Does anyone work for this company ?? I have reservations and cannot confirm them???? They sent me that my flight is an hour earlir and to call 1-800-772-7117. I try to call over and over since April 18th and no such luck. The phone directs u to press a number and all of them send you to a busy signal. I do not know what to do. Also on there web when i enter in my flight # and name it has us in there as copnfirmed which is good but i cannot pick my seats or pay for luggage??? if you pay for luggage at the airport it is some ridiculous cost. UGH why did I try and save money o should have flown with someone else. My stress level is thru the roof. Help if any of you can think of anything!!!! Oh I also called corperate which is a nobody and directs you to go on there web site. :brick: