Unexpected acts of kindness by CMs


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As we were getting off the boat after our night-time Jungle Cruise ride, my 5yr old daughter went to step off the boat onto the dock. Aware that she was stepping over real water, she instinctively looked down. Her 1-hour old Glow With The Show ears immediately went for a swim, causing instant tears. Although we retrieved the hat, the CM at the dock made sure we waited for them to fill out a voucher for us to get a replacment pair, FREE. I just thought that was so Disney of her, and that will be a lasting memory of CM generosity. Anyone else have a similar situation?


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When I was little, I took my cabbage patch doll with me to the MK. She made it through the whole day with me, until we got on the monorail to head back to the room. We just happened to be riding with the driver, who noticed when we got off at the Contemporary without my doll, and the CM took her to the concierge desk. From what my parents tell me, I hardly slept that night because I was so upset about losing her. The next morning, we checked the desk and discovered her waiting for us! I was reunited with my best friend, thanks to a watchful CM. That was an expensive doll, too! She's one of the fully cloth ones that was handmade and "adopted" directly from Babyland General Hospital. To this day, I still have her :)


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We had a kindly snowbird who noticed our daughter having a rough afternoon at age 5 in 2008 offer her a trading pin out of the blue. Our daughter was not even wearing a lanyard or pins but the CM saw that she needed a pick-me-up and gave her a pin out of the kindness of her heart. I know now that she was what they call an "enabler" LOL! Seriously though there are really some CM's who know when to go the extra mile.


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10262060_10154160096290593_1078452020533305229_n.jpg 10311180_10154160095890593_5480343695827043336_n.jpg This week we had nothing but problems between our tickets, magicbands, and fastpasses. Nothing seemed to match up right. My fiancee was denied entry twice. We spent 3 or 4 days in different parks trying to iron things out. Today we went to Epcot Guest Relations to add a day to our passes and they told us two of us had 2 tickets under our names. Fred from Brazil was able to fix everything and since we had so much trouble and wasted a lot of valuable time, he gave us a voucher for free ice cream bars, all-day fastpasses and didn't charge us for the extra day we were adding!
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On our trip this past April we arrived at Bonnett Creek Resort only to find that our reservation had been cancelled for reasons unknown now, it all world out in the end between the owner,BC and my wonderful wife so on the next day we headed over to MK. Once inside I made a beeline to city hall to get a birthday button for my wife who was celebrating her 50th birthday during our stay. As I was talking to the CM she had asked if all was going good with our stay I told her the story of our misfortune and with that she says "hold on I have a little more magic for you".
She gives me two vouchers, one for six Mickey bars for our family and a voucher for two Fastpass entry on any ride in MK for my wife and one child. Well, I couldn't help but to tear up in front of the CM as I was thanking her as she just made the start to our day at MK so magical after a very rough start the night before.
This is why our family goes back year after year. It's just the little things that matter.


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Just happen yesterday, we were in EPCOT, heading to see Duffy with our three kids (5,3,1) but the rope was up and Duffy only had one family left. The CM saw us approaching, waved us over and let us in. So the kids got their Duffy hugs, autographs and pictures and were so happy. We thanked the CM profusely, because otherwise we would have missed him.


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Sorry for two in a row but I'm at WDW. It was just after Wishes fireworks, we got our kids back into the strollers. Our two older boys, 5 & 4 started to fight abit. It's well past their bedtime and are exhausted from a long day at the park. We happen to be parked right in front of the Ice Cream store on Main Street. A CM from there got them to stop fighting by giving them Mickey Mouse stickers and asking them who their favorite characters are.


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Two trips ago we were in tomorrowland and the boys where with my husband when I went to the bathroom. They sat under a tree and when I arrived I noticed something on my sons shirt and pants. It was bird poop. Not a little drop, it was a lot. I tried wiping it off but it was all over and I did not bring another shirt. I walked over to the little buzz kiosk to find a shirt and couldn't find his size, I was ready to buy a new one. I had explained to the CM that my son got bird poop and I am looking for a 2t shirt. She didn't have any, and pointed me toward the store across the way. I got there found a shirt and when I got up to the counter the CM from the kiosk arrived and told the other CM to ring it up as no strings attached. I couldn't believe it. That was really a big gesture to my family that Disney does things differently.


