The Imagineer 2-- Project 11!


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Project 11 – Movementacation

Mater: Welcome back to Room 101! Remember when just a couple of weeks ago you needed to create a form of transport for ALL of the WDW property. Now you’re going to create a new kind of transportation… To explain, we have a very special guest! Please give a warm welcome to the Mayor of Main Street!

(Clapping and cheering as the Mayor of Main Street walks into the room)

Mayor: Thank you. Now, anyone who has visited our little street should notice our transportation has become one of the prime examples of technology available. Horse Drawn Carrages! Trolleys! And even our own railroad! Main Street is the pioneer of technology! Now then, that being said, there are some places in our fair World in which there is no movement, merely stagnant streets merely populated by people, rather than any exciting motion. I decree the Movementacation of the world, including the realms of the world, moving pictures, and animals.

Mater: Soo… the teams need to “Movementicate” one of the Lands in any Walt Disney World theme park, correct?

Mayor: I believe so, but I’m having a little trouble with the word you use to describe the realms… theme park?

Mater: Theme park as in… never mind. So Imagineers, you’ve got a big job! You’ve got to add movement and fun transportation

Mayor: Movementacation! (He corrects as he exits)

Mater: Right. So you’ve got to make an attraction visible from land that gives whatever park you choose some sort of kinetic energy, whether it be something that’s actually transportation like the Main Street Vehicles or something that is highly visible from land like the Riverboat or the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. And this one is ALL about story and detail, so remember to think about that.

Oh, and this is an individual project.


CHALLENGE: Create some “Movementacation” for a spot in WDW’s theme parks!

--ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! (but has to be SOME SORT OF MOVEMENT ATTRACTION, ie has Kinetic Energy)

Due: Thursday April 29th 8pm EST!

Mater: You have the whole WDW at you fingertips, let’s see something magical!


Active Member
In the Parks
To clear up any confusion, this is an individual project similar to the LCI project of last round. A kinetic attraction is any attraction that provides some sort of movement for the land that it occupies.

All of this was stated in the original post, but some misunderstanding has been brought to the attention of the TI staff.

I can't wait to see what you guys can come up with!



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t can travel around the park...

It can either be like a riverboat, or the TTA or the railroad, etc.

BUT if you have a location specific attraction, i suggest keeping it in one plae, unless it fits with more than one area...


Well-Known Member
OMG! You mean I'm still in this?

I am on a borrowed laptop, so I am trying to figure out how to make scans right now (for my other jobs as well! sigh)

Because if any project needs a visual... it's this one!!


Active Member
t can travel around the park...

It can either be like a riverboat, or the TTA or the railroad, etc.

BUT if you have a location specific attraction, i suggest keeping it in one plae, unless it fits with more than one area...

I wouldn't call my idea area specific.... but if it only traveled around the area it's based off of it would be lame.

Also, is this round non-elimination?


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And the moment yall have been waiting for (especially you Figmntal) :) .................................

This round will be a non elimination round.... Congrats!


Active Member
OK, I guess I'll just post my idea for this non-elimination round :brick:now in case I forget tomorrow...

It's done anyway, so here it is:

Muppet's Electric Mayhem Tour Bus

Oh, that Electric Mayhem band. They spend most of their time doing what they love most: rockin' out. But inbetween gigs, the band spends some time relaxing. And the thing they love to do best is take a leisurely drive throughout the studios. Well, the band hasn't had a gig in years, (their rocking performances are limited to their Hard Ruck Cafe' restaurants) all they do now is drive that bus around the Studios. As more and more tourists started pouring in, they realized that maybe they could make a quick buck offering park guests rides in their legendary bus. When Kermit realized this, however, he quickly put a stop to it. Now, the band gives tourists free bus rides around the Studios, in exchange for a slightly larger payday from Kermit (Or so they think, they still get paid the same amount as before, but they sure believed Kermit every time he pays them that "10 percent bonus").

