For Disneyland's 50th, will the overlay for Cinderella's Castle remain for a year? My next trip is possibly in Feb of 05, and next trip probably in feb or apr of 06. Since the celebration is in May of 05 I was wondering if I would miss it for my trip in 06. Hopefully they will keep it up like for WDW 25th, although take it down faster than they did that cake decoration [BTW no matter how much most of you hated that I still think that was a beautiful decoration, but dont take 3 years to take it down, i saw the castle pink the year after and still half pink the year after that.. :fork: ] anyway, the overlay prototype picture on looks wonderful and I really want to see it in person. IDK if its been mentioned but since for some reason Optimum Online Users (that I've talked to anyway) haven't been able to get to or the message board for about 3 months, it was quite depressing for me. Anyway thats a different topic and I may ask the owner about it... well ttyl :wave: