Where's the love for Atlantis?


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I just watched this movie for the first time. I had never watched it because I've never heard a good word about it. Now I'm really disappointed that I'd never seen it! It was excellent and I feel like I've missed out on 11 years of awesome. I know I've never seen anything Atlantis-related around WDW (or Tarzan-related, for that matter). What's with the hate on this movie?


Well-Known Member
I just watched this movie for the first time. I had never watched it because I've never heard a good word about it. Now I'm really disappointed that I'd never seen it! It was excellent and I feel like I've missed out on 11 years of awesome. I know I've never seen anything Atlantis-related around WDW (or Tarzan-related, for that matter). What's with the hate on this movie?
I haven't seen a John Carterland yet either...



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Original Poster
You mean you saw it!?

I'm still trying to devise a John Carter drinking game before I drop the $1.62 to rent the blu-ray from redbox.

lol! Yes, I got it from Redbox while I was staying with my family. I think I ended up here for most of the movie because I couldn't sit through it.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of Disney flicks that don't seem to get any love. For example the Sword in the Stone (IMO, the funniest Disney animated flick), the Rescuers (classic), the Fox and the Hound, Treasure Planet. These are some really good films in my opinion, but no love.


Well-Known Member
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There are a lot of Disney flicks that don't seem to get any love. For example the Sword in the Stone (IMO, the funniest Disney animated flick), the Rescuers (classic), the Fox and the Hound, Treasure Planet. These are some really good films in my opinion, but no love.

Agreed. I love every movie in that list :)


Well-Known Member
Seriously! Have you noticed Disney doesn't bother to create really cool DVD specials for these movies? I think that really sucks. I was expecting so much more for Sword in the Stone. Ah well.
Even if you don't like it, Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom is a pretty major shout out to Sword in the Stone. They could have easily used Sorcerer Mickey but Merlin got the nod.


Well-Known Member
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Seriously! Have you noticed Disney doesn't bother to create really cool DVD specials for these movies? I think that really sucks. I was expecting so much more for Sword in the Stone. Ah well.

Agreed. Not to mention none of them are out on blu-ray.

Bob Saget

Well-Known Member
I don't "hate" Atlantis, but it certainly was a one and done film for me. There was so much potential with this premise to make something truely epic & remarkable. But what did we get? Poorly-drawn characters (with square fingers) who I stopped caring about within 15-min of this thing, a very predictable storyline, a protagonist who was hard to understand at times, and quite possibly the most boring & lifeless villain to ever grace the movie screen under the Disney name.

Take our hero, Milo Thatch. As much as I like Michael J. Fox, even he couldn't save this dimwitted leading role. By the time this bumbling idiot actually makes it to the submarine-boarding scene, I had completely lost my give-a-damn as far as what happens to him or his comrads. Granted, Disney *tried* to make us like these characters by doing a decent job of telling their backstory, what their occupation was, and why they were needed for this expedition. But the characters are just put together so awfully, drawn so horribly, that it's really hard to like or care about them the way we do of other roles in Disney classics.

Moving on to our villain. The villain is such an important role in any Disney animated film. What does Atlantis have? A dull, middle-aged man with no personality and easily the worst one-liners ever. "I love it when I win." Really?? That's the best you can come up with, Commander Rourke? I've heard more intense banter coming from 3rd graders after a tug-a-war. Then you have Rourke's 2nd in command who is like an evil Jessica Rabbit of sorts. At least she was somewhat of an interesting character, which is more than can be said about the rest of this cast.
Rourke would have been better off as a villain in a live-action film. But he was WAY too lifeless for a Disney animated feature. Had Rourke been in a live-action film of some kind, he would be a decent bad guy; the way he leads his forces to attack an innocent civilization and...

Son of a gun, James Cameron, you also ripped off Atlantis? (Seriously, watch Avatar and tell me the villain isn't Commander Rourke from Atlantis).

Disney had so much opportunity to go further with this story than they did, but instead, it fell flat when it should have leaped. Hate the film? I wouldn't go that far. But I certainly would not want to re-live that hour+ of what I felt to be a major letdown.

As much as I love Disney animation, that summer belonged to Dreamwork's Shrek. There was no way this "Titan A.E. meets 20K" could compete with the Ogre. Nice try, Disney, but giant robot lobsters and blue crystal people really aren't your thing. Just my two-cents worth.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Not to mention none of them are out on blu-ray.

Atlantis and both Rescuers are coming to Blu-ray later this year. TP just did two days ago.

Atlantis got an amazing two-disc DVD in 2002* (back when Disney put effort into their home video releases) and TP's was pretty good in 2003. The Blu-ray retains most of the good stuff.

*or late 2001, I forget, it's been awhile.


Well-Known Member
Poorly-drawn characters (with square fingers)

Are pople still saying this 11 years later? I thought it was well known within Disney circles that they tried to catpure the style of the Hellboy comics and that's why the characters look they way they did? Guess not.

I haven't had the urge to watch this in years, it's hardly one of my all time favorites, but must every Disney cartoon character look the same?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Atlantis and both Rescuers are coming to Blu-ray later this year. TP just did two days ago.

Atlantis got an amazing two-disc DVD in 2002* (back when Disney put effort into their home video releases) and TP's was pretty good in 2003. The Blu-ray retaions most of the good stuff.

*or late 2001, I forget, it's been awhile.

Yeah, I have TP and ordered the blu ray as my Disney Movie Club feature selection lol! I suppose I'll wait for Atlantis on blu ray... Maybe.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It think the movie has some great characters and moments in it, but it also has some major flaws. I really like Doug Walker's review of it and I think its spot-on:

Thanks :-) The review made me want to watch it again... So I bought it on eBay... Not sure if that was what was supposed to happen. :confused:


Well-Known Member
I was five when I first saw it I love the movie maybe because I saw it on my first Disney world trip. Actually is the first thing I did at disney world

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