wm49rs A naughty bit o' crumpet Premium Member Original Poster Jan 31, 2011 #1 http://jimhillmedia.com/editor_in_c...-arrive-at-your-local-disney-store-today.aspx
ABigBrassBand Well-Known Member Jan 31, 2011 #2 I'm frustrated because I want a set of these so badly, but I have to save up for my next WDW trip or else I won't be able to pay for it...oh well!
I'm frustrated because I want a set of these so badly, but I have to save up for my next WDW trip or else I won't be able to pay for it...oh well!
Chrononymous Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2011 #3 As someone who really isn't into the vinylmation thing...even I have to admit those designs rock.