I have very little info as of yet, but I wanted to post this very surprising nugget of info I found at www.darkhorizons.com:
Game Over: One of the "That 70's Show" producers is doing a CGI-animated midseason replacement show for UPN which is best described as a sitcom spoofing "Tron". Patrick Warburton and Marisa Tomei will be voicing the husband Rip and wife Raquel respectively.
I like Patrick Warburton, and I love Tron. This sounds like a hit or miss opportunity here... much like the Tick Series.
Anyone have more info? I would assume there will be lots of hidden and not so hidden spoofs on all Game genres with a focus on the 80's all inside a virtual world.
I know I'm pushing it listing this in Walt Disney Company > Motion Pictures, TV, Video and DVD but if it is going to be a spoof on the world of TRON, I think it pertains.
This coupled with the anticipated release of TRON 2.0 may be enough to push Disney over into considering a sequel. I'm sure to many that doesn't sound like much, but to fans... that is a dream come true. Plus I think a TRON sequel could have such a bigger impact on todays computer knowledgeable and internet driven society. Look at the success of the Matrix. With proper direction and advancements, a TRON sequel could have a premise as equally complex and exciting. :lol: Maybe I'm dreaming a bit too much now, but this tv show is interesting none the less, at least for a retro-perspective.
Game Over: One of the "That 70's Show" producers is doing a CGI-animated midseason replacement show for UPN which is best described as a sitcom spoofing "Tron". Patrick Warburton and Marisa Tomei will be voicing the husband Rip and wife Raquel respectively.
I like Patrick Warburton, and I love Tron. This sounds like a hit or miss opportunity here... much like the Tick Series.
Anyone have more info? I would assume there will be lots of hidden and not so hidden spoofs on all Game genres with a focus on the 80's all inside a virtual world.
I know I'm pushing it listing this in Walt Disney Company > Motion Pictures, TV, Video and DVD but if it is going to be a spoof on the world of TRON, I think it pertains.
This coupled with the anticipated release of TRON 2.0 may be enough to push Disney over into considering a sequel. I'm sure to many that doesn't sound like much, but to fans... that is a dream come true. Plus I think a TRON sequel could have such a bigger impact on todays computer knowledgeable and internet driven society. Look at the success of the Matrix. With proper direction and advancements, a TRON sequel could have a premise as equally complex and exciting. :lol: Maybe I'm dreaming a bit too much now, but this tv show is interesting none the less, at least for a retro-perspective.