Storm Rider
Storm Rider
(Kuka robotic arm)
You are a world-renowed scientist who has been invited to ride the new "Storm Rider." This vehicle is suppose to help evacuate city's during real storms. Your testing it to see if it will hold up. You'll go through a twister, hurricane, __blizzard, and nor'easter. Will you be able to ride the storm?
Queue: You enter under a large marquee which is where the main entranc for WOL was. Outside portion of the queue has bent palm trees that have survived hurricanes. Once inside you'll see a sign reading "Welcome to the Epcot Weather Protection Centre" funding by State Farm. Then you enter the first room that goes around the center (like Dinosaur). This room explains about Tornados. In the center every 15 minutes a Tornado comes down and guest can feel the winds. While the tornado isn't running there are screens on the outside of the screen (like where the murals for Dinosaur are) that explain about different Tornados and their effects. Then the next room is filled switchbacks. This the Hurricane room. Here there's screens on the rails that tell guest about their powers. And then finally your ushered into a pre show room.__
Pre Show: James Harris welcomes you to the Epcot Weather Protection Centre. He explains we are here today to test their newest invention, The Storm Rider. It is designed to evacuate areas that are about to be hit with a major storm without any injuries. He explains we be put through 4 different types of disasters. A tornado, hurricane, nor'easter, and blizzard.__
Then your lead to you Storm Runner. 4 sit in each.__
Ride: First you see a screen where James Harris says, "It's time to ride the storm." Then you rider elevates in then you sit in front of a screen. A twister is approaching on the screen. It gets here, you back up and leave the screen and go to see it live action and the damage it's causing. You then rotate 180 to see a neighborhood being destroyed as you ride along. The winds are destroying each house and animals are flying around. Then a house comes falling from the sky and you just miss it by being put on your back. You then spin around 360 and go through a waterfall. It begins to rain and the winds are high as you brave a category 5 hurricane. Palms are swaying houses are being destoryed as you ride around the area. Then you spin again and are in front of a screen, it begins to down pour and you leave the screen. You go through a house and see the rains effects on the house. And then your put on your back again and see the eye and how clear everything is. But then you leave it and are in the middle of a huge down pour. Finally everything goes dark again. Snow begins to fall everywhere as you brave a harsh blizzard in 20 inch snow. It is 30 degrees F in thi portion. __Your rider becomes stuck for a minute as you see animals trying to leave and humas locking up their houses. Then you start moving again as snow is coming everywhere. Then you spin around again and are in the middle of a nor'easter. Your getting drenched with this heavy rain. You crash through a house and see the house is half-flooded __as your rider tries to find a way out. You crash through the back and get thrown around. Finally your back at the center as the center thanks you. 7 min ride.