Trip Report The SuperFamily vs. silverware , felons and The Little Mermaid!


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Ok.. let's go...first off.. if you don't know who we are feel free to go to the PTR and check us out.... there are links to our other 2 TR's there as well..don't rush.. I'll wait while you read and get to know us.......

Ok..all caught up? No? Didnt want to read that much..ok so here's the 411 on who we are:

Eric.. the Papa bear ( as deemed by Crush).. hard working man who makes these trips financially possible. Is a Disney convert and likes the transportation and food the best!

Me.. Disney nut... I would live in Disney if allowed Disney mini me....turns into a whole different more relaxed human in Disney.. month shy of 10... loves Disney in her own way... would prefer if her little brother didnt come with us..then she'd like it better!

Taejan..8.. new found love of thrill rides.. would like Disney better if his sister didnt join us...

Details on the trip.. we were gone from 9/11-9/27 2013.. yep.. thats a LONG vacation.. first night at a hotel near the airport..the rest at Port Orleans Riverside with Hoppers, water parks and more..and free dining. This was our first trip with just the 5 of us... our oldest is on his own now and my mother was not invited..we had a really stressful year and we needed this break from everyone!


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Wed Sept 11th... Eric worked until noon.. I packed the car


Once he was home the kids piled in the car and we headed down to Hartford Ct


We located the park n fly place we were using then looked for a hotel for the night.. one that wouldn't cost more than a night at Disney.. rather difficult.. finally found a nice place... and not to pricey.. they had an indoor pool.. my one must have since we didnt fly until the next morning.. I wanted the kids to be tired and able to sleep!



Next we hit up a place to eat.. one of my faves..

back to the hotel..the kids swam more and ran around outside..

We played some UNO and other such fun things.. then it was crash out time..because in a few hours we were flying..the kids first time.. they were a little nervous... wonder how that goes....


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So.. we are now on D day.. yep..we have reached Disney day after 52 LONG weeks of thinking and planning and re planning and thinking and even a little "do we even WANT to go so soon" thrown in there.

So we had spent the night in a local ( to the airport) hotel..nice enough..clean etc.. kids slept well.. I was pleased!! Our flight was due to depart at we were up around 5:15.. showered , dressed ..tossed all our dirty clothes in an extra bag to fester in the trunk for the next 16 days.. oh yeah that was smart @@.

Now I havent flown since 2000..Eric since like my kids never. I was a little ( ok I'm OCD and "little" is subjective) nervous. We left the hotel and headed to the parking location.

They are as ready as they will ever be! waiting for Eric to get the car settled and the shuttle to grab us and bring us to the hotel.

The kids were all a little on edge. My youngest had spent the last 3 weeks researching planes. He knew the flight altitude, the fuel load needed to get us to FL, the seating charts ..everything. I had told them about what TSA might be like.. well it was a cake walk. Our luggage got checked in fast.. we went to go thru security. No questions asked of the kids.. and we were all sent thru the normal metal body scanner..sweet. Its also a smaller airport so it was not busy. We headed off to grab some breakfast...of course it was crap food ( ie mcdonalds).

Then we headed over to our gate
Look at the varying faces...older one is excited..girl is like whatever and the youngest..hes a nervous


We had purchased Early Bird and pulled A26-30 .. perfect! We boarded the flight..headed right to the back. All the kids wanted a window seat. Taejan sat with me on one side, Eric and Ziah on the other.. and Declan behind me.

This would be the point Declan was deciding.. window seat with strangers or go sit with mom.. guess what won?

Taejan and I:

Declan meandered over with Taejan and I as the plane started filling up. Jadziah had a really sweet 20 something sitting with her and Eric. She was an artist and spent the whole flight drawing with Ziah.. WIN!

I forgot how awesome the view is when you are up so high


We had a great flight.. kids are used to a 22+ hour drive to they were perfect for the 2.5 hour flight.. They all loved flying..

We landed..and headed off.

I was nervous about finding magical worries it was easy. we all had our magic bands on so when we got to ME they scanned us, we boarded a bus and we were off!!

The video is cute..I think.. we didnt have seats actually NEAR one of the TV's so we really didn't get to "see" and hear it... oh well

We stopped at OKW and SS then off to POR!!! Of course..being the crazy thing I am I was just hoping our luggage had made it to FL with us...


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Sorry for the tangent but I was checking out at Mouse Gear tonight when I saw this:
This is the embroidery machine behind the counter

A little zoom in and BOOM, Declan in blue at the top.

Sorry for the poor picture quality, it was a late night and all I had was my phone but I saw the name and your son is the only Declan I've heard of so I had to share.


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So.. we to Magical Express in one piece

..our Magic Bands worked to get us on the bus.. so far so good.. we ride.. and finally get to POR. I stayed here way back in 1999 back when it was Dixie Landings... we also visited last year and the year before.. we are rather fond of the place.

We walked in and got in the Online Check in it wasn't busy at all..

We were greeted by a CM with a hand held and checked in FAST.. like was less than 5 minutes from getting off ME to walking to our room. She said we had gotten blocked in ( 2 ressies) for the whole trip and got our 1st floor corner room.. sweet!!

So off we went.. with just a small bag each.. we had packed swim suits and a change of clothes in our carry on.. so still praying our luggage arrives. yeah I told ya Im a worrier.

It was gorgeous we headed off to our building.. oh what a walk we had in store for


Was it this building? NOPE that would be way too close to the main building.. we dont do close apparently..

Oh good.. because the long walk was too boring we ran into a snake..yeppie!!

We finally found our building.. won't lie those signs are a bit confusing..
building 36 room 3608. pretty close to as far as ya can get from the main building..but that's mantra for the next 16 days was "I'm working off free dining" so the walk was fine with me.. ya know..once we figured out the most efficient route!


he fits!

Love this place!

Our Magic Bands worked on the locks so that was a hopeful sign.. we also had a working fridge.. that I really didnt care about.. in fact not having one and getting the credit would have been better.but such is life...

So we are here.. its REAL.. the kids are all in relatively good moods although they are what shall we do now??

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