John Akerlund has a really nice action to add a bar to the bottom right of an image and put your name and copyright on it.
It's Copyright 1.1 and you can find it here:
I also highly recommend his B&W and tint tone action.
Just a not, use the Copyright action on a web-sized copy of an image. It will rename some layers and flatten the image, so you dont want to be using it on a fullsized original.
I used the copyright action on this photo:
It's Copyright 1.1 and you can find it here:
I also highly recommend his B&W and tint tone action.
Just a not, use the Copyright action on a web-sized copy of an image. It will rename some layers and flatten the image, so you dont want to be using it on a fullsized original.
I used the copyright action on this photo: