What's the first thing you do?


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When you get to Walt Disney World whats the first thing you do?
Whats the first park you like to go to?

I love to have the WDW TV channel on while unpacking.

I still like to visit the parks in order
Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Studios, Animal Kingdom


New Member
You know, as much as I have seen the WDW TV tour, the DVC preview, and the Disney Cruise Line Channel, we still watch them when we arrive at a hotel, even though we have most of them memorized.

As far as Parks

AK - Kilamanjaro Safaris - have to do this first thing in the morning.

MGM - RnRC, TOT, or Millionaire

EC - Test Track - nobrainer because of the lines

MK - Whatever we want. One time we waited to ride Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain until the last thing - we waited 10 min for Splash and rode BTMRR 3 times in a row.

DisneyQuest - Pirates

Pleasure Island - The Comedy Warehouse

BB - The Summit Plummet - if the wife allows me to, if not the family goes on Teamboat Springs

TL - The huge wave pool.


Look at the big gate welcoming you to WDW and immediately get a huge, goofy grin on my face... somethimes there's hooting... occasionally hollering. :lol:

Usually, I try to go to Epcot first... One year my folks and I (going to the Disney PArks is the only thing the three of us really do together anymore, other than hollidays :lol: )wanted to get candlelight processional dinner packages, but they were all sold out for that day. So, we bought a package for the next day, jumped on the monorail and headed to the MK.
Plus, we do a lot of park hopping, because we have passes. But, as for what we like to do first in the parks... well ... can you say FastPass?

MK -- Space Mountain (we usually just ride big Thuinder and SM later at night, when the lines are a lot shorter)

Disney Studios (which I have decided to start calling it now in preperation for when it's official) -- FastPass RNRC, ride ToT, ride RNRC, then whatever we feel like.

Epcot -- FastPass TT and ride UoE... ride whatever else in whatever order.

AK -- uh... hm. Not sure... it varies. We try to do the Safarris before it gets too hot.


Well-Known Member
I always follow this schedule usually.

Day 1: I unpack, go to DD and Board Walk
Day 2: Go to Universal usually
Day 3: 'Break day'. I go to DD, Boardwalk, usually some place off Disney property, and in the morning I ALWAYS go to get beinghets, if that's how you spell them [they're French doughnuts] at Port Orleans French Quarter
Day 4: Go to the parks in order, AK- ride Kilimanjaro and then Dinosaur, MGM- ride ToT RnRC and some other things I wanna do, MK- ride a bunch of stuff [I usually leave around 2-3PM or so], EPCOT- go through Future World, MK again- just to eat at Peco's Bills [I LOVE that place], EPCOT again- I go aound WS and watch Illuminations, then go to the room
Day 5: Go home [but not before beinghets!]
I know, I don't have an AP but, hey. I like 'the ways' as I call the schedule, :D


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by jrashadb
Look at the big gate welcoming you to WDW and immediately get a huge, goofy grin on my face... somethimes there's hooting... occasionally hollering. :lol:

Me too! (though without the hooting and hollering) That's the moment. After that, it's the Loooooooooong check-in line. We usually go in early December, and the Christmas tree and all the other sights and sounds get me going.

As for parks, we usually go to MK first and ride the train to toontown.


Well-Known Member
I always try to do my schedule different every time I go, just to try something I haven't before. I do usually go straight to ToT at MGM, but I would love to just linger around Hollywood Boulevard for a while just to see what surprises might happen.


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If I'm staying in a new place, I like to get my bags put in my room then check out the place for a little while or until the rest of my party is ready to get our tickets and hit the Magic Kingdom. That's always the first stop on our trip.


Active Member
We usually (unfortunately, since we drive all nite) arrive too early to actually go to our room, so we go to the first park that a bus arrives to take us! :lol:


New Member
When my family and I go to WDW, the first thing we usually do is go to the Magic Kingdom. I just love walking down Main Street and taking in the atmosphere. It still has a magical quality even though I'm 23 now. Then we always head straight for Adventureland and Pirates.

At Epcot, we usually fast pass Test Track and then go to Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

MGM is always straight to RnR Coaster to get a FP and then ride ToT.

Animal Kingdom is either Kilimanjaro Safaris or Dinosaur.

This is my first post. Thanks for listening.



Yeah, Main Street does have a certain quality about it. Just going there and hanging out is pretty cool. But, I agree with you about Pirates... it's usually one of the first five things we go on too.

Big Pooh

New Member
We go to MK at opening, walk down Main St, hopefully while it's empty(I just LOVE off-season:D ), ride TTA, so I'll KNOW I'm at Disney World, Ride Space Mtn. to make sure I'm completely awake :animwink: and then take the Monorail to Epcot, where we spend to the rest of our 1st day.

I just don't feel like I'm at Disney World until I depart Rocket Tower Plaza. :)

Cheers :wave:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
If it were my good lady the first thing she does when she goes ANYWHERE is visit the loo. Damn annoying when your at the head of the Q at park opening.


New Member
My oppinion, the first day/night is always the best for me. There is just so much excitment and anticipation. When I go with my family we always get a late morning or noon time flight to Disney and by time we actualy get on property it is two or three o'clock, too late to waste a day at the parks. This is the day we get to do everything else we won't get to do on the fun filled days ahead :animwink: . So on the first day whats better then taking a swim in the pool, relaxing in the sun, go to downtown disney, and riding in the monorail. Then once we take a few laps in the monorail and complete a few of the listed activities its time for a character dinner at chef mickey's or 1900 park in fair then afterwards we watch the Fantasy in the Sky Fire works. Nothing better then starting off your Disney vacation.


New Member
Since I live in Miami, WDW is only a four hour drive.
We first check in to the resort, park the car and catch the bus to MK. I just love getting there as early as possible, so we try to leave Miami around 5am :eek:

When we go through the enterance at MK the first thing that hits me is the smell of popcorn from the vendor near main street, this is always the herald for me that we have arrived at last. :lol:


New Member
The first day we are in WDW we always go to MK and head immediately back to the Haunted Mansion. Then we get popcorn and a water and wander around for a while and go on whatever catches our eye :)


Well-Known Member
No matter what we do when we first get there, we always seem to walk around in a happy daze saying "We were in Detroit this moring, and we're really at WDW!!!!" We always check out the resort and or pool. If we don't go to a Park we go to DTW or resort hop to look around and ride the monorail.

Nothing beats that just got to WDW feeling and we got a whole week to enjoy it. (also because we always take our trip in winter and the weather is always much nicer at WDW, just escaping winter for a week.)

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