Where did the bug go? Happy Sweet 16 and the one time I get to stay longer Trip Report

Hi everyone! I've been delaying this TR for a while because I really miss Disney and I didn't feel like getting sad. Also I'm a senior in high school and I have to do school work and college applications and babysit every day and drivers ed my life is crazy! Also I on September 7th I got my gallbladder removed which didn't allow me to do much and I was too lazy to do anything. But anyway here's my trip report!
I did write a PTR and I'm way to lazy to find it :p Also, I didn't write down EVERYTHING so it isn't very detailed but I remember a lot of it. So sorry if its choppy

Thursday, August 22
This day originally wasn't a big day for me. I was supposed to stay home and do nothing and then Alison was supposed to sleepover but things changed last minute and I was left struggling to figure out where/what I was doing. I was worried about my doggies because I love them so much and they were staying home with the dog walker while we were there. I decided that I was going to sleepover my grandmas house since I was flying with them. My aunt came to pick me up about 630 and we went back to her place. Oh, also my parents left for Disney at 4pm that day so I was there to fend for myself! JKK! But yeah. So I went to my grandmas and I ate then I got really bored but I had one goal for that night. I had to finish my Syracuse Summer Assignment for my SUPA English class. I had NO desire to do the essay, all I wanted to go to bed so I could go to Disney. But no, I could not sleep at all! My aunt locked me in her room until I finished my essay, I was almost done with it but then I finished it and I was happy. Since I was done I texted my parents saying I missed them a lot and sent them MANY selfies. We decided to watch some disney movies but then I crashed. But I didn't really sleep because I was so excited I woke up every hour on the hour which was so annoying!

wahh so I can't figure out how to post pictures and I'm getting really annoyed! If anyone can tell me how to post pictures from photobucket I'd really appreciate it. I'm not going to continue unless I can put pictures! Thankss!


Well-Known Member
1 thats crazy that your 16 and a senior. also i feel your pain, i had my gullbladder out as well back in feb. cannot wait to read the rest of your report


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Thursday August 23- Travel Day
The day has finally arrived! Me, Allie, will FINALLY be in Disney World.
After a night of barely sleeping, I was sleep deprived and I woke up somewhat disheveled. My hair was a mess, I couldn't walk down the stairs because while watching the movies the night before I fell asleep on my aunts bed and of course since its her bed she wasn't going to not sleep in it, we fought over the covers all night. But when I woke up I was saying, "Why can't I blink my eyes and just be in Disney screw the whole waiting for the plane thing, it's just not happening?" But I knew I had to because I needed to go to DISNEY WORLD! While downstairs I complained a little to my grandma and then we were talking for a little. Then I decided to get the ball rolling and get dressed. I walked upstairs checked my phone because the alarm I set was going off, yes I was up before my alarm, which is a total shocker. I also had 3 texts and 2 pictures. 2 texts from my mommy because she was worried I was going to be a pain and not wake up and a picture from her and 1 text and selfie from Alison saying how pumped she was. Everyone got dressed, loaded the car and we were on our way to my house. Once we got to my house I was excited to see my puppies before I left. My puppies are my babies, they mean everything to me and I was extremely sad to say bye to them, god help me when I go to college! But they haven't eaten and weren't their perky selves which made me EXTREMELY depressed. But they peed and did whatever I said my goodbye to them as I cried, yes I cried over my doggies.

Little side note, my dogs names are Lady and Tramp, you can see my love of Disney just from that!
That's Tramp!

This is Lady!

Instead of my dogs coming with me, my pillow pet came with me

While I was inside, Alison came! YAYY we are even closer to Disney. I went outside said Hi to her and her mom and ran back inside to grab a Fiber one bar because I'm that person who can't not eat in the morning even though we were going to eat in the airport. So I said my last goodbyes to my dogs and we got in the car and were on our way to the airport! We got to the airport dropped the car off and my grandpa and aunt checked their luggage and we were on our way. While waiting inline of course the police and dog searchers came, yippie to get me more nervous. We finally finish the line before the line and my grandpa show his idea which his army license and they're like "Come with us!" I was like OMG what did we do wrong crap. But we bipassed the line and went right through surgery. We then decided to find the terminal then we went and got food. We had a lot of time to kill because we finished security really early. They finally called the plane and we went on first because of my grandpas medical issues. Not complaining tho. I did nothing special on the plane, I slept a little but I didn't know I slept, it was weird, I listened to some music and wrote my college essay. But we did have a VERY bumpy ride we hit turbulence a few time WE HIT 'TURBULENCE' sorry song reference. But finally I heard the announcement 'we will be landing in Orlando International Airport in 5 minutes" I got sooo super dupper excited! We landed YAYYY

The Plane

While on the plane


First Florida Picture

Lol hi grandpa!

Once we got to the airport we got in the monorail, love that thing! We got the luggage and rental car and hit the road Jack! So excited to go to Disney.


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I FINALLY figured out how to post pictures! I'm a happy girl right now! Right along with this report, which I hope people are reading, if not I'm doing this for myself which is just sad! So if you are thank you!

Alright August 23 continuation......
While in the car, the excitement kept building! I am ALMOST in Disney World. To make the time pass quicker Alison and I were sending selfies to a bunch of kids we know from school.

Aren't we lovely?!

I finally saw the sign, the sign that made me EXTREMELY happy!

