UK travellers 2008?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I have just loked at the 2008 prices. Talk about rip off, it would appear that the airfair element has gone up by £200 across almost all companies. But heres the thing, this inflated tax and fuel duty is still added on at todays rip off rates. So an August trip with BA or Virgin is now around £900! Given that the hike is not to pay for wage increases why the need for these price jumps?


Well-Known Member
I have just loked at the 2008 prices. Talk about rip off, it would appear that the airfair element has gone up by £200 across almost all companies. But heres the thing, this inflated tax and fuel duty is still added on at todays rip off rates. So an August trip with BA or Virgin is now around £900! Given that the hike is not to pay for wage increases why the need for these price jumps?

They're charging those outrageous prices because they feel they can get them, I would guess. Am I right in assuming that the number of flights to Orlando are limited, and therefore sell quickly?
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
No thats the thing when we first visited in 94 there was 1 virgin flight per day from the UK now theres 2 from London and up to three others from the UK regions plus all the holiday companies that fly into sanford.

The reason Im so angry is I ttried to price up for my eldest, this year the flew for £350 the same flight next year is £760!!! Its the fact that Virgin have given all this press about BA fixing prices yet a few months later both airlines seem to up their transatlantic routes buy the same price.

If she flys to New York and transfers it takes 3 hours longer but costs £270 less.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know if this will actually help or not. Last year my Grandmother had some family coming from Poland (I know were're talking different countries here, but maybe it's relative) and the round trip rates they got from their end were substantially higher than the prices my grandmother usually pays when she goes over there. So she called her travel agent and was able to purchase their tickets from this end and saved them a bunch.

Could this be applied to this situation? Could you try a travel agent here and have them see if it would be cheaper to buy your tickets through them?
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Account Suspended
I used to search all the major airlines and commercial websites for me. It's not the be-all or end-all, but it does give you a starting point for a decent fare.

Also lets you figure out which days to travel. TPA to Gatwick roundtrip was cheapest going Tuesday to Tuesday versus a huge bump if i went any other day of the week.
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New Member
I was having a look the other day a simple solution is to go in the off season early December 2007/2008 or early January 2008/2009. Crowds are light and the trip will be cheaper, you'll pick up some bargains on resort hotels at that time as well.
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Well-Known Member
August 2008? It's (maybe) too early to tell what the prices will be (for sure) then for fuel. If you can, why not wait and see? I'd watch and shop around some more, if you see a deal then you will know to jump on it.
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New Member
the prices are already up this year too!

they added all fuel and taxes so its about £800 or something now - and thats for us this month!!

we are flying with virgin

i know my cousin went with thomas cook or someone similar to that in april ish time and it was a lot cheaper
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
I paid £350 for my daughter to go a few weeks ago flying with Virgin, the rest of her holiday was booked on line and through a Disney specialist. The prices for 08 are double that! I think it may be part of a plan to drive independant travellers back to taking packages.

To be fair there are no straight Virgin Atlantic prices booking direct, that may be a bit cheaper it was for me for this August.
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Well-Known Member
All Virgin flights from Manchester - Orlando on Christmas Day 2008 are sold out already :eek:

DOn't believe the hype. Virgin hold back seats and release them in blocks. Try again in a couple of weeks and you'll probably find flights.

On the stopover front, we flew via Philly a copuple of years back and it was OK, apart from the trek across the terminals as they had closed all of the straight walkways due to 'enhanced security' so we had to go out of the terminal and walk along a very uneven footpath for about 1/4 of a mile with 5 cases and 2 kids.....
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Well-Known Member
DOn't believe the hype. Virgin hold back seats and release them in blocks. Try again in a couple of weeks and you'll probably find flights...

I've got seats on the 10:25 flight - out of curiosity I went on line and found out that its full - no more seats available outbound on 25th Dec '08
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