WDW CP and drop outs


Original Poster
My daughter has just been accepted in the program. I'm worried she won't finish college. This is her freshman year, I'd like her to finish through sophomore year before going. Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
If I get accepted, it will also be my freshman year that I go. There is no doubt that I will come back to college. I know that I want my degree enough so that I can go back for trips. Plus, if she likes it THAT much down there, she could always go to college down there. Or, you could stop paying for everything unless she's in college. That'll do the trick. :) What I'm saying is, don't worry to much. :D


New Member
have known a couple of people who have dropped out and stayed at disney. they don't like it as much for now they have to worry about bills, rent, and stuff. it all depends on the person. i believe that after your program you must leave and get back to the real world. after living in the world of fantasy for so long your mind gets clouded and it's hard to see real picture. talk to your daughter about your concern, maybe she has every intention to come back to school and finish.


New Member
Well here's the deal coming strait from someone it happened to. I wanted to do the wdwcp SOOOOOOO bad ever since I was in 8th grade! I lived for this practically, but when I got to college, my parents were afraid that if I went right away I would not finish school...so I had to wait...and wait...and wait, until I got so sick of waiting and new my heart belonged somewhere else, and I quit school on my own. Well, not so much quit, there were a few other things that contributed to my not going back. I finished the semester, but never had the intentions on going back. I still don't. I am going to a technical school now for early childhood development...but that is not what my intended major was. I can always go back someday If I truly want to, but as of now, I am a resident actress at 2 dinner theatres and do lots of singing for random shows and events. (that is what really contributed to my leaving school) ...I suggest letting her go now, I bet she will love it for her time there, but will be ready to come back! I am sure that would have been my case and things would be a lot different, but I guess you just never know...good luck! :)


New Member

I went after my fall semester of my sophomore year. I went to the 2 presentations during my freshman year, but didn't interview. I wish I had sooner.

Not only did it help me decide that I want to work in a business, preferably hospitality, but gave me a needed break from school.

Doing the college program opens many doors within the company from seasonal work, to repeat programs, and advanced internships (major specific opportunities).

I think that doing the college program now will be good for your daughter. I came back from my internship focused on school not because I wasn't before, but just the experience made me ready to get out and have a job after college (preferably at WDW).

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me or PM me.



Well-Known Member
My parents were afraid of the same thing, and I applied and got accepted two times before and didn't go. It sucked to have to turn them down. But, now all I have left is an internship, so I'm going next semester to do that. They were probably right not to want me to go. This is a better time for me to do it. It will all work out. :)


New Member
cp dropouts

Hey Bob,

I just finished my college program this past spring. I went in my Junior year and my parents had the same fear i wouldn't go back to school. I actually thought about it for quite some time while i was down there because i wasn't sure about majors and i hated my college i went to. But after talking to managers over the 4 months i was there, they made me realize i needed to finish school so i could go back down there for full time.

The college program focused me more than ever. I had the opportunity to talk to so many managers in a variety of different areas of experience and i realized that i loved Public Relations. After my 4 months, i transferred schools and chose a PR major and i'm extremely focused on graduating in Spring 2005 so i can head right back down to Florida.

Like Brent said, the College program gives you direction in what you want to do in life. YOu have the opportunity for networking, advanced internships and it gets you a foot in the door for future careers in WDW. I owe a lot of my place in life right now to the College Programs and my managers that made me focus on goals.



New Member
Let me tell you from experience: you shouldn't worry. :) I went into the program after my freshman year of college.

True, once in awhile it does happen, that kids drop out and stay at Disney. But it's not very common. Most of the people who stay either a) transfer to UCF, or b) are CPs who just graduated anyways.

My mom had exactly the same worry you did. In fact, she flat out told me I couldn't do it. But she kept making excuses like "You'll be behind" or "You're just doing this to get a vacation." She finally came out with the truth right before I got on a plane to go. In fact, to go, I had to flat out tell her that I was on my own, had my own money to get there, and was going whether she liked it or not. I'm not saying that was the best course of action for me to take, but it got my point across. It's funny, though, because I realized after I said that that she hadn't listened to anything I'd told her. I guess she heard that I'd have to take a semester off and then automatically said no and ignored everything else I said. :) So that's one thing I'd say, is definitely listen to her reasons for going, and any concerns/points she has about going. Don't tune them out just because you don't like the idea. :)

After I got to Disney (and I did go under my own money, for the most part... when my parents realized that I would really go through with it, they woke up a bit ans listened to what i had to say about the program, and even chipped in for nice traning clothes) they really seemed to realize that I knew what I was doing. They even perked up to the idea. And having a family member who works at Disney is a great way to get a cheap family vacation... take a trip to visit your daughter there, and take advantage of the Cast Member discounts! I added up how much I saved my parents when they visited, and it was $300+ dollars cheaper. So that's something to consider! ;)

I did end up staying for a second program, but I think by this time my parents had realized that I was still planning on going back to school. And I did!

As far as living away from home... if your daughter has been living in a dorm at school, than this is a good second step towards having her own place. You're responsible for working enough to pay your own rent, and you have to buy your own food instead of being on a meal plan. But it's not like living in a "real" apartment where you have to pay for utilities, and keep everything up yourself. It's like a middle step between a dorm and an apartment. A nice easy transition. :)

Career-wise, it helped me see what was out there. It's a great way to meet people, and get to know some of the people in the company and network! In fact, they make that a specific point of the program, and to that end hold a number of networking events with people from all aspects of the resort.

I also found a few interests while I was there that I never considered. I've never acted in a play since being a bit part in the 5th grade school play, but I did a program in entertainment and found that it was something I really loved. Since then, I've been interested in dance and drama. So it opens you up to new experiences! Who knows, she might find something new that she really likes and can continue when she's back at school. :)

Okay, I've been long-winded enough. But definitely don't say no just because you're afraid she won't finish college. Really listen to her side of it, and look at what else she might get out of it. :)


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