Why are the standby queues now experiencing longer lines?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This may be a question that has been discussed in length in another place, but I didn't see an actual thread on it, and was curious. Why exactly are the lines now longer for certain rides that never had a line before? Certainly if more people are taking advantage of Fastpasses, in theory the standby lines would be shorter. So can someone (nicely) explain to me why the phenomenon is occurring? I could see longer lines on the E-ticket attractions later in the day when Fastpasses have been exhausted....but that doesn't seem to be the case from what I have been reading.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
According to the people that track Disney lines for a living, the lines really are not that much, if any longer.

(bottom of page)

One ride that is often mentioned having longer waits since FP+, PotC, had been mired with technicall issues due to a new boat fleet and a myriad of other things and that has resulted in longer standby waits.
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Well-Known Member
This may be a question that has been discussed in length in another place, but I didn't see an actual thread on it, and was curious. Why exactly are the lines now longer for certain rides that never had a line before? Certainly if more people are taking advantage of Fastpasses, in theory the standby lines would be shorter. So can someone (nicely) explain to me why the phenomenon is occurring? I could see longer lines on the E-ticket attractions later in the day when Fastpasses have been exhausted....but that doesn't seem to be the case from what I have been reading.

From the sources I've read, the lines are longer at attractions that didn't have legacy FP, but now have FP+ (meaning the standby line has been slowed down by the introduction of the FP queue) -- most dramatically, POTC and Haunted Mansion. FP+ has actually slowed the lines at headliners by a few minutes, with a corresponding increase at some non-headliners. Overall, of course, total average wait times for those riding both kinds of attractions (headliners and non) are about the same -- they've just been redistributed a bit.

There are other factors at play, too: over the past year or so, the pace of shuttering attractions has outstripped the opening of new attractions, so overall "capacity" in lines and on attractions has decreased, presumably adding to wait times a tad, as well.


Well-Known Member
I think several things come into play.

1) I think Disney increased FP availability at some attractions when FP+ was instituted so that more FP's were available. When you increase FP's at an attractions it will slow down the standby line. It is simple math. Only X amount of people can ride per hour due to hourly capacity. When you add additional FP the standby line takes it on the chin

2) By adding FP to attractions that didn't have it in the past slows those attractions standby lines. Same theory as above.

3) With so many people now utilizing FP+ and with their day preplanned out around that, guests are now standing on line for attractions they don't have FP's for more often. In the past people who understood the legacy FP system could run from attraction to attraction and grab FP's early in the day within the original guidelines. (I am sure you heard about people here who could get 8 or more FP's in a day in the past) Now that people have to utilize the 3 hour window it kind of forces those people to do standby.

4) The parks are just busier in general.

My personal feeling is that some of the standby lines are longer, some are about the same. What FP+ has really done is change guest patterns within the park. I think the longer standby lines are part of that change.
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