There is hope...


New Member
Original Poster
Many of you, including me, think that some of the Proejct Gemini plans are rediculous, especially the Time Racers, Wonders of Life... Personally, due to cost and timing, I belive that most of these plans will never surface. Here in California, imagineers were seriousely planning to convert Matterhorn into Mount Minnie and Mickey. The plan never began, because, like Gemini, it is unrealistic. The likliehood of Gemini happening in a pre or post war economy is slimm, so I am not worried at all that EPCOT is going to become a "lush" forest.

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
I hate the idea of Project ruins my visions of old Epcot and what i remember form my childhood..........i hope your right...and that it indeed is a unrealistic plan for Epcot



Well-Known Member
I dunno...

I agree that the project is a long shot...RIGHT NOW...

But we all have to agree....EPCOT is not the family park is was ment to be...

Whether the new project will change that or not...I feel that dsiney knows they need to do something...just about anything to stay one step a head from the other parks....and make it more family orientaited...

If the project does not go into effect now...I do feel that at some point...FW will go through a dramatic change...

:eek: oh well :(


New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
I hate the idea of Project ruins my visions of old Epcot and what i remember form my childhood..........i hope your right...and that it indeed is a unrealistic plan for Epcot


I don't think Disney should let Epcot die because some people are sentimental. I love Epcot but it needs to change.

Just like I loved my family, but when the time came I left home.

Change happens.

I hope this thread wasn't intended just for Gemini haters.


Well-Known Member
I do like some of the Project Gemini ideas, but I'm not expecing most of them (if any) to ever come to life. I do hope that Disney would try to think up some ideas that might be more realistic to try to improve Future World. I may be biassed because Future World has always been my least favorite part of WDW (I usually spend onlt 2 hours or less there per trip). Personally, I think it's long overdue for a change.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Welcome Change!

I know a lot of you loved the old Epcot, but something has to be done to modernise it and keep the crowds coming back.

Look at it another way - if they don't update it and do something about the dated 80's look, the attendance figures will continue to fall until the point where it's no longer affordable for Disney to have open.

Would you rather keep Epcot the way it is for the next few years and then not have an Epcot at all? Or would you rather welcome change and continue to visit Epcot for many decades to come?

They've done their research - their losing out on the repeat factor, especially with kids and teens. They need something that's gonna keep people returning. The re-design currently being discussed does exactly that, and if you imagine walking through the newly revamped Epcot just think of how cool it could be? I know for sure the old Epcot will be missed and will always have a place in our hearts, that being said, it doesn't mean the new one will automatically be a pile of crap. In all honestly, it's likely to be a lot better - just think if Disney announced a fifth theme park with all of the propsed rides and theming, instead of replacing some of the old, you'd all be wetting at the mouth by now in anticipation!

All i'm saying is, welcome change - everything needs to evolve and move on, its the way of life. You can't keep anything the same forever, if we don't let go of the past that's all Epcot will become - the past. And none of us want to lose Epcot forever.


Epcot is my fav

Active Member
the only thing that bothers me is that SE is going to be changed....i think that the ride and not just the structure it stands what made Epcot what it shows the change in technology over the years and brings out what Epcot was suppose to be....oh well i guess i have to accept the change
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
the only thing that bothers me is that SE is going to be changed....i think that the ride and not just the structure it stands what made Epcot what it is
i didnt even know there was a ride in se until i went in with my dad about 2 years ago. it was all stormy out and the ride broke down. cms had to come get us and walk us out. i personally think that not the ride inside is what epcot is but the magic of the sphere since it looked like something from a fairy tale that many never get to see in their lifetime made epcot what it is.


Well-Known Member
Spaceship Earth has changed very little in the past 20 years, is starting to fall apart (listen to it when you are riding--it needs help) and it has no sponsor. Disney will not pay to fix it, and no sponsor wants to pay to fix an attraction to leave it as it is, which would not attract any more riders. If Disney wants this ride fixed and doesn't want to pay for it, it will have to have a major change. No one wants to pay for an outdated ride, one of the reasons AT&T left--they realize the ride wasn't really helping them out, and they were not willing to pay for a replacement. The same can be said for MetLife and...Living Seas's former sponsor slips my mind...United Technologies? This is the problem with Epcot--its pavilions are massive, with very expensive upkeep--a lot more expensive than would be a single attraction at the other parks. Perhaps this is why they are considering adding several single attractions with the proposed Project: Gemini. It would be easier to find someone to sponsor Soarin' than to ask Nestle to pay for that as well, since it is next to The Land.


New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
it shows the change in technology over the years and brings out what Epcot was suppose to be....oh well i guess i have to accept the change

The only problem is that EPCOT wasn't even intended to be a family park or anything. So, in reality, EPCOT has never been what it was supposed to be


Well-Known Member
I agree... Epcot has got to modernize or it's going to be a ghost town. I just dont think it is necessary to turn all the traditional rides into thrill rides. The thing that made Disney parks unique in the first place is the fact that they had emphasis on theming, not thrill like all of the other, typical, amusement parks.


New Member
MicBat - it looks like we agree again - maybe it's the water down here :)

Futrue World needs updating just like TomorrowLand needed updating in the earily 90's. In that case, I like how they turned it in to a turn of the century view of the future. The problem with trying to be cutting edge is that the edge keeps moving and never at the rate or direction we think it will.

I think the green park effect would look nice. BUT, the trend I see now is to replace everything with a thrill ride. This concerns me more than updating the park or replacing SE. (Don't get me wrong, I love coasters and such) It seems they want to yank everything that was aimed at viewing AA and make it jolt you around. (CoP, Horizons, the Alien Encounter (mental jolts), World of Motion. etc.). To me they can update the look, the AA, the media, even the ride vehicle, and the pacing, but please put in a good story. Its like they lost all the folks with creative thoughts so they have to revert to cheap thrills. It's like a movie going for blood, gore, and ______ instead of writing a great tale. It's always been the theme, story, and broad appeal that made Disney special.

I also agree that the EPCOT we see is not exactly what Walt intended. If they want to add some cool hotels right in the middle of EPCOT to add the Community part, I'd love to stay there.

Oh well, time to get off my soapbox. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I really hate it when people refer to Disney thrill rides as "cheap thrills". That is extremely ridiculous. You cannot tell me, with a straight face, that Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Star Tours, Test Track, Mission: SPACE, Maelstrom, DINOSAUR, and Kali River Rapids are cheap thrill rides--they are all E-Ticket attractions. I like to believe Disney still knows how to make good E-Rides...they make one thrill ride with less theming (Primeval Whirl!) and you accuse Disney of becoming a Six Flags park...please...:rolleyes:

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