I disagree. While I think that old school Universal Orlando was superior, it's current state in comparison to Hollywood is that Hollywood is better. They both have Terminator 2 3-D, they both have Shrek 4-D, they both have the Simpsons, and both have the Mummy(though orlandos is superior)...but what does USO have over USH? Men in Black, ET, a huge yet dated kid zone, and the Rockit. Fear Factor is a laugh, Twister is meh, and they basically have a shorter version of Disaster in Hollywoods tram ride. Hollywood on the other hand has the awesome tram ride which still features not only Earthquake, but the Psycho Houst and bates motel, jaws, and king kong! They have the awesome Waterworld stunt show, A superior Jurassic park ride, and soon Transformers. With their own Potter and Despicable Me attractions, I don't see what USO could really do to compete against them in the next three years or so, unless they have much more than just Potter phase two up their sleeves.