Hi everyone! I've been delaying this TR for a while because I really miss Disney and I didn't feel like getting sad. Also I'm a senior in high school and I have to do school work and college applications and babysit every day and drivers ed my life is crazy! Also I on September 7th I got my gallbladder removed which didn't allow me to do much and I was too lazy to do anything. But anyway here's my trip report!
I did write a PTR and I'm way to lazy to find it
Also, I didn't write down EVERYTHING so it isn't very detailed but I remember a lot of it. So sorry if its choppy
Thursday, August 22
This day originally wasn't a big day for me. I was supposed to stay home and do nothing and then Alison was supposed to sleepover but things changed last minute and I was left struggling to figure out where/what I was doing. I was worried about my doggies because I love them so much and they were staying home with the dog walker while we were there. I decided that I was going to sleepover my grandmas house since I was flying with them. My aunt came to pick me up about 630 and we went back to her place. Oh, also my parents left for Disney at 4pm that day so I was there to fend for myself! JKK! But yeah. So I went to my grandmas and I ate then I got really bored but I had one goal for that night. I had to finish my Syracuse Summer Assignment for my SUPA English class. I had NO desire to do the essay, all I wanted to go to bed so I could go to Disney. But no, I could not sleep at all! My aunt locked me in her room until I finished my essay, I was almost done with it but then I finished it and I was happy. Since I was done I texted my parents saying I missed them a lot and sent them MANY selfies. We decided to watch some disney movies but then I crashed. But I didn't really sleep because I was so excited I woke up every hour on the hour which was so annoying!
wahh so I can't figure out how to post pictures and I'm getting really annoyed! If anyone can tell me how to post pictures from photobucket I'd really appreciate it. I'm not going to continue unless I can put pictures! Thankss!
I did write a PTR and I'm way to lazy to find it

Thursday, August 22
This day originally wasn't a big day for me. I was supposed to stay home and do nothing and then Alison was supposed to sleepover but things changed last minute and I was left struggling to figure out where/what I was doing. I was worried about my doggies because I love them so much and they were staying home with the dog walker while we were there. I decided that I was going to sleepover my grandmas house since I was flying with them. My aunt came to pick me up about 630 and we went back to her place. Oh, also my parents left for Disney at 4pm that day so I was there to fend for myself! JKK! But yeah. So I went to my grandmas and I ate then I got really bored but I had one goal for that night. I had to finish my Syracuse Summer Assignment for my SUPA English class. I had NO desire to do the essay, all I wanted to go to bed so I could go to Disney. But no, I could not sleep at all! My aunt locked me in her room until I finished my essay, I was almost done with it but then I finished it and I was happy. Since I was done I texted my parents saying I missed them a lot and sent them MANY selfies. We decided to watch some disney movies but then I crashed. But I didn't really sleep because I was so excited I woke up every hour on the hour which was so annoying!
wahh so I can't figure out how to post pictures and I'm getting really annoyed! If anyone can tell me how to post pictures from photobucket I'd really appreciate it. I'm not going to continue unless I can put pictures! Thankss!