VMK In-Park Quest Questions and Prizes


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm not really a fan of the online game, but this in-park quest was really cool. My friend told me about it, so we went and did it yesterday afternoon.

You start off at the Cinema and pick up your brochures. Right now, they only have Adventureland, Fantasyland and Frontierland avaliable. Each land has it's own brochure with 9 questions. The questions are multiple choice with lottery type scratch off answers.

Answer one of the brochures correctly and you get trading cards with your virtual prizes on them. You also get a glow in the dark VMK bracelet (think LiveSTRONG bracelets). You actually get the bracelet in the park (the one prize that isn't virtual).

I'll post the questions and multiple choice answers here, but it's up to you to find the answers...


Level 1 Virtual Prize: Adventureland Retro Pin
1)When explorers leave their tent to roam, which Jungle Cruise animals make themselves at home?

2)High in Agrabah's desert skies, how many of Aladdin's Magic Carpets rise?

3)In the pirate fortress, keep to the right. What game do dead men play day and night?
-Spin the bottle

Level 2 Virtual Prize: Aladdin's Flying Carpet Chair
4)Of all the animals the pirates set free, which two will you not see?
-Cat and Dog
-Donkey and chickens
-Ducks and geese

5)Three Swiss brothers live high in a tree. What are the names of the adventurous three?
-Wilhelm, Wolfgang, Johann
-Fritz, Francis, Ernst
-Seth, Terry, Ed

6)Some pirate swabs got locked away, but mans best friend will save the day! How many Keys hang beneath the ring clenched in our heros teeth?

Level 3 Virtual Prize: Explorer's Suitcase Sofa
7)This skipper of the Junior Jungle Boats is the master of anything that floats. (Hint: He's also the skipper of the Jungle Cruise photo safari boats in the VMK online game)
-Trader Sam
-Shrunken Ned
-Jolly Roger
-Peg-leg Pete

8)Several persons are missing from the Jungle Cruise. Whom should you tell if your hear news?
-Guest Relations
-Carrie Queen of the Jungle
-The Governor General's office
-Fiona the Hefty Headhunter

9)Now multiply the Carpets by the number of Keys, by the number of Ships upon Zanzibar seas?


Level 1 Virtual Prize: Frontierland Ace of Spades Carpet
1)Most folks say this was the year the hardware store came to the Frontier?

2)Before you enter Big Thunder mine, what letters make up the overhead sign?

3)How many Diamonds sparkle and shine within the letters of the 'Diamond Horshoe' sign? (Most of the Time!)

Level 2 Virtual Prize: Frontierland Cactus Armchair
4)Tom and Huck sailed many a raft, but which of these ain't one of their craft?
-Tom Sawyer
-Injun Joe
-Aunt Polly

5)At telling Tall Tales, Pecos Bill's the best. Which rule ain't a part of his code of the West?
-Don't brand another man's cattle
-Defend the defenseless
-Don't spit in front of women or children

6)Before you end your quest and stake your claim, what's Texas John's famous last name?

Level 3 Virtual Prize: Frontierland Saddle Seat Sofa
7)Ol' Tom Hubbard loved the West, so this is where he's laid to rest? (Hint: In the VMK online game, you can own this Wild West location as your own guest room to entertain your friends for a hoedown).
-Country Bear Jamboree
-Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
-Tom Sawyer Island
-Frontierland Shootin' Arcade

8)Old Curley McKay's in an outlaw gang. Where does his wanted poster hang?
-On the porch of Prairie Outpost and Supply
-Inside the Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
-The waiting room of the Frontierland Railroad station
-Behind the counter of the Frontier Trading post.

9)Brer Fox has been known the swindle a pin...What's the reward for turnin' him in?
-A hearty handshake from Pecos Bill
-24 Carrots
-Some mighty fine fixins


Level 1 Virtual Prize: Fantasyland Castle Collectble Pin
1)Beyond the Castle's mighty gates, La Fontaine de Cendrillon awaits. Six Animals greet the princess when you arrive, but which is different from the other five?
-The mouse at her feet
-The bird in her hand

2)Outside Peter Pan's flight, what is Tick Tock the Crocodile holding tight?
-A lantern
-A clock

3)Even Sir Mickey may become a knight, but which weapon would a tailor fight?
-Sewing needle

Level 2 Virtual Prize: Prince Phillip's Briarstone
4)Seek the sword that stand alone, the one that's buried within the stone. Seach the stone and you can tell, which enchanter cast this spell?

5)Every Haus has a chimney, but how many on Pinnochio's can you see?

6)Which topiary characters stand outside the Mad Tea Party spinning ride? (Did you know you can invite friends to your own Mad Tea Party within the VMK online game?)
-Cheshire Cat, Alice, March Hare
-Alice, March Hare, Mad Hatter
-March Hare, Mad Hatter, White Rabbit

Level 3 Virtual Prize: Huntsman's Heartless Hamper
7)When you begin the Adventure of Snow White, study the mural within your sight. As the princess in peril waits nearby, count the daggers that meet your eye...

8)Visit the Castle Gallery before you depart, and discover the name of this ancient jewelry-making art?

9)Find Lucifer lurking in the Castle Hall by counting the black cats on the mosiac wall?

And that's the 3 in-park quests. A few of the questions were kinda hard, and this was for 2 people who go to the parks alot. I can't imagine just a normal park guest, in the target age group trying to do it. It is kind of difficult.

We did get one wrong on Fantasyland (Pinnochio's Chimney questions), and one wrong on Adventureland (Ships of Zanzibar?). We did get Frontierland right, so we won out cards and our nifty Bracelets. The Bracelets are green and say "VMK-Unleash the Magic". There is also a code on the inside of the bracelet for use in the game, but it's un-readable.

But I highly suggest doing the in-park quests. It's alot of fun if you've done everything before. A way to keep your park experience fresh. :)


Thanks Patrick! Were there a lot of people playing? I wonder how you find out about it if you are not familiar with the online game.

Sounds like fun, is it just for the launch of the game, or do you think it will be around awhile?

MsSpinShady :cool:

Plane Crazy

New Member
Any idea as to whether the In-Park VMK Quests are the same at WDW and Disneyland?

I will be going to Disneyland next month... and I have never been before. So, I am not sure if I want to spend my time doing a quest... even though I am certain it would be fun. I guess I just want to take in all of the sights and sounds of this historic park.

Any chance I could convince someone to give me the answers? This way I could fill in all the answers for parts of the quest that I didn't get to... and reap the rewards. I know... I know... it's cheating. And it takes the fun away... but I don't know when I will be back at a disney park again!

Maybe you could send them to me in a private message so that the quest is not ruined for everyone!


Well-Known Member
The ships on Zanzibar seas are above the entrance to one of the shops. If you are coming from The Hub and walking towards the Magic Carpets of Aladdin, you will see the ships on a sign to your right and above the entrance if you are standing near the camel that spits.


New Member
Yea Patrick, It was fun wasn't it? I still can't get that stupid code in my bracelet to work. My roommates and I gave up. But as patrick said, we are in the park a lot and it was a challenge on a couple of them. The chimneys got me mad. I don't agree with the answer but the trick is to forget what a chimney really is and go with what looks like it could be.


New Member
I just stumbled across this today and was thinking about doing it on my next trip up to DL in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know how it goes if I do! :)

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