Tweaking of the Mansion

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Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Original Poster
The Haunted Mansion. A classic attraction that some say needs no tweaking... Purists vs New Wave Imagineering have fought over this issue for a long time! There seem to be more debates on this particular ride than any other at WDW. Based primarily off of the Disneyland plan the one at WDW isn't without it's spooky uniqueness.

Whether you're a imagineering purist or a devoted fan of what the "new kids on the block" have developed, one thing's for sure, the Mansion as great as it is -- isn't without some quirky issues.

When it comes to imagineering an attraction; possibly on budget and with contrasting group ideas...certain effects and details might not "work" all that great or rather as great as they could for every guest. Example: For me an effect that doesn't quite "work" occurs during the introduction of the Ghost Host in the Stretching Gallery (an error in continuity in relation to effects used) Not only do many WDW guests NOT know the skeletal figure hanging from the rafters is in-fact our Ghost Host, but most (including myself) don't understand the scene at all! How does a room "with no windows, and no doors" later become a room WITH a door...without explanation? Didn't the Ghost Host just taunt us to "find a way out"? Why those sound effects? I think this intro scene doesn't quite work. But there are other effects in the mansion that are equally flawed in viewers' opinion (I'll let you decide what those may be)


If you could "re-imagine" a particular effect or scene already in the "mansion" -- to Plus it...What would you do? What scene would you tweak? What effects would you improve and how?
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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I want them to make it clear what the story line is. Ya, there's the basic narrator guy, but people always say there is more to it...

Also, Disney classifies this as a thrill ride...I am never even slightly scared. Sure, its a family thrill ride, but why not add a haunting story that the older people will understand....or make a story more clear, like that exaggerate that ghost bride that wants to murder you.

Does anyone get what Im saying??

ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Original Poster
Here's my idea for fixing the intro Stretching Gallery Scene:

Change hanging figure and position. The addition of new Stretch Portrait that "falls" off the wall is added to tie-up story line and door reveal.

1) Hanging figure is detailed to look human (albeit ghostly colored) with the figure's proportions developed in false perspective to better "read" from our floor level line of sight. The noose/figure attached to the rafter is positioned nearer to the adjacent wall (not dead center of the room, where he hangs now)

During intro sequence the "storm's wind" (sound effects of rain and wind) appears to be moving the hanging figure back and forth on the rafter.

3) Via a gravity feed mechanical system...the Ghost Host figure and rafter "falls" about a foot or so as the scene immediately going dark, with the sound effects of the wood plank, and body thud playing in perfect timing to create the audible illusion of the rafter and Ghost host hitting the floor.

The audio effect is accompanied by a bursts of air at foot level, emphasizing the Ghost Host's thud. This creates a mild startle effect for guests and helps in setting up the door reveal moments later.

4) With the illusion of the body hitting the floor, imediately the stretch portrait falls off the wall (tips over to one side as if it's a secret lever) causing a false door to reveal itself.

I think this would work... What are your thoughts? In theory the new stretch portrait and figure could be used to better emhasis the Ghost Host backstory. Perhaps as a nautical sea captain lost at sea. (as per original storyline)
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Well-Known Member
Beware: purist incoming.

For me an effect that doesn't quite "work" occurs during the introduction of the Ghost Host in the Stretching Gallery (an error in continuity in relation to effects used) Not only do many WDW guests NOT know the skeletal figure hanging from the rafters is in-fact our Ghost Host

It's pretty heavily implied. Ghost Host says, "Of course, there's always my way," and you see what appears to be a suicide. While it kinda changes things, it's not something that needs to be super-obvious. For one, it's a bit macabre to make it obvious, and for another, details are details; they're not meant to be noticed by everyone.

How does a room "with no windows, and no doors" later become a room WITH a door...without explanation?

The same way hinges creak in doorless chambers. Ghosts do that stuff.

Didn't the Ghost Host just taunt us to "find a way out"?

He did, but that was mere taunting. He knows that the wall slides open; he's just scaring people.

Why those sound effects?

This is where I like to use my imagination. Somebody walked into the attic and saw the hanging corpse, screamed, and passed out? Maybe, maybe not. It's like the ending of Inception in that it's your responsibility to determine what's happening. I prefer this, rather than having Disney tell me what exactly what's happening.

If you could "re-imagine" a particular effect or scene already in the "mansion" -- to Plus it...What would you do? What scene would you tweak? What effects would you improve and how?

Only big complaint is the freaking queue. Other than that, the only specific change I have is to the ballroom; I'm not particularly good with the optics of it all, but if they could make the glass on the second floor of the ballroom less reflective, it would be wonderful. (A single cell phone screen will destroy Pepper's Ghost with no remorse.) I also think the attic could use some reworking, but that's probably the purist in me breaking out.

