I love train trips, but only in Europe. Those dudes got it right. Here it is just a vehicle that travels on a hopefully solid track.
In Europe it is a comfortable, exciting adventure. Far more pleasurable than an airplane. And when you take into consideration, the number of delays your plane takes getting to you, taxiing to takeoff, waiting for your turn for takeoff, sitting in seats that were designed by using 12 year old, malnourished girls as a guide for seat measurement, being hours unable to move you legs unless you decide that you want to climb over those two 400 lb. people oozing into your area while snoring and passing gas, stacking waiting for an open runway to land, taxiing and then siting idle while waiting for a gate to open, standing there waiting for your luggage to come circling around and the time spent with the staff trying to figure out where the hell your suitcase actually went, it is far less frustrating to travel by Train. Takes a little longer, but worth it.