This is rather old news (reported on 1-9-5) and I keep kicking myself for not finding it earlier but it looks like there will be 4 Star Wars weekends in 2005. The dates are pretty much what we have expected all along so no real big surprise. The dates will be as follows.
May 20-22
May 27-29
June 3-5
June 10-12
This information comes from MGM . There is still no “official” announcement on Disney’s or the official Star Wars website but this site has been pretty accurate in the past. Guest list information is still not available but I will post it as soon as I hear anything.
May 20-22
May 27-29
June 3-5
June 10-12
This information comes from MGM . There is still no “official” announcement on Disney’s or the official Star Wars website but this site has been pretty accurate in the past. Guest list information is still not available but I will post it as soon as I hear anything.