I've been getting the visa and amex cards for quite a few years now from family members during Christmas and while they work well almost everywhere there are certain situations where they are not the best option...Restaurants or anywhere they leave the card open to leave a tip can get a little tricky..I will normally tell the server as soon as I hand the card that I will be leaving a cash tip and to close out the bill fully..You have to always remember your balance because people at the stores where you are using the card do not know, you would have to call the number on the back of the card..If you are buying something that is more then the amount on your card you need to tell the person to swipe your card for that exact amount left on your card or it will be declined..other then those few little problem i LOVE getting these cards instead of gift cards to certain stores that my family thinks I still love, even though I haven't shopped there in 5 years :lol: