The truth, please. What is M:S REALLY like??


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Original Poster
I'm really getting the impression that Mission: Space is a tremendous letdown. I haven't been on it yet and won't get to until December, but my expectations have already dropped significantly (maybe that's a good thing). I haven't really read any posts that indicate it is the "intense thrill ride" it was supposed to be. Even the positive things I read about it sound like people are just kind of defending it. I don't get a sense that they actually were impressed or blown away by it. But yet, a lot of those same people will rank it as one of their top rides. Does that mean they're truly not all that impressed by any of the other attractions at WDW either? Seriously, I've read posts that say things like, "It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it is still one of my favorites." What does that say about all the others?

Is this what is going to happen with Expedition Everest? We'll get all excited about it for several years and people will write posts about what an intense ride it's going to be....and then 4 years from now, we'll be reading posts that say, "Well it's not that fast and the snowman is kind of fake, and the effects aren't all that impressive, but gosh darn it, this is one of my favorites!"


New Member
First off, let me say that there is no way on earth that Mission: Space could have possible lived up to the hype. Ever since its announcement, this ride has been plugged as being the most revolutionary theme park attraction ever developed. No ride experience, no matter how good, could ever live up to that.

That said, Mission: Space is an excellent experience. The queue theming is wonderful as is the entire pre-ride show. The attraction itself is also top notch. Those crazy imagineers still have genius in them afterall! During liftoff, I was in a state of utter awe!

Disney rides have a tendency to transport you. Most theme parks stick a roller coaster in the middle of a field, and expect you to be impressed by ride statistics. Disney has always made sure that the experience and overall feeling comes before the ride itself, and if you're looking to be transported out of reality and into the magic, Mission: Space is out of this world!


Well-Known Member
Really, the worst thing you can do is let yourself get caught up in what is written here and elsewhere. I know, that sounds ridiculous, why else are we here? But it is the truth, prior to my first ride on MS I went in knowing very little, I didn't watch any videos, I didn't know any of the storyline and I tried incredibly hard not to read the reviews after the inital "flood" of people got to ride it. I knew the background stuff, like it was a centrifuge, you would have to do something during the ride, and you would feel lots of G's, etc. Now knowing that, let me tell you, I was truly blown away by the ride on my first trip. I thought it was very intense, so intense that it made TOT and RnRC seem tame when I rode them the same day.

Now I must heed a warning here. Don't take what I'm saying to be the undenible truth. Why? Because MS will become a let down for you and it will NEVER match what you may "dream" it could be. In fact, after my first trips, I came back and read all the stuff I could on it from various message boards to see what others thought and I began to think, wow, if I had read some of these things before, I would have put MS on a pedastal that NO attraction could ever conceivably get to and it would have been somewhat of a letdown. But I could understand why people were writing what they were. They loved it just like I did and it was really one of the best experiences they had.

I know this may seem confusing, but by NO means do I think MS is a letdown and, for me, it surpassed all of my original expectations, which were made up in my own little head :)lol: ), and not from what I had read.

That said, EE will have the same fate should we get carried away. I think Philharmagic will blow a lot of us away because we haven't really ever talked about it. It really has gotten hidden behind all the hoopla of MS and I imagine could be a real shock to us all when it does open (crossing fingers ;) )


New Member
I personaly feel, that mission:space was the best ride Ive ever been on. I always thought that WDWs rides were and probably are the the best rides on earth, but hopefully you'll enjoy it because I really really did. I was very sad to leave and go back home. But I'll be there in December to give it another 20 runs.

General Grizz

New Member
What I think M:S lacks is its more broad interaction with essence (dreaming/doing). Yes, it's fun - and we get to "experience what the astronauts experience" - - but where's that little bit of inspiration we take with us: man's frontiers - and the fact that...this was all just a dream at one point! I just don't see it.

While the technology is revolutionary and the ride was fun...was Mission Space the best ride I've been on? just doesn't appeal to my liking (humor, warmness, character, "being there" detail, essence). It's just a tad bit "cold" for me. Fun ride...and hopefully, it will draw MASSIVE crowds to EPCOT. . .