The Electric Mayhem bus, based off the Electric Mayhem bus featured in the movie, makes several stops throughout Disney Hollywood Studios:
-Hard Ruck Cafe' in Muppet Studios
-Backlot Tour in the Backlot
-Toy Story Mania in Pixar Place
-The Chinese Theater in Hollywood Boulevard
-Rock N' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith in Sunset Boulevard
-American Idol Experience in Echo Lake

As well as being a great source of transportation, this doubles as an attraction. The bus plays songs played by the band in the Muppet Movies, as well as the Muppet Show. The bus is also a great photo op for Muppet Fans. The interior (and exterior, somewhat) is littered with props from the Electric Mayhem and Muppets. The most exciting component of the bus, however, would be the audio-anamatronic living character recreations of Dr. Teeth, Animal, Sgt. Floyd Pepper, Janice, Zoot, and the band's most elusive member: Lips. They will each be sitting on different areas of the bus, with a roadie (actually a handler that controls the figures) to assist them. Guests can talk to the characters, as well as take pictures with them. Each will have their own set of dialogue.
-Dr. Teeth will talk about the history of the band. Dr. Teeth's dialogue will be performed by Bill Barretta.
Example: "You know, the band formed back in the 70's. Back then, we were performing in an abandoned church!"
-Animal will point out the sights as the bus passes them. Animal will be voiced by Eric Jacobson.
-Floyd and Janice will sarcastic and comedic bantering between the two about the park's guests, rides, characters, etc. Floyd will be performed by Matt Vogel. Janice will be performed by David Rudman.
Example (passing by Fantasmic! theater):
F: "Hey Janice? Where's the only place where you can find a talking rat fighting a giant lizard?"
J: "I don't know, our theater?"
F: "Nah. Right over there. Hehehe."
Another Example:
J: "You know, I think we need a new, hipper mode of transportation."
F: "I'll say. We've been driving this lousy bus around since 1978!"
-Zoot will talk about the band's music. Zoot will be performed by Dave Goelz.
Example: "You know, man, our music really has a unique sort of style...... (falls asleep and begins to snore)"
-Lips won't talk, he'll just play his trumpet, and occasionally nod. While Lips' voice won't have a performer, his music will be taken from greats such as Louis Armstrong.

The Bus:
Dr. Teeth:

"Roadie" Costume Designs:
Shoes :
Additional Bus Driver Hat (With Dr. Teeth logo instead of eagle):

Stops Map:

These songs, if played consecutively, can last the length of a complete circuit of the Studios.
-Rockin' All Around The World from the Muppets at Walt Disney World
-Can You Picture That? from the Muppet Movie
-Night Life from the Great Muppet Caper
-You Can't Take No For An Answer from The Muppets Take Manhattan
-Barnyard Boogie from The Muppet Show
-Wild Thing (Only Animal) from the Muppet Show
-Don't Blame the Dynamite from the Muppet Show
-Tenderly from The Muppet Show

By far, the most important link of this entire post:
I guess two pics didn't go in, I'll get those next post.


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Figmntal thanks for posting your project early... and just letting you know that it wasnt a waste of time... whoever wins this round, will have some advantage next round.


Well-Known Member
The Imagineer Project 11- Fractal514
Project Goals: Fulfill project requirements of Adding Motion to an area(s) of a WDW park. My take is to fulfill this goal and also solve a problem that is present currently in one of the parks, namely the lack of internal transport in the largest of WDW Parks, Animal Kingdom. It is my hope that the addition of this attraction/transportation will not only bring a much needed alternative way of traveling through the park, but also a fun back story that ties several areas together.

Hathaway Brown’s Airship of Adventure (AKA Browny’s Blimp)
When the Adventurers’ Club was compelled to close due to a lawsuit following one particularly rowdy late night “Hoopla,” Hathaway Brown was once again forced to re-enter the lucrative field of Adventuring. A rather infamous pilot, Mr. Brown saw a unique opportunity to pass the time and make a quick buck by transporting tourists between Africa and Asia, with a drop off at his favorite Oasis every once in a while. All that was needed was the vehicle.

