Hey Guys,
I thought I'd let you know how I did. Well I did pass the audition, and i'm very excited about being a character, but the thing is there's not enough room for me to start right now, so there going to have me in the "Character Pool" for a while doing attractions...Hopefully not for long though.
Yesterday I got a call from Casting asking me what rides I wanted to work on immediatley. It said on my resume that I can't start for another 3 weeks (school)...I know that they did this on purpose cause the lady was trying to pressure me into taking the job starting immediatley. She said "ok then, If you would accepted today, you could have picked any attraction you want on property"...Talk about pressure there. But it will be ok, all I really want to do is be a character...so i'll have to wait for now.
Thanks for all your help.