disconnect from reality, and Mickey Mouse and other characters/scenes from Disney movies come to life. Other than that , it's kinda lame:animwink:


Well-Known Member
When I was in school I used to get picked on everyday, made fun of and even knocked out a few times. I thought that every person was like that. When I would go to WDW it was a place where people were actually nice to me and a place that I felt safe. I didn't have to worry about someone trying to make fun of me or hurt me in any way. I was able to escape everything I was going through and feel safe at the same time.


Well-Known Member
1) Gets you away from the pressures of the real world
2) It generally has a positive influence on people
3) It's fun!

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