I have a couple nice video captures from right in front of the Castle, near the Hub curb. Since it looks like I only have 3 more chances to record this show - where do you think I should tape it from.
These additional recordings will be used to create one of my multi angle edits of the show - so please keep that in mind.
I was thinking:
1) Main Street at the end closest the hub looking over Partners
2) IaSW corridor
3) Near Dumbo
The goal is to get different angles of the show. What do you think of those locations - am I missing anything? Please give my your top 3 locations in order of importance in case I cant make all 3 nights.
These additional recordings will be used to create one of my multi angle edits of the show - so please keep that in mind.
I was thinking:
1) Main Street at the end closest the hub looking over Partners
2) IaSW corridor
3) Near Dumbo
The goal is to get different angles of the show. What do you think of those locations - am I missing anything? Please give my your top 3 locations in order of importance in case I cant make all 3 nights.