Enter Otto Von Huffenpuff, famous German engineer. The Huffenpuff Dirigibles are famous the world over for their safety and reliability, and Otto had been hard at work on a new proto-type that needed testing, “The Mega Mover.” The Mega Mover was designed as a sightseeing transport, with a capacity of 400 Passengers, in 50 rows of 8.
One night in a shady saloon outside of Timbuktu, Mr. Brown and Mr. Huffenpuff were introduced to each other over a round of drinks. Several hours later, a poker game broke out and in a particularly high stakes hand, Mr. Brown won the Mega Mover from Mr. Huffenpuff.

Hathaway Brown now spends his days transporting guests in his newly acquired dirigible offering sightseeing tips and tales of adventure as he shuttles between the Oasis, The African village of Harambe, and the kingdom of Anandapur.

Guests will note some memorabilia from the Adventurers club located at the Oasis Lauch, which is themed to be Hathatway’s home base. The African launch and Asian launch will feature artifact’s ala the Adventurer’s Club, but with an African or Asian twist. These artifacts and memorabilia will come to life an entertain guests as they wait to board the airship.

The Blimp
I’ve done a bit of research on the feasibility of this idea and I am pleased to announce that modern blimps/dirigibles are definitely at a point where this could be done. Blimps are environmentally friendly, trading in speed for fuel efficiency, and have quite a capacity for lift. Attaching a passenger carry on the underside that runs the majority of the straight bottom length could easily accommodate 400 guests. Guests will enter through three doors, onto the blimp and then take seats via a middle aisle dividing each row of 8 into two smaller rows of two. The blimps themselves would be an extremely visible weenie, drawing the eye from other areas of the Walt Disney World Resort. Much like the Earful tower, or Space Ship Earth, this will give a visual cue to visitors that they are nearing the park and help build anticipation for the visit. The visual style of the blimp would be evocative of the time period of the adventurer’s club, though it would be possible for Disney to update the design to include marketing, should they so choose.

The Towers
Each station will basically be a two story building on top of which a landing zone will reside. Essentially the blimp will be connected to a guide wired, a technology currently employed elsewhere, that will reduce the margin of error and make the job of the Pilot more about starting, stopping, and safety than steering. As a blimp lands, the tower's landing pad would detach the current guide cable, rotate the blimp, and attach the new one. Each tower would be themed to the area surrounding it.

The Route
The blimp would make a triangle starting at the Oasis, heading towards Africa, and then Asia, before heading back to the Oasis. Each leg should take about 5 minutes, with a minute or two for loading, hopefully three complete cycles could be completed in one hour.

The Benefits
This addition would serve multiple functions. Firstly, it will provide Animal Kingdom with some much needed transportation around the park for those who do not with to walk the entire distance. Secondly, it will provide the park with a visually attractive aspect, visible from a distance, that will inspire children and adults alike to visit the park. Thirdly, it will provide guests with an additional ride, of sorts, something the park could also use, and adds a much needed sense of excitement and movement to the park. Finally, it will serve to keep the memory of the Adventurer’s club alive, which for many of us, is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
The Imagineer Project 11...A New Mode Of Transport

I have chosen Disney's Animal Kingdom for this new transportation, and the areas of Asia and Africa.

The Great Elephant Express Exchange

For the new transportation option in both the areas of Africa and Asia, two friends have opened up a friendly international scenic elephant ride!

Etaha hails from Sri Lanka, and has a special white Indian Elephant named Lakshmi who takes weary travellers through a tour of Asia and to his friend's outpost in Africa.

In Africa, Moodo from Kenya is in charge of a great African elephant named Swari, who likewise transports guests through Africa on a one way trip to Asia.

