WDW Tiki Room?


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Last November, on my last trip to WDW, I was horribly dissapointed when I saw that the Enchanted Tiki Room, long time favorite of mine, had come "Under New Management". The show is totally ruined and can not hold a candle to the pleasant little show it displaces. Today I looked at the Disneyland web site and realized that the Tiki Room there has not been mollested. Does anyone know if the new ETR is popular and if its not is there any chance that the old one could be brought back?


New Member
I don't think it's real popular because it still closes early off season -- I don't know about in the summer.

For those of us who like the old Tiki room, it IS a disappointment. But for those who never saw the old one, especially younger people, they'll never know what they missed.

I hated the new version the first time I saw it, but when I went back again knowing what to expect I found it entertaining. We just can't go back to a lot of things, can we?


New Member
I don't really see what the problem is. I enjoyed both versions. In fact the new version seems more polished than the old version.


Well-Known Member
Personally the first time I saw the new version I thought it was extremely cheesy! I didn't like that much at all. I still got a few laughs but I don't think it's even close to the old version.


I like it....
I think its much better than the previous one... I thought the old one was getting really lame... although not everyone in my family agrees with me.. :eek:


New Member
Originally posted by Katherine
Personally the first time I saw the new version I thought it was extremely cheesy!

It is the cheesiest show I have ever seen, but that's what makes it so funny! I couldn't stop laughing. I guess there is just something funny about a bird singing latin music.


I liked the old version, so I wasn't sure about the new one. Turns out it took the charm of the old and spiced it up for a more modern audience. While I don't normally approve of the changes Disney brings aout to the classics, this one was not bad. It actually pays homage to the old attraction if you pay attention.


Well-Known Member
I think it's pretty funny how the lyrics to the new song points to the very thing we are discussing here.

The whole song deals about the debate that we ALWAYS have concerning old nostalgic shows and animatronics meeting modern "hip" technology.

The song they put together is very true!

CT : - )


New Member
I have seen both shows. They first one was good for a long time. Give the new show a chance. I'm sure in a few years there will be a new one.:lol:


New Member
I find the new version to be totally cheesy, but funny (actually, the cheesiness is what makes it funny). I miss the old version, but the new one is good too.

General Grizz

New Member
I must strongly agree. The New Enchanted Tiki Room is one of the most personally insulting refurbishments I've seen in the 31-year history at WDW. Ya know, Walt took great pride in this huge feat. Now we have these two hosts criticizing Walt's creations? Sure, new technology could have been added...but there are several weaknesses to this new show:

(1) Storyline
Okay; it's about new management. However, there isn't TOO MUCH of a show...it kinda leaves one hanging. It does tell the story of how the Tiki Room changed (incompletely for those who haven't seen the original classic), and leaves us hanging...that's basically it. As for the small "show elements"...

(2) Material
The show elements are most out-of-fit. A disco ball with 50s music...rap music...in Adventureland? It seems like too much modern intrusion in the incorrect place. I prefer the originality...not something one can regularly hear on a radio...where it fits better. :rolleyes:

(3) Original Fans
We're basically booted out. The material and essence of the show has essentially changed; and our liking is actually criticized. In fact, audiences are dwindling down once again, as hours are being reduced. While it's great marketing to have Zazu and Iago in there doesn't mean it's the right thing to totally discombobulate the entire attraction as a ridicule of the original. The style and spirit is changed; and just like it's been with Kitchen Kabaret - quicker show and less quality in it...

Okay; lots of people like the new one. But so many (the ones who enjoyed the orignal) are now inbalanced. This is where the idea of balance comes into play...and very delicate subject matter. In order for a great refurbishment to be in effect, the original spirit should be technologically advanced and what not...brought to new levels; as various interests of other groups are put in, while the attraction is still in spirit and loyal to its loyal fans. Basically...compromise.

Anyways...that's that... DL's seems to have great crowds; going under refurbishment this Summer for touchups. I have heard pretty scary rumors...*sigh*


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I must strongly agree. The New Enchanted Tiki Room is one of the most personally insulting refurbishments I've seen in the 31-year history at WDW. Ya know, Walt took great pride in this huge feat. Now we have these two hosts criticizing Walt's creations? Sure, new technology could have been added...but there are several weaknesses to this new show:

(1) Storyline
Okay; it's about new management. However, there isn't TOO MUCH of a show...it kinda leaves one hanging. It does tell the story of how the Tiki Room changed (incompletely for those who haven't seen the original classic), and leaves us hanging...that's basically it. As for the small "show elements"...

(2) Material
The show elements are most out-of-fit. A disco ball with 50s music...rap music...in Adventureland? It seems like too much modern intrusion in the incorrect place. I prefer the originality...not something one can regularly hear on a radio...where it fits better. :rolleyes:

(3) Original Fans
We're basically booted out. The material and essence of the show has essentially changed; and our liking is actually criticized. In fact, audiences are dwindling down once again, as hours are being reduced. While it's great marketing to have Zazu and Iago in there doesn't mean it's the right thing to totally discombobulate the entire attraction as a ridicule of the original. The style and spirit is changed; and just like it's been with Kitchen Kabaret - quicker show and less quality in it...

Okay; lots of people like the new one. But so many (the ones who enjoyed the orignal) are now inbalanced. This is where the idea of balance comes into play...and very delicate subject matter. In order for a great refurbishment to be in effect, the original spirit should be technologically advanced and what not...brought to new levels; as various interests of other groups are put in, while the attraction is still in spirit and loyal to its loyal fans. Basically...compromise.

Anyways...that's that... DL's seems to have great crowds; going under refurbishment this Summer for touchups. I have heard pretty scary rumors...*sigh*

Grizz, a few things to consider: First of all, the original show was INCREDIBLY dated. They used old stereotypes and presented things in a sort of lounge atmosphere that was modern at the time the attraction was created but today is about as dated as Leave it to Beaver. That alone is a sad but true fact.

I imagine when the idea to update this attraction was being considered, replacement with something else was probably also a thought. Sadly, the last few times I saw the original show it was in a half empty “theater” and many people left before the end. The simple charm of animatronics isn’t what it used to be and the content offered absolutely NOTHING for any child that wasn’t a fan of Nick at Night. Also, you may have noticed how newer attractions tend to be shorter than the older ones. Studies have shown that guests would rather spend less time in individual attractions and go through more attractions during the course of the day. Personally, I don’t feel this way myself (but that may have to do with me having an annual pass which allows me to make slower paced trips through the parks than most) but Disney’s consideration of this change in the public’s taste is evident with some of the changes that older attractions like the Tiki Room, WoM, JIM and others have gone through after refurbishment/replacement.

With all that being said, I think we should consider ourselves lucky to have anything of the Tiki Room at all. They found a way to incorporate new characters that younger audiences can appreciate and relate to while at least paying a little homage to the original attraction.

You know what’s funny? We always talk about how they should keep all of Walt’s original stuff and so on but do you honestly think if Walt were still around, he would keep half the old stuff the way it was? He’d have probably gutted a good number of the original attractions a few times over if he were around to do so… Times change and as much as we hate to see it, sometimes the tastes of the public change in ways we don’t agree with. I mean, how many people do you really think were sorry to see Horizons go? Every time I’ve been on it for just about as long as I can remember, it was a walk-on-attraction. They went through and showed older visions of the future and during the second decade that it operated in, the current future was outdated. Don’t get me wrong, I wish they could have kept it as well but I’m sure that guest satisfaction with its replacement will far outweigh complaints over its removal. I mean, that’s what happened with WOM, right?


New Member
Tikki Birds = something to do when its really hot and crowded because there is air conditioning and no line

Face it folks, the show stinks. They should replace it with one of those rides that spins you around really fast and makes you sick. Call it "Tarzan's Up Chuck Twirl"


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Some thoughts on this.....

First, you are right when you say that Walt would have gutted most of his "classics" by now. He said it himself that it would always be a work in process. Heck, look at all the rides that change and were deleted while he was still around:
1. Flying Saucers
2. Stage Coach Ride
3. Most of Tomorrow Land

Second, the old Tiki show was almost 20 minutes long. In its last days many people would give up and leave, not so bad at night, but during the day it was one heck of a show stopper to have the sun come blasting in.

Third, asking todays audience to appreciate the same thing that one of 40 years ago did, is asking a bit much. They have kept many of the same elements of the old show, the tiki chant, the singing flowers and birds, and have mixed it up to be short, enjoyable and funny.

Fourth, face it, the old will always make way for the new at WDW. The only thing you can count on is change. Go often and enjoy things while they last, as new things come learn to love them, just like the kid next to you is.


Well-Known Member
I can not remember the old version. But when I went down to Disney last month, i must say that I enjoyed the Tiki room. It was entertaining and fun in my opinion.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

Grizz, a few things to consider: First of all, the original show was INCREDIBLY dated. They used old stereotypes and presented things in a sort of lounge atmosphere that was modern at the time the attraction was created but today is about as dated as Leave it to Beaver. That alone is a sad but true fact...(etc.)

Mr. P - I agree with you. However, my point was mainly...is this the extent of a change? I wouldn't mind a change...as long as major technological advancements took place...a new Tiki Room for a whole new generation. However, the new generation still has members from the previous...so that's where the conflict comes in.

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