Pre-Trip The "wow this is really happening" 50th birthday

Hi guys!

"Oh no" you're thinking. "Someone with only four(count 'em 4) posts is trying to write a trip report? This is going to end badly!"

Well, that may be true... but I've been hanging out around these parts for quite awhile. I think I've gleaned enough by the point to be able to write a pretty dang-acceptable trip report.

So, after many trips contemplating writing one, I'm finally going to do a real


I'll edit this with a picture of the three of us as soon as I find one where we are all looking normal in the same image.

Me (19) -
My name is Paul. I'm a college student and full-time waiter in the very cold nether-regions of New England. How convenient that my moms birthday falls on my spring break! And nowhere I'd rather be. I love absolutely everything Disney (who doesn't). Rarely will a day go by where I haven't listened to the full soundtrack from at least two or three Disney movies (right now listening to Tangled, my all time favorite [but of course that's a conversation/argument/brawl for another thread ;)]).

I've saved up a lot of money for this vacation because I really want to surprise my mom and make this trip even more special than our previous ones.

Now, unlike some of you lucky people I don't get to go to Disney very often. My mom and I went alone in early December (and had an AMAZING time), and now we're going again in March. It seems surreal! Before this December, we hadn't gone to Disney in maybe five or six years. That's where the title of this trip report comes from - we were talking about how it doesn't seem possible that we're lucky enough to go twice in less than six months!

I don't know very much about the ins and outs of every single ride, so I'm not going to be able to comment on whether specific animatronics are working. Also, and especially when I am in Disney, I tend to take an unrelentingly optimistic view of my situation. So if you're looking for someone to bemoan how terrible Disney is compared to what it used to be, you should probably just click away now! We are going to make the most of every moment of our vacation, even if we can't ride the Backlot Express!!!!​

my mom (49.9)
I think my mom has really started to fall in love with Disney more and more as time has gone on. I guess that's why she chose to go there for her birthday. More than anything, she hates the cold, and when we were there in December, it was the middle of a NASTY cold snap. Seriously, the warmest it got was mayyyybeeeeeee 65 degrees. So this trip, going to the pool and just generally spending as much time as possible are both high on our priority list.

My mom isn't a huge Disney fan, but she will always watch a movie with me (which is quite often), and once she has seen a movie, generally likes to re-experience attractions in the park (ie JotLM after seeing the Little Mermaid in November).

She doesn't like thrill rides (except for the ToT[?!?!]), but doesn't mind wandering around for an hour or an hour and a half while my dad and I go do something.​

and my dad(46)
My dad is definitely the least Disney-media crazed of the three of us. However, seeing his face when he goes to Disney is so funny. At home he's a very hard worker, and he just looks so genuinely happy when he's walking down MSUSA or riding the RnR. I imagine he likes the World just as much as my mom and I, but in a different way.​

POFQ! We've never been there, but it's been on our list for a long time. The resort as a whole looks absolutely stunning to me - I can't wait to see it.

Wednesday 3-18!! It's so soon I can hardly contain my excitement!
My parents are coming back on Monday the 23rd. I'm never coming back! (see my comments below)

It's my moms 50th birthday. We like to eschew giving gifts in favor of doing something special for big special occasions, and a 50th birthday is just about as big as it gets, so my mom decided to go all out and book a trip to the World!

A huge thanks to everyone on this forum who has helped me plan my trip. Even though I've only ever started one other thread, the information I've gathered here over the past weeks/months/years/decades.


Since I work at a restaurant, I guess I'm a bit of a dining snob. I always try to set my expectations at a reasonable level before going out to eat, and I'll try not to judge Disney by unfair standards :).

= new restaurant

Wednesday night - Plaza Restaurant*
An easy and light way to kick off our trip.
Thursday night - Chefs de France*
My moms pick. I was a little apprehensive at first, but recent reviews seem to indicate that the restaurant is doing very well, so I am excited to see what's up.
Friday night - Flying Fish Cafe*
It's a Friday during Lent! This was my pick for the trip. One of my eventual goals is to eat at all the signatures. I was debating between FF and Narcoosee's for this trip. I settled on FF because the menu seemed more appealing (and more reasonable), and in general, it seems like people like FF more.
Saturday lunch - Beaches and Cream*
We are doing things a bit backwards and having dessert before lunch. We are going to do the infamous kitchen sink! Then maybe we'll share a hot dog afterwards LOL.
Saturday night - Le Cellier
This is my moms "birthday dinner," even though her birthday isn't until the next day. We've been twice before and both times we were absolutely blown out of the water. Last time we went, we agreed our steaks were probably the best we had ever had. While we do want to try Yachtsman one day, for our birthday dinner, we are sticking with our tried and true favorites (regardless of what other people think)!
Sunday night - Crystal Palace
We do this place every trip. While the food is never outstanding, we love seeing Pooh and friends, so we are always sure to stop in.
Birthday plans -

Memory Maker - Not so much a birthday plan as something that we haven't done before. While it is a short trip (which makes me wonder about the value), I've always wanted to try it. Plus, it'll give us an opportunity to get pictures as a family, which rarely happens.

Disney Floral - We've never done this before either. We ordered roses, balloons, some snacks, and birthday ears for my mom.

Cake - At dinner on Saturday we are getting a cake from the cake hotline. We ordered the Minnie chocolate cake. However, we are thinking of changing to one of the fondant cakes.

Wishes cruise - We have a Wishes cruise planned for Sunday, which is her birthday. This is a major splurge for us, and I am unbelievably excited. Wishes is our family's mutual favorite part about Disney. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to be able to keep this a secret.
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Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Sounds great! You guys will love POFQ its definitely our favorite hotel, especially the pool and the boat to Downtown Disney!!! (Although Wilderness Lodge is a very close second if not tied for first!) What kind of extra magical surprises do you have in mind for your mom??


Well-Known Member
I find no better way to celebrate a birthday by going to Disney World. It doesn't matter if you have 4 or 4000 posts on the forum to write a good trip report especially since most of us just love to read about Magical experiences that occurred at Disney World. Have a wonderful time with the family. Following along.


New Member
Original Poster
Edited the original post with some more plans.

My parents are leaving on Monday at around 230 for their 530 flight. My best friend lives in Tampa, so he is going to come for the rest of the day that day, and we are going to spend the rest of the day in the park by ourselves. Also, one of my other friends just happens to be in Disney at the same time, so we will be seeing her as well that day!

Then, my friend from Tampa and I are going to drive back up the coast to school. So, it might be a few days until I am able to write this trip report.

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