It all goes back to draining the creative decisions from the creative people and puttting them totally in the hands of "strategic planners." Read that section in . I know people have little tolerance sometimes for towing Roy's line, but he is exactly right here.
The company has begun to put many creative decisions (like which movies to be made or greenlighted) into the hands of strategic planners (i.e., decision by committee) and executives by too large a margin. Yes, it is a business and businesspeople must review and approve budgets and other things, but the genesis of the idea is best coming from artists themselves.
The idea to make "Country Bears" and the other theme park rides was a prime example of decision by committee. Sometimes the committee hits it right ("Pirates"), but many times creative decisions made by committee are just not creative, or are out of touch ("Country Bears"). But most of all, decisions made by committee overall are guaranteed to average out. And average is NOT what serves the creative world the best.
The strategic planners and MBAs in the company, like Roy O., should work in partnership and SUPPORT of the creative side, like Walt. That makes a creative business team, but not a creative movie....
The creative movie will only come when its genesis really comes from creative people or ideas, BEFORE the marketing. Marketing should not be first.