I just think there are a couple more steps Disney needs to take in order to make the next E-Ticket. :)

mr snrub

New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
What I think M:S lacks is its more broad interaction with essence (dreaming/doing). Yes, it's fun - and we get to "experience what the astronauts experience" - - but where's that little bit of inspiration we take with us: man's frontiers - and the fact that...this was all just a dream at one point! I just don't see it.

While the technology is revolutionary and the ride was fun...was Mission Space the best ride I've been on? just doesn't appeal to my liking (humor, warmness, character, "being there" detail, essence). It's just a tad bit "cold" for me. Fun ride...and hopefully, it will draw MASSIVE crowds to EPCOT. . .

I just think there are a couple more steps Disney needs to take in order to make the next E-Ticket. :)

but that isnt waht the average theme park goer ages 15-23 wants. I know its what i would like (and i am in that age bracket), but im sure most of my peers would jsut like a thrill ride.

which is why splash mountain is so great. Everybody wins.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CTXRover
Now I must heed a warning here. Don't take what I'm saying to be the undenible truth. Why? Because MS will become a let down for you and it will NEVER match what you may "dream" it could be. In fact, after my first trips, I came back and read all the stuff I could on it from various message boards to see what others thought and I began to think, wow, if I had read some of these things before, I would have put MS on a pedastal that NO attraction could ever conceivably get to and it would have been somewhat of a letdown.

Well I unfortunately did exactly what you were explaining at the end. I read every single review and believed the hype. And yes I guess looking back at it I put M:S on that "F-Ticket" pesdastal that is it nowhere near. But I am also a 19 year old male that is sorta a roller coaster junkie so to speak. I can ride the Incredible Hulk and Rock N Roller Coaster so many times in a row with no problem. I could probably ride these rides in my sleep honestly. So it's kinda harder to "thrill" me than the average theme park goer. And I should have thought about that a little before getting my hopes up for M:S :lol:

Big Pooh

New Member
To me, Tower of Terror is the ultimate thrill ride because it has all the elements...story, vision, suspense, and thrill. It blew me away the first time I rode it because I did'nt know anything about it. I was told it was a drop ride and I had visions of Sky Screamer at Six Flags Astroworld. As I was coming down Sunset Blvd the first time, the closer I got the more my jaw dropped. WOW.....:eek:

I'm trying not to expect the same thing from M:S. I'm trying not to expect the best ride ever. I keep telling myself it's a GOOD E-Ticket and not the world's first F-Ticket. But still, I can't wait to ride it...Nov. 3rd, 9am...And it can't get here soon enough. :)

Peace Love and Mickey...

Cheers :wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
What I think M:S lacks is its more broad interaction with essence (dreaming/doing). Yes, it's fun - and we get to "experience what the astronauts experience" - - but where's that little bit of inspiration we take with us: man's frontiers - and the fact that...this was all just a dream at one point! I just don't see it.

I absolutely see what you are saying and its true. However, I did come away with a greater understanding of what astronauts go through. This is the true educational aspect of this attraction that all Epcot attractions strive for, but here it isn't directly thrown at you. Of course, some will come away thinking it was just a good "thrill ride", but the fact is there is an educational aspect to it that many should hopefully realize, if only on a subconscious level.

But there is a "dream" aspect to this entire experience, that one day in the future, the general public will have the opportunity to train and travel to space, perhaps even to Mars. A reality that may come true and is just a dream now. This would be the opposite of what you're trying to say. There isn't any indication in MS that space travel was once a dream but now a reality (for astronauts only though). Instead, here we are experiencing the dream that may one day be the reality (general public space travel). :)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
M:S is nothing more than indoor virtual lawn darts... the effects are so realistic though.. you'll SWEAR your eye was just impaled..



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Originally posted by imagineer99
Ever since its announcement, this ride has been plugged as being the most revolutionary theme park attraction ever developed. No ride experience, no matter how good, could ever live up to that.

Sure it could! That's exactly my point. WHY can't Mission: Space live up to it's billing as "the most revolutionary theme park attraction ever developed"? I thought that was what we've come to expect from Disney. And after all, SOME attraction somewhere has to be the most revolutionary. I thought Mission: Space was going to be that attraction once it opened. It was supposed to be. I even read an article this evening in my issue of the AAA magazine that describes it as the most technologically advanced DISNEY attraction ever (The article claims that Spiderman at Islands of Adventure is the most technologically advanced ANYWHERE).

