That is SO WELL DONE! Simple, but expresses the exact concept in a way that other media truly can't.
So, yes, exactly this.
And, we've all been there. When it "gels" (and, everyone here knows what I mean) it is a high you can't replace, and a pride you should take in your work, and your results as a team!
It isn't always just about tossing as much content at a project as you can, sometimes it helps (often, it helps) to take a step back and think about presentation style and how it looks to someone not as invested in the project as you.
In fact, this is where team-members who get onto teams where they have "less to contribute" due to the nature of the challenge can excel in making the finished product all the better!
I'll give you an example. You get a challenge where you have to make a video. You have one member on the team that is really good at video editing, etc...and that person takes the reins for that (the team agrees).
As other projects get divvied up, you find you are left with a pittance of work to do...maybe some small work like the concessions menus or something. This has happened to me. A lot (since I became known as the "menu guy" for a while).
That doesn't mean you are down and out. Feedback (and I do mean feedback, not sniping other's work) is incredibly important.
Just keep those egos at the door. I remember really enjoying working with several newer members still working on their skillsets ([USER=108808]@tcool123[/USER]) in this capacity, where I'd post a sample video or something for review by the team, and he'd tear it apart with all sorts of improvements.
And, the end result, was a better results for it. I may have done the "editing", but I certainly didn't do the "work" (if that makes sense)?