I AM IN DISNEY WORLD. We arrived about 630ish and now since I was with my grandparents and starving, we had to meet my parents at some point. So we decided that we would meet my parents at the Shades of Green, where my grandparents were staying. I was in awe as we were driving through I was on cloud 9!
Then I saw this sign, my favorite sign!

We drove through to the resort and pulled up to the main building at the Shades of Green. I then saw some people I knew, my parents and siblings!

Personality shot!!

We walked in and sat down in the lobby while my grandparents signed in. We went down to my grandparents room and I threw my stuff down and we went to dinner at the buffet there. I don't remember the name of the place tho :/ But we eat there quite often it's pretty cheap and good food.
It was carnival night! I don't remember what I ate because I was very limited as per doctors orders, even though I really didn't listen. I think I had a baked potato and roasted chicken.
After finished eating we noticed they had balloon art people, I guess that's what they're called? I dont know but we all got stuff. I got a crown

And Alison told them to surprise her and I thought I got a picture of it but I can't find it but she got a rolling stones tongue! It was so funny. We then walked back buy our park tickets while my dad did that I went back to my grandparents room to get my stuff. When I got back up it was time to go. We were gonna go to the Polynesian for a little and look around

While walking out to the car, I saw these 2 guys being not so appropriate!

Apparently the only picture I took! We looked around for a little and then we decided to go back to our hotel. The Art of Animation!
Sorry it's blurry

We were already checked in, my parents did it earlier. So we went right to the room. Apparently I didn't take pictures of the room but I know my mom did, I just have to get her pictures. We got back to the room and Alison and I decided to walk around explore.











We didn't make it over to the Cars portion. We did go inside and the food court and store which were beautiful! We made friends with another Alison while in the store, all the co-workers there were SOOO super nice! We also chatted with some lifeguards about the pool and stuff. We asked if there were no lifeguards on duty and we can still go swimming they said Yes we are paying to use the pool we can do whatever we want and cant get in trouble.
Alison and I then decided to go swimming We went back to the room told my parents we were gonna go swimming and we then looked at the clock and it was 1130. Hakuna Matata (instead of YOLO!) We went down and I was shocked that there were so many kids! But we swam for a little and it was so cold o we decided to go back to our room, shower and go to bed since we had to get up early the next day.


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Friday August 24- First day in the Parks

The was we ended up sleeping that night was weird, and my parents were extremely confused when they found us. So it was about 8am when we were all woken up by my parents singing The Circle of Life (highly embarrassing might I add!!) We were supposed to meet my grandparents and aunt at Animal Kingdom at 830 so we can all activate our tickets and my grandparents can go to their reservation at Restaurantasourus. But clearly that was not going to happen with 2 teenage girls that have to get ready, and one of them who is NOT a morning person (ME). But we actually moved quickly and made it there by 845, not too shabby. We parked in Unicorn, which was good! We met up with my grandparents who weren't even there yet!! We activated our tickets and we were on our way!!

happy birthday to me!!





We went through the cast member entrance, because my dad was a cast member at the time but he recently had to quit due too his new job :( . But we went through and realized 'oh wait, the park isn't even open yet!! So we ate the breakfast we brought and then the park opened! Alison, Meg (my sister) and I decided to ditch my parents and brother and do some 'big girl' things! My sister is 7 and wants to do everything I do. While walking do go to Everest, we saw Doug and Russell! And we got our picture with them. I can't find the picture right now which is frustraiting.But they were super cute and nice!! So we decided let's go do Mt. Everest. This was going to be her first ever big girl roller coaster, she was extremely nervous while going through the queue. Then it was are turn to go into the car, needless to say she was extremely scared the whole time and will not be going on it for a while! But I was super proud of her for doing it! We then decided oh let's meet up with my parents. But then Meg said she wanted to go on Kali River Rapids, there was NO line whatso ever. So we rode 3 times and she LOVED it. I was glad she liked it after not liking Everest.


My aunt then called me and confused me, they said that they were out of breakfast and going to the Lion King. I for some reason assumed my parents were with them but they weren't and I went all the way over there for no reason. But I dropped my sister off with them and met my parents over in Dinoland. When we decided to go over to the safari. We had a good time on it! After we finished we met up with my sister and grandparents and aunt back in Dinorama. Where Ash (my aunt), Alison, Meg and I decided to do the Triceratop Spin and Primevil Whirl. NEVER AGAIN will I be doing primevil whirl, I got sooo sick on it and that never happened before. I guess I'm getting old :/

Ash hadn't riden Everest at all that day so we decided that we'd walk over there and go on the ride. But of course as soon as we walked over there, the ride was closed. I felt bad for her since she wasn't able to go on it. We met back up with the family and then my dad, mom, Alison and I decided to go on Dinosaur. We left my siblings with my grandparents and went on. I've wanted to go on this ride for a very long time, but as we kept getting closer and closer I kept getting extremely nervous. Needless to say, I kept my eyes closed and covered the whole time. GREAT RIDE GUYS :p but yeah I kinda want to go on it again but I dont know! The picture came out extremely funny! But we didn't get it.



We then decided to leave the park and go over to Hollywood Studios because my dad wanted to eat at the Backlot Express. This was the longest we've ever stayed at Animal Kingdom and we actually had a good time! Animal Kingdom is are least favorite park due to the heat and not too much to do. But we had a great time!

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