Honestly, I want them to make it clear what the story line is. Ya, there's the basic narrator guy, but people always say there is more to it...

There isn't a storyline. Marc Davis didn't make storylines. The Haunted Mansion doesn't have a backstory. It just is. It's up to you to explain it yourself. And that's a beautiful thing.

Also, Disney classifies this as a thrill ride...I am never even slightly scared. Sure, its a family thrill ride, but why not add a haunting story that the older people will understand....or make a story more clear, like that exaggerate that ghost bride that wants to murder you.

Constance is creepy, but I'd rather not force her on the entire ride. One of the great things about the Haunted Mansion is that it has so many scenes that work mostly independently of one another. Another is that it's humorous more than it is scary. Any scary elements are courtesy of Claude Coats (the attic has always been pretty frightening, and a lot of the imagery in the early half of the ride is pretty gruesome; look at the pictures on the wall in the door scene).

ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm by no means a HM purist as I embrace tweaks to the mansion provided they don't interfere with the original ideas of Marc Claude Crump and Co. I do however like changes made for the better in terms of provide additional context to a scene or improving upon the effects already in the mansion. In that regard, I do like the new exiting crypt scene much better with the addition of the Hitchhiking Ghosts interactivition via projection and face recog software. To me, It's a step up from what it was -- without taking away the original concept. Plus, this area was designed to have a projected effect per original WED plans. I also like the ghostly foot prints with the "Escher" stairs.

Tweaks here and there are OK, but I'm not to fond of drastic changes. As other's have mentioned I too loath Constance and to be honest any "Wedding" backstories including that ring out front and the blast-up "I dos" etc. Eh, I'm indifferent on the interactive queue. I don't like it, but I don't hate it by any means. Some tweaks to the ride work...others not so much.
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ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Original Poster
Beware: purist incoming.

It's pretty heavily implied. Ghost Host says, "Of course, there's always my way," and you see what appears to be a suicide. While it kinda changes things, it's not something that needs to be super-obvious. For one, it's a bit macabre to make it obvious, and for another, details are details; they're not meant to be noticed by everyone.

I don't disagree with you. It's just that THIS detail (an entire storyline arc and effect sequence) is meant to be noticed. It's a bit morose but it does help in validating the narration. The entire setup doesn't read all that well (perhaps on purpose) but to me the scrim effect (and the figure itself which is kinda difficult to "figure" out), and the door reveal lack oomph, IMHO.

He did, but that was mere taunting. He knows that the wall slides open; he's just scaring people.

Does he though? The taunting's there but the wall sliding open leave much to be desired in both the narrator script (the challenge not being met for us) and the reveal of the entryway (which to be expected, feels like Disney Parks is opening the wall...and not the Ghost Host) eh. It feels like I'm being shoehorned into the next room without being given a reason.

The only support this room to room transition receives is a loud CM gesturing the way to go...
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Well-Known Member
The only support this room to room transition receives is a loud CM gesturing the way to go...

"Oh, I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely; the real chills come later." -The Ghost Host as guests leave the Stretching Gallery.

Yes, much of Haunted Mansion's story is left up to the imagination, but it's supposed to be. The actual story is as much of a mystery as the mansion. That's the point of the ride. To startle and delight; to allow guests to explore a mysterious and spooky, decrepit house. You're not supposed to know the whole story going in. You find it through observation during multiple rides, word of mouth, and now the internet; almost like an urban legend. It fits perfectly that the story isn't laid out perfectly. Trying to fill in the gaps that aren't meant to be filled just makes the mansion lose some, if not all, of its mystique. That being said, it certainly is interesting to try to give HM a more cohesive and understandable story - it's just not necessarily something that should be attempted in a classic mansion (I.E. WDW, DLR, and TDL.)

I'm also not quite sure you understand the purpose of the Ghost Host. My understanding at least is that the Ghost Host is this omniscient being. He knows the mansion like the back of his hand. All of its hidden passages; every nook and cranny. So, obviously, he would know that the Stretching Gallery has a hidden door. He just chooses not to inform his guests. That's the spirit(harhar) of his character. He obliges in showing guests around the mansion and its grounds, but that doesn't mean he's not going to have fun while doing it, meaning trying to scare guests.

ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
Original Poster
Sorry, but that's my point.

I understand he's the all knowing host with the most but because it's neither implied before OR after the sequence that we, as visitor's to the mansion, are walking through a secret passage way...Why would someone unfamiliar with the attraction think that a random room appearing amidst the darkness is in-fact a secret passage way and NOT just a hole in the wall we're ushered into to see the rest of the attraction?

To be blunt: It's our imagination that applies that "secret passage" scenario. If it even does... I'll see if I can find some WED notes or possibly a WWD vid that offers up this explanation or lack thereof. My point is, as previously mentioned, there's a lot NOT explained and with the Ghost Host not hinting one way or another -- It's just a hole in the wall to me.

The "Oh, I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely; the real chills come later. As they say look alive ...tour" spiel references the scream sound effect startle and the upcoming tour experience. I personally don't think this passage in the tour script has anything to do with a door/wall opening. If it did I think WED would have added something to that affect for Frees to VO.

To first-time guests, both the suicide plot device (which only works when one looks up in time to render the effect useful) and the "appearance" of the entryway into the Portrait Hall can leave them confused. Were you not dazed and confused the first time you became mesmerized by the mansion? I was. Both Dazed...and Confused. Having ridden it many a time...I still am, but it doesn't stop me from having a good time. It' s my favorite attraction. The Pepper's Ghost effect alone is worth the wait time...that and the singing busts.

Back to topic. Heck, I'd often overhear Moms and Dads explaining to their children that the Ghost Host couldn't escape the Gallery, and took his on life! Was this to simply explain the suicide off to a small child or did the parent truly not get it. Seeing as how the Ghost Host/suicide disconnect was an opening comment at a D23 event It seems this scene is a little confusing to folks on many levels.

BUT...I'm interested in hearing what any of you would do to tweak the mansion.
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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I feel that the quote we've been mentioning is in response to the entirety of the stretching gallery scene. The Ghost Host sets up this entire, rather frightening scene (hangings, no possibility of escape, walls stretching), and then lets guests out once he feels that they've been "properly startled."

I mean, it's all subjective. I'll admit that I'm a bit of a purist. I still call the TTA the PeopleMover, and DHS MGM. The Haunted Mansion is no exception to me. There is no need for the story to be present in the attraction, aside from the very basic, you're exploring a decrepit manor. The rest should, and has been, spread by word of mouth and rumor, much like an urban legend. Less in the ride adds more to the mystique is what I'm getting at.

In terms of tweaking, I honestly wouldn't really change a whole lot. Maybe update some effects. I'd love to change the attic as it's the tackiest room in the ride. It just doesn't jive with the rest of the ride, I feel.


Well-Known Member
In terms of tweaking, I honestly wouldn't really change a whole lot. Maybe update some effects. I'd love to change the attic as it's the tackiest room in the ride. It just doesn't jive with the rest of the ride, I feel.

The attic is (and has always been) a bit awkward, in my opinion. The interesting part? Always an obsession with decapitation. Constance is obvious, but the Hatbox Ghost and the pre-refurb screaming heads show that this motif has been a mainstay of the ride. Part of the problem with the new attic, I'd argue, is the music. You go from Grim Grinning Ghosts to Bridal March back to Grim Grinning Ghosts, and that's weird. Another is that the Constance (and Hatbox) appear too "real." (* Haunted Mansion is a three act play. Act I - no visible ghosts. Act II - Leota makes the ghosts materialize, so you can kinda see them as in the ballroom. Act III - you are dead, so the ghosts appear more physically as they appear in the graveyard.)

2007's refurbishment centered on the attic, the staircase, and effect updates. Given another opportunity, I'd re-do the attic and continue updating effects. On my list for the attic:
  • A less in-your-face bride shown using a holographic effect of some kind
  • A Grim Grinning Ghosts audio track (choppily played, like the current track)
  • The return of Hatbox Ghost (del Toro is using him, so he has to be there now)
Other small upgrades:
  • Floating table for Leota
  • Possibly improved lighting situation in the ballroom to prevent phones from ruining the effect
  • More Hitchhiking Ghost gags
  • Even better audio throughout the ride
  • New ghost-writer busts so that there are no doubles
  • New stretching portraits (each gallery gets two old and two new)
  • A guy who forces anyone who throws trash off of the ride to leave the park and never come back
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  • The return of Hatbox Ghost (del Toro is using him, so he has to be there now)

I seriously had no idea Del Toro's going to use the Hatbox Ghost. This just makes the movie 2x better when it comes out (Eventually).

But I do agree, the Hatbox Ghost needs to be in the Mansion somewhere. It could be an excellent effect, I'd love to see it.


New Member
I love the original stuff, including the "dating" of the effects. It never gets old. I didn't like the changes to the attic. It just feels different. I'd support the return of the Hatbox Ghost.
I also don't like the Holiday overlay. I've tried to approach it as a different ride, but it's still just corny to me. It's a long time (about a third of the year) to change an iconic ride like the Mansion.

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