Traveling with infants


Well-Known Member
We are leaving for WDW over the Christmas holiday with our 6 month old baby. I'm curious if anybody has recommendations (legal ones:) ) for calming and quieting a baby on airplanes. I've heard that decongestants can help relieve the pressure but thats about it. He is a VERY well behaved and quiet baby but I don't think that will help much in this circumstance. However, I don't want to be "that" parent with the screaming baby that everybody is ticked off at :) .

Is there anything we should know about getting through security at the airport? I wasn't sure if we need his birth certificate or some other form of ID. He obviously can't drive yet so he can't show a drivers license.:D

Finally, does MEARS provide a car seat for transportation between the airport and our onsite hotel? I'm not overly concerned with Disney Transport as they usually don't go very fast and I wouldn't expect car seats on a bus anyway but going 85 on a Florida interstate has me a bit concerned. I would also think it is illegal.

Thanks for any insight!


I doubt you will have any security problems with him. I doubt that he would look suspicious. However, I hope for your sake he doesn't have shifty eyes :lookaroun (just kidding ;) )

My parents always told me that they would keep me up for a long time before the flight so that I'd be so tired I'd sleep on the plane. Don't have kids of my own... yet.... so I don't know for sure, but sounds good to me.
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New Member
Don't worry about being the one with the crying baby. I think it's terrible that families with babies have reputations and are looked down on. Sometimes you just can't stop a kid from crying. And that's OK. Parents have EVERY right to bring their kids on a plane. On the other hand, sometimes crying babies bring out the best in people -- we've actually run into MANY helpful people on airplanes when travelling with our crew of 5 kids.

(I wouldn't use decongestants unless he has a cold or obvious congestion. ______________ really helps equalize pressure.)

The rudest, most unhelpful people are the airline employees. They are TERRIBLE for the most part. They act as if they hate families and kids, and I think most of them would be for forced sterilization of anyone who ever plans to travel by air.

Last spring while travelling to Colorado our 2 year-old (who can't talk and wears an adorable leather helmet because of seizures) was singled out for a random weapons screen. So our family couldn't board the plane until LAST. Well, it takes us a long time to board and the flight attendants couldn't close the doors until we were seated and they treated us like c*$$*rap because they had to wait for us. I could tell you A BUNCH of stories like that, which is why we would never consider flying to Disney World, which is "only" 750 miles away.

(I could tell a couple of rare stories where we've run into caring airline employees, but they are the excpetion.)

Well, when we do our annual trip out West this year I'm bringing a video camera and recording the whole boarding process on tape (I may even invest in a small, hidden camera), and I wouldn't hesitate to sue the airline if they discriminate for any illegal reason. In fact I would love to sue -- not for the money but to force the airlines to become more accomodating to families, which they definitely are not.

Anyway, ask your doctor for some Xanax for yourself and enjoy the flight.

___________ = "S ucking" it was edited out by the forum
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New Member
I always give my child Benadryl at the airport about 1/2 hour before our flight. It helps with the build up in the ears and my doctor said it is not harmful but of course check with your own doctor. She also usually sleeps with the Benadryl also. The other thing is going through the metal detectors now they make you fold up your stoller and put it on the belt so make sure that you have everything out of the stroller if you are taking one. I don't know about the car seat with Mears but a lot of the car company's do provide a car seat but you have to call ahead and ask for one and they usually charge a fee. Good Luck and have a Great time.
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Well-Known Member
Hi there, my best advice is nurse or bottle feed as the plane is taking off and landing. When our daughter was 9 months old we did and she feel asleep for most of the flight.

Take your stroller right up to the enternce to the plane, they will store it down below for you and it will be waiting for you when you get off. This way you can use it in the airport.

I don't know about Mears and Car seats. Last year we took our little infant one and checked it. When we asked about it the staff didn't seem too informed. (children are free)

This year we are going with Tiffany Town Car or Your Ride. Both will provide age approprate car seats and a stop the store on the way to your resort. Also will they take you directly there (no other stops) and meet you at the airport. Here is a link to it.

I didn't have any problems with Disney transportation and the baby, she thought it was great not to be in the car seat and on our laps!!!!

Have a great trip. Disney resorts all have cribs on request.

Where are you staying?
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New Member
Originally posted by confal1
I always give my child Benadryl at the airport about 1/2 hour before our flight.

I would be hesitant to give a 6mo Benadryl unless he really needed it. Benadryl can make some infants hyper and irritable. Which would make the flight a nightmare. Some of my kids responded that way. If you're gonna try it -- test it before the flight.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow! Thanks for all of the suggestions. I'll try the benadryl before we go to be sure it has the desired effect. He has a checkup next week anyway so we will also check with the doctor first :). We'll be staying at Dixie...I mean Port Orleans Riverside. Hopefully they follow through with the king bed and a crib. I think I will call Mears before we go to check about the carseat. Sometimes we have had crazy drivers that had us totally freaked out by the time we arrived and other times they were wonderful calm drivers. I couldn't live with myself if we were in an accident and something happended to my son all because I didn't call ahead. Thanks again everybody for your prompt responses!
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
When I took my youngest to Diseny, I either gave her a bottle or her pacifier to suck on during take off and landing for the pressure in her ears to help them to pop. What many people who do not have children don't realize is that many infants cry because of the pressure that builds up in their poor little ears. Good Luck,
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Well-Known Member
wishiwere@wdw, I wish I was too. Chirstmas is a great time for a WDW trip. We went last year, and it was great. (Our next trip ins't until March, I guess I will just hang in there.:) ) I love Dixie.