These responses to my post are making feel a little better. I just am hoping this won't be like Test Track. I do enjoy Test Track and I know that from a technological standpoint, it is very impressive. But from a show standpoint, it is a little bit of a disappointment. Contrast that with Star Tours the first time I rode it. THAT blew me away and it DID have a lot of hype! I guess that's what I want from Mission: Space. I'm not asking that it terrify me. But I want to be blown away.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by mr snrub
but that isnt waht the average theme park goer ages 15-23 wants.

OK - let's build giant inverted coasters all around the park. They'd like that, right? :lol: :lookaroun

(Disney - don't get any ideas!! :eek: :lol: )

Actually, in the case of M:S, preshow education and even just one-liners about space travel (if we could dream it, we could do it/dreams becoming reality) could REALLY make a difference. Give something to do during the wait...maybe add a bit of comedy to it? (ALA cartoonish looks on education, something Walt Disney always did).

Just these LITTLE things can make a big difference to make the whole pavilion a whole heck-of-a-lot stronger. :D


New Member
I came to the boards just recently and avoided talk/spoilers about M:S so for my August trip I was going in kinda blind. Sort of like hearing about a movie but not seeing the trailer.

It was interesting, different and reasonably enjoyable plus fitted in well with Epcot.

The major problem is my lack of desire to re-ride it. Other top notch, Eride's have great re-ride strength for me, including Test Track at Epcot, TOT/RnRC at Studios, Dino/Safari at AK, and Splash/Space at MK.

I really wonder if after a few years M:S will be a ride that people still want to go on again.


New Member
Merlin, when I went during the 4th, I was lucky enough to ride it. It is a wonderful ride that you must go on, but I think All41 and BigPooh hit it right on the head, to me it doesnt even compare to Tower of Terror and RnR. I thought the sensations during the ride were ok, definetly interesting, but not incredible. To me, Spiderman is still the best and thechnologically most incredible ride in orlando.

I'm waiting for the mummy to surpass that, not Expedition Everest


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Original Poster
Originally posted by Donaldistheduck
Merlin, when I went during the 4th, I was lucky enough to ride it. It is a wonderful ride that you must go on, but I think All41 and BigPooh hit it right on the head, to me it doesnt even compare to Tower of Terror and RnR. I thought the sensations during the ride were ok, definetly interesting, but not incredible. To me, Spiderman is still the best and thechnologically most incredible ride in orlando.

I'm waiting for the mummy to surpass that, not Expedition Everest

Spiderman, Tower of Terror and RnR all blew me away too when I first rode them (though I found RnR just a tad too short). And I had heard just as much hype about all three of those as I've heard about Mission: Space. So I really don't think it is as much about the expectations. I think it is just simply a bottom line, straightforward question... Will Mission: Space knock my socks off the way these other attractions did?

It sounds like it is worth standing in line to ride it (although I've heard the lines haven't been all that long for it either), but that it doesn't really have repeat value like other attractions. It sounds like the pre-show is good, but could be better, that the launch sequence is the funnest part but only lasts a few seconds, that the special effects could be better and that the ride comes to an abrubt end with no real wrap up.

Does that pretty much sum it up?


New Member
Agreed, except the launch is about 20 to 25 seconds, and I still wonder if, after somebady has ridden it and knows what going to happen, will people still want to get on it.The first few times I rode it I heard a lot of good reports about it, but I heard one kid say, ''So all this place has is space.''


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by the-reason
Agreed, except the launch is about 20 to 25 seconds

True but the M:S launch, to me, feels about like 1/2 the intensity of the Rock N Roller Coaster launch even thought the M:S one lasts longer.

But while I wasn't over impressed with M:S I will say one big thing about it. I enjoy it more the more I ride it. I will say that my 12th and last ride of the trip was my favorite. Its fun to mess around with the buttons and look around in the cabin (Even though it is not advised for some people, it is impossible for me to get sick on this ride.) to make it feel more realistic.

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