whats the best park?


Well-Known Member
Well, when I was there last the Magic Kingdom was busiest. This, to me at least, usually seems to be the case. Although Animal Kingdom and MGM can both seem ‘shoulder to shoulder’ sometimes, I rarely encounter crowds there like I do at the Magic Kingdom. As for my favorite park, it always has been EPCOT. Ever since my fist trip to WDW, I’ve been a nut for EPCOT. I honestly can’t explain it, but there’s just something about it that appeals to me so much more than the other parks.
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Well-Known Member
The more I visit Disney, the more I enjoy Epcot. Especially World Showcase. Once you have done all the attractions it is really nice to just strol around the different countries - you start finding your favorite spots and favorite foods and shops - it's more than just the rides - it's actually taking you someplace else.

My favorite spots are the Japan pavillion, and eploring Morroco. France can be cool, too - there's a great pattiserie and if you look to the right of the pavillion there is a nice quiet garden. Or if it is not illuminations time, just over the bridge to the UK there is a nice likke spot by the watter that is away from the crowds.
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New Member
I always find MK to be the busiest, but that can be an illusion for one main reason. MK is 1/2 the size of EPCOT and AK is even bigger than EPCOT. MGM is also bigger that MK. MK just seems to be so crowded because of how much room there is to move around in. EPCOT may have the same or more people at times but they are much more spread out. As for me, i really enjoy MGM. The whole "Old Hollywood" theme really gets me going!:hammer:
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New Member
I agree with Cloudboy on EPCOT, yet the Magic Kingdom will ALWAYS be the top dog in my book.

the Magic Kingdom to me seem to be the busiest when I am there.
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New Member
IMHO, Epcot is definitely the best--just the right mixture of education, thrill rides, slower rides, and just plain good times. Esp. love the World Showcase & Imagination. MGM & AK are cool, but there's just not nearly as much to do there.

And MK is definitely the busiest, because to most people, THAT is Disney. I cannot tell you how many people I directed "to the monorail that takes us to Disney." :lol:
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New Member
For me EPCOT is the best park. I enjoy the rides at Future World, and strolling through the countries with the music and shows that are there. I love eating in the World Showcase, and having drinks at the Rose Crown Pub.

The Magic Kingdom is the most croweded to me. Part of it is the layout of the park, some of it has to do with the size and the attractions.
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New Member
Wow, lot of EPCOT votes.

For me, it's impossible to say. If I had to get rid of one park, it would be AK... but as things progress, it looks like that is harder to say.

I think my overall happiness with each park is a tribute to Disney's distributing attractions well throughout all four.
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Well-Known Member
My vote is for Animal Kingdom. I really enjoy this park. Definitley one to take a stroll and just sort of take in the atmosphere. Although, I have to admit that Epcot is a close second.
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Active Member
My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. It started it all. It was the only park there when I went as a kid in the 70's. So, the MK has a special place in my heart. As an adult, or a child or kid in an adult frumpy old body, I learned to be taken in with Epcot. It is amazing and different and new everytime I vist. It is an "old" persons park. And I'm proud to say I love it! And if anyone wants to know I think AK is the worse. Too hot and over crowed!
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