Wanted: Helpful Hints


New Member
Original Poster
We are heading to Disney next Saturday 10/9, our first time there!!! We are all excited(2 adults and 4 kids). We are looking for any helpful hints and words of wisdom! Thanks, Deb


New Member
Unless you kids are all in their teens, measure them BEFORE you leave for your trip, check the ride height requirements and talk about it in advance if a certain shorter child won't be tall enough to ride a ride that he or she has his or her heart set on. Plan together what fun thing a parent will do with the shorter child while everyone else is riding the desired ride. A little disappointment at home beats tears at the ride any day! Have a great time!


Well-Known Member
You came to the right place!! Anything you would want to know is somewhere in these forums. Just do a search on the topics you want to learn about and read the posts!

Just do your homework, study the park guides and maps and don't get overwhelmed! Hope you have a great time!!


New Member
Get there early in the morning...best time to get on rides! Also, if you don't have a PS already, try to do one character meal. They are a lot of fun!



Well-Known Member
Also check out www.allearsnet.com They have pictures of EVERYTHING and detailed descriptions of everything too. They also have pages upon pages of little known things to do in wdw.
And don't forget to check the reviews section of this website, that way you can see what others think of certain attractions/resturants you may want to try.


New Member
It may sound like a no brainer,but wear comfortable shoes for yourself and kids,by the end of the day you'll be glad you and your kids did,also it would not hurt to have a hat and sunglasses for each of you will also help alot to protect your eyes and skin moving around the park and standing in some lines. Lastly being this will be your first time,make sure you take your camera and lots of extra film (or digital memory cards) to capture every moment of your first time there with the kids,because down the road those pictures will be teasures everyone shares and look back on. Have a great time,God be with you on your travels. :)


New Member
My advice: don't OVERPLAN, but make sure you're well informed. Know when the parades are, make Priority Seating arrangements (heck, they can always be cancelled!), know what rides are down, etc. Take advantage of early opening days if you're staying on property...if not, know what park is scheduled for what day and go somewhere else so as to avoid the monster resort crowds ;) And definitely take advantage of fastpasses!

Am I rambling? Sorry, little excited... 36 days myself ;)

Best advice is to just have fun! :sohappy:

rosebud's mom

Active Member
All the above advice. One thing to add - SUNSCREEN !! You need it in Florida year-round. Also, I would add relax and enjoy yourself. If you are like the rest of us, this is just the first of many trips. Don't feel like you have to do it all this time. If you stress about making it to everything in all 4 parks and hitting all restaurants you want, you may not be able to fully enjoy what you do get to see.


New Member
Carry as little as possible. I always feel sorry for the families loaded down with HUGE bags!

Sit down and relax once in awhile. It makes the rest of the day so much nicer.

Remember that you are on vacation and having fun! The kids will be excited-mine are every time and they have been MANY times. I can't tell you how many parents I have seen yelling at their kids at Disney. Its not fun for anyone.

Use child swap if you have kids that are too short for some rides! It is the best thing!

Interact with cast members. The experiances my girls talk about always seem to involve interaction with a CM- that makes the trip!

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
We make a "to do" list before we go that is a list of things that each of us wants to do. We've been many times, and there's always something new that we do on each trip. Remember you are on vacation take time to enjoy yourself.

Also bring a second pair of good walking shoes. Sometimes your shoes get soaked in the rain and don't dry overnight.


Well-Known Member
Buy some cheap rain ponchos at a dollar store or walmart before you go. Small ponchos that can be stored in a pocket or purse/hip pack, for those occasional showers.


New Member
Hochmania said:
Remember to have fun ;)
Gee, that's a great tip there, Matt! :rolleyes:

-Definitely don't overplan, because you'll get frustrated if you don't get to everything.
-Don't be afraid to talk to us CMs, we're here to help your stay with us more magical!
-Don't carry too much around the park - You'll regret it while walking back to your car after a long day. Furthermore, if your kids want to buy a bunch of things, but you don't wanna carry it around, take advantage of having it sent to Package Pick-up at the front of the parks and you can pick it up on your way out, or just wait until your last day in a park and buy it then.
-Buy ponchos OUTSIDE of the parks. They are a bit pricey for a yellow garbage bag with Mickey painted on it.
-If you have smaller children, take advantage of the Baby Stations, they have little play rooms with a TV and a table and some toys...and they're air conditioned!
-For older kids (teens), they usually wanna go do their own thing. Make sure you have a way to get in touch with them whenever you like, via walkie talkies or cell phone. Cell phones are easier to use to get in touch with them, since there are usually a number of people with the walkies and they all seem to be on the same channel you are.
-Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
-Get to the parks when they open, you can get a lot done between opening and lunchtime (9a-12p)
-Do at least one character dining experience if you have kids.


I always suggest to people to take a break some point in the day. Go back to your room and relax, take a cat nap or sit by the pool. It will keep everyone from getting too cranky and will refresh you for dinner and the evenings in the parks. Have fun!! :wave:
Let's see....