The ride is a bumpy one, like one would expect, and is a colorful and exciting addition to the both the theming and atmosphere of the two lands in Animal Kingdom.

The Elephants
The elephants for this attraction are actually realistic mechanical vehicles. Each has a driver inside, and moves in a more or less realistic manner (blinks, raises trunk). The vehicle can support more weight and people than a real elephant, making it a safer ride overall, and doesn't raise any flags for the US animal rights groups who believe that elephants should not be used as beasts of burden.

While riding each of the different elephants, a guide will be on hand to give commentary about the nature of real elephants, and their relationship to their lands and people.

Etaha will explain how people throughout Asia have relied on the Indian elephant for thousands of years to transport crops, carry supplies, or even help soldiers in battle. He will also tell the tales of how in some countries Elephants are sacred, and are treated as Gods.

Moodo will describe the plight of the the endangered African elephant, relating the facts about poachers and ivory, and how a real African elephant are more aggressive and would be harder to domesticate than it's Asian cousins. He will also relate African folk stories about elephants.

Illustration of the elephant ride vehicle


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If you could PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me your choice for BEST project by 9:30pm EST AT THE LATEST!!!!!! That way we can start the next project ASAP and they can have the longest amount of time as possible... (THAT IS NEEDED!!!), if not i will be starting the project tmrw afternoon (AFTER SCHOOL, around 3pm/4pM)

WDW Vacationer

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World Showcase Transporatation Company
Basic Idea: The World Showcase Transporatation Company provides transportation throughout World Showcase in EPCOT. Although there would be no backstory, the Transportation Comapny would fit in nicely thematically in World Showcse. This system would be efficent and divide World Showcase in to 2 routes,to make trips quicker.Each driver would wear costumes similar to those of MSUSA transporatation. You can see the costumed driver in the front of the streetcar. (Hard to see,I know)

Routes: There would be 3 routes. Each route has 2 vehicles,except for omnibus route.
Yellow-Omnibus-stops at Mexico,Outpost,American Adventure,France,Canada
Red- 2 Regular vehicles-Canada,United Kingdom,International Gateway/France,Morocco,Japan,American Adventure
Blue-2 Regular vehicles-Mexico, Norway,China,Germany,Italy,American Adventure.
In this image,routes are drawn along the promenade,and colored dots on each country's name designate which route stops where. A small enhanced image of this would be in the guidemap.

Vehicles: The vehicles would be designed much like the Magic Kingdom Grand Marshal Vehicle. It would not be themed to a specific country, but would be classy and simple enough that it looks good trveling across the promenade. There are 4 OF THESE TOTAL.

Also, the omnibus that once traveled along the promenade would return.

Each vehicle has the flags of the contries it travels to. Also vehicles on red route are red,blue has blue vehicles,and the omnibus would be yellow. This would make it easir for guests to determine which one they need to take. Location of stations, and what color vehicle travels to what country could be foud in the guidemap. Also every vehicle has this on both sides. The "World Showcase" bronze logo would be rela bronze. The omnibus would have it on the back,as well as each side.

Stations: Each country would have a station that is nothing more than a simple roof with some posts. Each station would fit in with the country it is in. (AA-red brick,white trim,China-red,blue,yellow ornate wood...etc.) Each station would have one of these signs attached to it (Japan used as example) with flag and country name. Each station would have bronze plaque on the roof like the one on trashcans or the transportation company's logo. The stations would be well out of the way.


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JUDGES if you could pretty pls get your votes to me ASAP! That would be great, but if not, please try to get to me by 9:30pm EST!! Thank U Very Much!


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Im off to bed (sorry), will announce winner in mornign (if i have the votes), and possibly post new project... Im thinking (well hoping) you will like it :-)


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In the Parks
^Ah, looks like I just missed him. Oh well, I guess you guys will have to wait until tomorrow... :drevil:


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