New Member
Hi everyone, I'd love some advice! My husband, daughter (14 yo) and I are taking our first ever trip to Disney World (we're west coasters who have only ever done Disneyland). We have 4 day park hopper passes and will be at the parks October 12-15th. (Tuesday-Friday). We have tickets to the Halloween Party the night of the 12th. We would love minimize crowds as much as is possible (though we're realistic). With that in mind, I'd love suggestions about which parks to get reservations for on which days? Currently we have Tuesday at Hollywood Studios (going over to the Halloween party that night) Wednesday at Magic Kingdom, Thursday at Epcot and Friday at Animal Kingdom. I'm going back and forth with switching Epcot to Friday, but with the Food and Wine Festival, maybe that's a bad idea? If it makes a difference, we're staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge so we should have early entry every day. Thanks so much for any help or advice! Disney World is a bit overwhelming!