So, my wife is probably getting me one of these for Christmas. Looks like it will be an Intuos2 9x12, i think. I've never used one, although it sounds really cool. Anybody have one of these? If so, have you got any tips? advice? anecdotes?
Umm... Good in programs such as Photoshop and Painter, not quite as useful in Illustrator and Freehand... If you are familiar with the use of a traditional airbrush, the airbrush accessory is a must have... I actually have an older model (one of the Artz tablets) that I've had for a good number of years. The only reason I haven't upgraded to one of the newer one is that I'm still so happy with the one I have. I think you will really enjoy using it if you do a lot of art... As a navigational tool, I don't think it is the best choice out there (especially if you are using the pen) but for the intended purpose, it provides an experience like none other.
I have one of those from a University project where I was using it for signature dynamics biometric measurements. It was very precise and sensitive, highly recommended. Although I cant say how it performs for art usage, because I am a terrible artist LOL