Was there ever a time when you did not appreciate Disney ?


Original Poster
Have you been Disney all your life, or have you been converted.

I've only seen the light recently within the past year, when we went to Florida last New Years (2005), i actully was not even looking forward to the Disney Parks, even when i was at the Disney parks i was looking forward to going to Universal and IOA more even though i had a great time at Disney as well. I was just all about the roller coasters, such as Hulk and DD.

It actully took this website (That i found a couple of weeks after i returned from Florida), for me too see the light, and too see the finer points of Disney, now im annoyed that i didnt take full advantage of Disney the last time i was there, and now i realise how much better WDW is than everywhere else, i'd take HM over The Hulk anyday now, and i doubt i would have said that at the start of the year :)

Anybody else a Disney Convert then.



Premium Member
Been going to Disney regularly since I was 7 months old. I've always loved it, and I love it more and more each time I go!


New Member
The first time I went, I went for my then 4 year old daughter. I was not into amusement parks and dreaded the one day a year my DH dragged me to one. I had never been to WDW. My DH said he couldn't decide who it was more fun to watch- my daughter or me. Now I get accused of being a Disney freak, but I tell him it's all his fault. :lol:


New Member
I used to live in FL and went to Disney frequently. However, not frequently enough. It was so close that we knew we could go when ever we wanted and therefore, didn't. It wasn't until we moved away that we started saying, 'why didn't we go more when we had the chance!'.


Well-Known Member
Disney has always been a part of my life. My nursery was decorated with a Bambi theme. When I was 4 years old, MK was still brand new and I got to go. The one thing that I remember was that I got blisters on my heels from my sandels and I was ticked off that I didn't get to meet Mickey Mouse. Flash forward.....my parents got divorced when I was 14 years old. My mother, who I have an intense dislike for, moved to FL to live with my grandmother. FL became a dirty word in my mind. They tried to lure me to come visit by offering to take me to Disney or find me a job at Disney. Disney too became a dirty word in my mind. Flash forward.....I am an adult with a life partner that just happens to live in FL when I met her on the net. We had plans to spend a week together in FL. I proposed to her in her grandmother's house in Ocala. While Gabby loved the ring and the way that I proposed, she was mad, because she had planned to take me to MK to propose to me later in the week. It's just as well that I proposed, because her grandma came up to the Ocala house during the time that we were going to be staying there......I still haven't met the grandma yet, but I hear that she is a doozie. lol So, we didn't make it to MK. Flash forward......2001, Gabby's mom has a heart attack. On one of the many visits that we make to FL that year, we stop in Orlando for a long weekend. We stayed offsite, but enjoyed a pre-season Braves game, La Nouba, and MGM. Disney is just fabulous in my mind! I can't wait to get back for more. So, in late 2002, we do a week. It is thus far the best vacation experience of my life. After admitting to Gabby that meeting Mickey Mouse was a priority for me, I manage to do so at Studio M at DTD and I cried like a baby. Thirty years worth of scarred 4 year old where wiped away with one hug from Mickey. We stayed at ASMu and just had a ball! So, in late 2003, we stayed onsite for over a week, Gabby was sick with a sinus infection and felt poopie the whole time, but it was still a great trip. Now, it's 2005 and our next trip is in December. It can't get here soon enough. We love Disney so much that we have a whole room for our collectables! Disney is as close to heaven as I can find on Earth. Disney is a big part of my life now. I hate it that it's going to be at least another couple of years until I can get back again, but I will survive. Maggie


New Member
I loved Disney as a kid...watched all the shows and movies. Then my love of Disney went into dormancy...to be revived when my oldest was 4 and we went to WDW.

Been going every year ever since.



Active Member
I have been going to WDW since age 6 and now 19 years later, I am still hooked. I went to DL for the first time in 2003 and liked it so much, that I returned in May 2005. I have always appreciated Disney, and while I don't always agree with decisions that have been made by the powers that be, I will continue to pay homage to Disney.


New Member
mickeysaver said:
Disney has always been a part of my life. My nursery was decorated with a Bambi theme. When I was 4 years old, MK was still brand new and I got to go. The one thing that I remember was that I got blisters on my heels from my sandels and I was ticked off that I didn't get to meet Mickey Mouse. Flash forward.....my parents got divorced when I was 14 years old. My mother, who I have an intense dislike for, moved to FL to live with my grandmother. FL became a dirty word in my mind. They tried to lure me to come visit by offering to take me to Disney or find me a job at Disney. Disney too became a dirty word in my mind. Flash forward.....I am an adult with a life partner that just happens to live in FL when I met her on the net. We had plans to spend a week together in FL. I proposed to her in her grandmother's house in Ocala. While Gabby loved the ring and the way that I proposed, she was mad, because she had planned to take me to MK to propose to me later in the week. It's just as well that I proposed, because her grandma came up to the Ocala house during the time that we were going to be staying there......I still haven't met the grandma yet, but I hear that she is a doozie. lol So, we didn't make it to MK. Flash forward......2001, Gabby's mom has a heart attack. On one of the many visits that we make to FL that year, we stop in Orlando for a long weekend. We stayed offsite, but enjoyed a pre-season Braves game, La Nouba, and MGM. Disney is just fabulous in my mind! I can't wait to get back for more. So, in late 2002, we do a week. It is thus far the best vacation experience of my life. After admitting to Gabby that meeting Mickey Mouse was a priority for me, I manage to do so at Studio M at DTD and I cried like a baby. Thirty years worth of scarred 4 year old where wiped away with one hug from Mickey. We stayed at ASMu and just had a ball! So, in late 2003, we stayed onsite for over a week, Gabby was sick with a sinus infection and felt poopie the whole time, but it was still a great trip. Now, it's 2005 and our next trip is in December. It can't get here soon enough. We love Disney so much that we have a whole room for our collectables! Disney is as close to heaven as I can find on Earth. Disney is a big part of my life now. I hate it that it's going to be at least another couple of years until I can get back again, but I will survive. Maggie
The healing power of Mickey. You gotta love it. :wave:


Active Member
As as adult, I'm much more fond of Disney anything then when I was a child. 1997 I took my wife to WDW and we reconciled some serious problems we were having. I got my baby back at WDW and I've loved it since then.



I went to Disney when I was in high school and remember liking it, but no where near the obsessive love I have for it now! A few years ago we went for my son's MAW trip and fell in love with the magic. It offers such a happy escape! Sometimes I wonder how we made it without!

Walt Sent Me

New Member
I too am always amazed and astonished by Disney. It has been the only thing in my life that I really have true passion for. (keep in mind I'm only 17 lol)

Anyways, There have been times when I got depressed at Disney. This past summer I was at WDW for 2 weeks alone. After a few days of exploring the MK alone I felt so sad. I suddenly remembered all those memories I had with my family there. It was so lonely.

I'm not shy so I meet lots of people in lines, or watching the parades, but they aren't family. Even though I've been to Disney tons of times (yearly for 2 weeks), I still carry my Mini-DV camcorder to capture the magic. So everyone asks me to take a picture of their family (I guess I look trustworthy! lol) That helps to make me feel good.

This only happens at the MK, in all the other parks I'm fine. Except the taking pictures part. lol


Active Member
I went to the world for the first time back when I was seven! My parents booked the trip, pulled me out of class, and down I 75 we drove!

That was 22 years ago. I didn't get to go back until 1999. My ex and I were looking for a fun vacation and we decided to head to Orlando. We hit all the parks, Disney and Universal, and had a blast.

We then moved to Florida two years later. The first thing we did on a weekend here, drive the 110 miles Universal! I for some reason didn't want to go to Disney when I moved to Florida. It took us about six months before we went to see Mickey and what do you know, we bought a seasonal pass. It took me seeing the "magic" to realize that it wasn't about the coasters, the high energy attractions, but it's about being a kid again!

My wife (not the woman I moved to Florida with) grew up here. She doesn't appreciate the parks as much as I do. I have to plan our trips with increments in between. She knew I wanted to propose to her at the Magic Kingdom, but told me up front, she would say no and embarass me.

But I stepped it up! I proposed to her at Narcoosee's on Christmas last year. Now, she even admits that Disney has a new place in her heart!

Now, if only I can talk her into getting AP's! Oh that would be sweet!


Well-Known Member
I've always loved Disney World, even since I started going before I was even 1, but only in the past five or so years have I really started to become obsessed. I'd say the beginning of my obsession was when I bought the RoE soundtrack. We weren't planning another trip back before the end of 2000, and I was afraid they'd get rid of IllumiNations 2000 ( :hammer: ), so I wanted to at least order the music. I ordered it online, and when I got it, I was so indredibly happy. And to think, I wasn't even 10 at the time.

Whenever we watch home videos from 1996 or so, we laugh when I say "But the fireworks aren't for a half hour!" Nowadays, I say "But IllumiNations is only an hour away!"


New Member
I'm a lifer. When I was growing up my father took us to all the Disney movies. He bought all our favorites on VHS taps (no DVD's back then). We always watched the Disney Channel or Magical world of Disney weekly show with Michael. E.

My father always wanted to take us to WDW or Disneyland but never did because my Italian mother (born & raised in italy) wanted us to go to Italy on our family trips. My child hood dream was to always go.

In June 2002 my husband (we were dating at the time) took me to WDW for the frist time with friends. Then we went to WDW again with his family in Feb 2003. Then we went on our Honeymoon in June 2004.

Now we are going with his family this December to see the Christmas lights.


I've been going my whole life. We used to go at least twice a year when we were in school. We would go in October and April. Mom and Dad would just take us out of school if there wasn't a break or something. I've always loved it. I am working on converting my DH though. He just kinda tolerates my love of WDW. That's also part of it for me. I love WDW. It's not that I don't like DL, I just like WDW better. Maybe it's because that's what I grew up on, I don't know...but after I went to DL in 2003, I still thought WDW was better. Actually, it's an ongoing argument between my sister-in-law and I, seeing as she's from LA! :p


Well-Known Member
After my third trip to WDW at the age of 13 in 1990, I think I put myself off Disney, and did not think about it again for about 7 years!

In college, I was an art student for a while, and it was "cool" to bash Disney for being manufactured, corporate art. I even had a fellow student who had gone through the Disney college program who openly pooh-poohed his experience there every chance he got. It wasn't until much later that I realized that Disney is not only art -- it's a state-of-mind! You cannot lump together childhood memories and feelings together with fancy schmancy elitist art -- it's pointless!

I've grown up a bit since then. I work as an graphic artist, and I've thought about Disney every day for the last 8 years. I simply cannot get enough of its wonder, charm and magic.


Well-Known Member
For most of my life WDW was just a dream I thought I'd never achieve. Then we went for the first time in 1990. It was love at first sight for our whole family. Now our kids are grown and out on their own and dh and I are happily spending our children's inheritance on trips to the World. Dh and I are different in just about every way. It's what keeps us together! :lol: But our passion for all things WDW is something we are both so happy we share. And we'll be sharing it together again in just 3 more days! :sohappy: We always go in October to celebrate our anniversary. This year is our 32nd!

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