Don't eat mcdonalds!!

Don't eat at the castle!!

Do try out one or two resturaunts in each park.

Take care of your children.

When a cast member says that your child is too short to ride the attraction, please LISTEN TO THEM. They're right and we don't need to fight in the most happiest place on earth now do we? (No exceptions will be made)

For the teenagers in the family:

Don't act all cool and ride the rides without seatbelts, lapbars, or any other type of restrictions. Don't stand up!! Act your age. Don't make out with your girlfriend >_>;; (I've seen all of this btw)

On Space Mountain you will get the urge to touch the ceiling when you first are about to enter the rollercoaster. DON'T!

When a cast member tells you, no cameras, they mean it.

Watch the parades and shows.


.... I really don't know what else to give you tips on, but that's it really from my expierences from working there.


Well-Known Member
ok, well, seems like most tips are pretty much covered here.
definately the #1 thing is to take it easy. i know it's your first time and, naturally, you're going to want to fit in as much as possible (even some of us who go annually try to fit in everything every time we go) just know that there's LOTS to do, and as someone mentioned earlier, try not to get overwhelmed. just take your time and have fun. if you don't get to do everything you want to do, that's just an excuse to go back ;)
whoever mentioned taking a camera, that's a great tip! and, of course, if you have a video camera take that as well....i promise you, the memories you will make at WDW will be priceless!
PixiePower's right, interaction with cast members (WDW workers, in case you don't know) can make the trip even more magical! of course, now-a-days, there's a few more 'bad' CM's than there used to be, but for the most part you'll find them pleasant. oh, and while walking up Main Street in the Magic Kingdom, if you happen upon a certain fellow wearing a dark-reddish plaid suit, glasses, and hat and carrying a large brown leather bag with a jingling toy attached to it, talk to him! his name is Scoop Sanderson and he's the pin-trading guru on Main St. i'm telling you, he'll make your day! he's a real hoot! and he's super great with kids!
if you can, eat at Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater at MGM Studios. you don't even have to get a whole meal. my family and i have gone in there before just for chocolate milkshakes (which are WONDERFUL, btw) depending on how busy the park is, you might need reservations; but if it's slow you might can get away with just walking in during a typical non-meal time (before lunch, between lunch and dinner)
if you have time, try to take in Downtown Disney. i'm sure your kids would love the DTD Marketplace stores...World of Disney is the largest store on Disney property and Once Upon a Toy is fairly new and has some Disney World exclusive toys.
and if you want a good spot for parades and/or fireworks, find a spot at least 30 min. in advance. just for good measure, you might want to ask a CM about good spots for such events. btw, i HIGHLY recommend seeing SpectroMagic (Magic Kingdom's nighttime parade) Wishes (MK's firework display...try to find a spot where you're looking straight on at the castle) and Illuminations: Reflections of Earth (Epcot's firework display...try to find a spot with an unobstructed view of the middle of the lake)
Mickey's Philharmagic is brand new and a great show for the whole family...definately add that to your list.
if Carousel of Progress in Tomorrowland is open, see it! it was the first attraction Walt created and is definately a classic! unfortunately, it's gone seasonal, so it's a hit-and-miss sort of thing.
i think that's about all i wanted to touch on. welcome to the boards and have a magical trip!! and come post a full report when you get back home! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Not sure if someone posted this already, but here goes.

Parking Tip for Magic Kingdom: I've done this a couple of times and I haven't had any problem with this tip. If you're driving, park your car in the pubic and guest parking lot for the Contemporary Hotel as close to the guard checkin point as possible. I say as close as possible because the path that leads you to Magic Kingdom starts around there. You will then take that path and be able to cross the street and walk to the Magic Kingdom gate. I prefer to do this rather than fighting the crowds for the monorail or other forms of transportation. NOTE: The guards may ask you why you're visiting the hotel. Just tell them you would like to visit one of the restaurants. The numerous times I've parked there, only once did someone ask me to state my business there.


Le Meh
Premium Member
* Have a prearranged point to meet if you get separated. (the walt statue before you get to the castle is great because its central)
* Character autographs are great for the kids. Go to a craft store and purchase a 8 1/2 x 5 (or thereabouts) ringed sketch book (black hard cover w/white paper) and get some disney stickers or paint pens and let your kids decorate them for character autographs. Get sharpies or large sized pens, its easier for the character to hold to sign.
* Stay on property and use the buses/monorails. Allstar resorts are just as economic as staying off property and they are themed.....
* Most, if not all, of the pools are heated.
* Buy the refillable mug at the resort you stay at. (I think $12 each, but soda, coffee, tea, hotchocolate are free refills at the resort).
* There is a princesses character breakfast at Norway at Epcot this not as well known as the others. If you have girls, its a must.
* Get to the parks before they open and go to fantasy land first if you want to get all the kid rides done early. Most people go in and go right or left.
* Take baby wipes or at least a couple times a day, wash the kids faces with cool water. It tends to refresh.

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