Active Member
We were at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party last year for my daughter's birthday. The entire time we were there she wanted a Mickey balloon. I told her before we left, I would get her one. This silly mom at 11:45 pm prior to leaving discovered that the balloon sellers didn't accept cards - only cash. Fail for this mom. We made our way over to City Hall guest relations. I asked the CM there what the cost of the balloon was so I could take out the right amount of money. He looked at my little princess and said "come here sweetheart." He proceeded to ask her name and talk about her birthday, which we were there celebrating. He ended up giving her a voucher for a free mickey balloon and I'll tell you what - it was the sweetest thing ever. She started to run to the balloon lady, and then turned around and ran back to the CM and gave him the biggest hug and thank you. It was a pretty fantastic experience.
My Son (about 6 at the time) & I where standing by the Mad Hatters Tea Party and I was telling him that we couldn't go on that ride because I get to dizzy. Behind me a CM was listening to our conversation and not 60 seconds later Alice came up to my son as asked him if he would go on the ride with her so that she would be scared. Once they got off the ride she posed for a picture with my son along with the Mad Hatter and Tweedledee & Tweedledum. My son had the biggest grin on his face for the rest of the day and I was so happy that it brought tears to my eyes. That is by far my best Disney memory
While on that same trip my son & I where waiting for the Train in Frontierland so that we could go over Donald Ducks boat to cool down and one of the CM's heard my son repeating everything that was on the PA system and he suggested that we sit in the last row of the last train (which I had never done). The person at the back of the Train then let my son do all of the announcements including "All Aboard".
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A few years ago my girlfriend (fiancé now) and I rented a little 2 seated boat from the Grand Floridian and we had trouble with the first 2 boats they gave us, neither would go over idle speed pretty much and we didn't make it out of the harbor with either lol. Not a big deal to us, just took time to switch boats and all. Well upon returning we went to the counter to get our room key card back and pay for the rental and the CM just slide our room key card back to us and said "Surprise, hope you enjoyed your ride and have a wonderful day" and she didn't charge us at all.

I don't think I'm being selfish when I say this, I know wdw is geared toward families but it was very nice for a CM to do something for us as 2 adults only with no kids involved. I've booked reservations for dinner a few times and the operator always ask if we're celebrating something, I've told them a graduation, birthday and engagement before only to have our waiter say or do nothing about it every time but yet I've seen them acknowledge kids at tables next to us for what ever their celebrating.


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First time we visited Hollywood Studios, we were surprised to see that all FP for TSM were gone - gone by 10:30 AM. Telling my daughter that, oh well, next trip, the CM standing at the chalk board heard me and asked if this was our first visit. I said yes and she walked over to the little booth, got two of the CM FP - you know, the special ones without a specific return time - handed them to us and wishes us a nice ride. I was shocked - TSM is the primo and most in demand ride at HS. And this was for 2 adults, no kids in the party. Made my day.


Well-Known Member
First time we visited Hollywood Studios, we were surprised to see that all FP for TSM were gone - gone by 10:30 AM. Telling my daughter that, oh well, next trip, the CM standing at the chalk board heard me and asked if this was our first visit. I said yes and she walked over to the little booth, got two of the CM FP - you know, the special ones without a specific return time - handed them to us and wishes us a nice ride. I was shocked - TSM is the primo and most in demand ride at HS. And this was for 2 adults, no kids in the party. Made my day.
We had a similar encounter on our engagement trip.. No fast passes left and I made a similar comment to my hubby...when the castmember did the same thing and said "congrats on you're gag,net, I think you'll know where to use these" and handed us two fast passes! Well I was over the moon!


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A few weeks ago, we were in the Norway pavilion waiting for our Akershus table. While DH checked us in, DD & I walked around the pavilion. It wasn't yet open to the public, so it was uncrowded. DD found a door at the back of the pavilion, and started knocking on it, asking for Elsa. A cast member opened it, and I thought he was going to tell us to stop. Instead, he played along with her. He would knock back & jiggle the door. She was giggling, and thought this was the best thing ever. He asked who her favorite Disney character was, and she said Elsa (news to me, I thought it was Ariel!) We then went to our table.

Halfway through our meal, here comes the CM from the door. We were surprised to see him. He brought us our photo's of DD with Belle. He had printed extra copies, and had Elsa sign the back of them & put an Elsa border around them. DD was delighted, and I thought it was so sweet that a CM went out of the way like that for her. :)
Last summer the first night of our trip was when the tropical storm came through in June. Not thinking, I had packed our ponchos in the suitcase which was being delivered by magical express. Well we wound up getting stuck in the biggest downpour at harbor house. We thought we may be able to sit it out but by the time the restaurant was closed it was still pouring. My husband went to purchase 3 ponchos but the registers were closed. A very nice CM came up to us and gave us 3 ponchos for free and told us to try to stay dry. Super nice of him!


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My youngest daugher was about 5. We were walking along in the Hub and she tripped and fell on her hands. She didn't slide, so there was no damage. No scrapes no, cuts, nothing. I guess to a 5 year old (who used to get hurt a lot, not the most coordinated of kids, I am forced to admit - she is still that way) this was amazing.

Later on we were in the Pin Traders in Fronteer land and she told the CM this story, but she added "I didn't get hurt because we are in Disney World and the magic of Disney saved me.". the CM actualy broke into tears, then let her choose a pin for free becaue of the story.


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