I forgot to mention, last time my daugher was getting over an ear infection and the doctor gave us numbing ear drops for the plane, she said they are a good idea to have with you just in case. We did not end up needing them, but I think I will take them this year too just in case. Of course it ended up she was allergic to her antibotic and we had a unplanned visist to a walk in medical clinic during our trip (Cenra Care). They treated us well and our trip only had a minor set back (just letting you know there is good walk in medical care if needed.) They even picked up us up in a van with a car set, no charge for the ride.

Have a wonderful trip.

Mrs. PhD
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wishiwere@wdw
However, I don't want to be "that" parent with the screaming baby that everybody is ticked off at :) .
Don't worry about it - Those travellers who have infants or who are parents themselves will understand. Its the ignorant (childless) travellers who may whine - I'd ask if they were not children themselves once (plus any adverse behaviour demonstrates that they probably still ARE children)
Take what precautions you can and if the infant does make a noise its only natural
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New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
When I took my youngest to Diseny, I either gave her a bottle or her pacifier to suck on during take off and landing for the pressure in her ears to help them to pop. What many people who do not have children don't realize is that many infants cry because of the pressure that builds up in their poor little ears. Good Luck,

This is also the way we have gone. The bottle and pacifier work well. I'd stay clear of giving any medication to an infant just to keep them from crying. He souds like a good baby so don't wory about others. Most people are understanding as long as they see you are trying, it's when you see parents not attending to their kids at all that is more upsetting..enjoy your trip.
Also, if you re looking for cib buppers at the hotel, forget it, they will make you sign a release for saftey concerns
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New Member

I have taken both of my children to WDW when they were less than one year old. Don't worry about the crying. You are on vacation. As stated before. A bottle,nuk,etc. works really well. At least it did for my kids. As far as the stroller goes. It is no big deal. You do have to take the infant out of the stroller when you get to the check point/x-ray machines. They do a thorough search of the stroller...after that. You then can walk your child right up to the plane ent. where they will then put the stroller below. Make sure you tag it!! As far as mears goes. They do not supply a car least not the last time I went which was in Feb. of 2000. Have a great time!!:slurp:
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New Member
Does your flight have basinettes (cots) in front of the bulkhead seats? If so, try and pre-book your seats (or check in very early) so that your baby isn't in your lap for the whole flight. Good luck.:snore:
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Premium Member
Re: Re: Traveling with infants

Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
Don't worry about it - Those travellers who have infants or who are parents themselves will understand. Its the ignorant (childless) travellers who may whine - I'd ask if they were not children themselves once (plus any adverse behaviour demonstrates that they probably still ARE children)
Take what precautions you can and if the infant does make a noise its only natural

You know you asked for it here !:animwink: As a childless person moi and hubby try to help as much as we can when we see parents that need it ! We also give a wink and a smile to let them know we understand ! Not all childless persons are ignorant !:) Just a little tiny note here , no trouble intended !:D
To Pam : It's hard to believe that anybody would begrudge a child for crying when a plane lands or takes off and does not realize that their ears are affected !Those people need to find where they left their brains ! ( I would like to think that because i have no children does not make me completely without one !)To Goofy man : I agree with you, when people get annoyed ( childless or not) it's mostly because those parents ignore their child ( believe me there is some that do ), and those people feel bad for the child. Just some thoughts here from a childless person !:animwink:
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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Traveling with infants

Originally posted by Horizons38
! Not all childless persons are ignorant

As I said above, it's not the passengers you have to worry about. It's the airline employees. They are the true family-haters.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Traveling with infants

Originally posted by dreamer
As I said above, it's not the passengers you have to worry about. It's the airline employees. They are the true family-haters.

Kind of a blanket statement there. It's unfortunate that you have had bad experiences, but I've seen plenty of crews be very polite to families with children.
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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Traveling with infants

Originally posted by SamatBCV
Kind of a blanket statement there. It's unfortunate that you have had bad experiences, but I've seen plenty of crews be very polite to families with children.

I have five children and have flown with them quite a bit. I'm sure we've taken thirty or forty trips with our kids -- usually at least 4 flights per trip, sometimes six because of where we live. So we've been on lots of planes and I can tell you the kinds flight attendants, gate attendants, ticket agents, etc. who help families ARE THE EXCEPTION, not the rule.

Even before 9/11 it was terrible, now it's even worse.
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