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This pavillion would take the place of Wonders of Life. It would be a completely new building. The World of Computers would have 2 attractions,2 dining locations,and some hands on exhibits.
Like many of the pavilions at Epcot, the building design is unique. For this pavilion, that is no exception. The angular designs complement the pavilion's location while the theme of the pavilion really complements the ideas of science and technology.
To think of what the pavilion looks like, imagine a massive building that has multiple curves and sharp edges that stretch out to various sides and give an optical illusion as if the pavilion is far bigger than you would imagine. The pavilion also conceals a massive showbuilding which house the pavilion's coasters.
Above the entrance doors is the pavilion's entrance signs. These include a massive rotating sign passing around a steel version of the "World Wide Web" and are hoisted up by several steel "legs". For the walls of the building, they are transparent green glass while the actual walls farther into the building are metal and concrete. The glass acts as the building's outer shell containing the pavilion in the while the inner shell itself holds the cafe restauraunts as well as the lobby. Inside of the glass itself is multiple lines that lead back to the actual walls and give the illusion that the pavilion is going infinitely within itself. (think the infinite stars scene in Spaceship Earth) At night, the illusion is completed as each line is illuminated and small beams of light pass through each of the lines.
Upon entering the pavilion you walk through a massive circular tunnel with flowing lights that spills you out into the main pavilion loby. The lobby itself is circular, which allows for the multiple screens circling high above people's heads. The screens show all of the various attractions and activities that can be done at the pavilion. The lobby is easy to navigate and branches out into each section; Ride areas, FastPass counters, Cafe's, Exit Shops, as well as the activities areas. While guests walk they might notice the massive glass panel they are walking on on the floor which holds a massive motherboard. As they can see, tons of data and information are zooming beneath their feet and branching out to the world wide web.
(Note in layout the area labeled coaster is the TRON attraction,the shop between that and the other ride is the dark ride's postshow.)
The Internet Café
Inspired by the fast-moving, culturally diverse world wide web, this quick-service restaurant strives to bring guests the newest taste sensations from the world over. Decorated with artistic interpretations of popular internet sensations, this café promises to be an enjoyable stop for everyone.
[FONT="]Spinach Salad-[/FONT][FONT="]with Mandarin Oranges, Pecans, Red Onions, Feta Cheese and a Raspberry vinaigrette.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Creamy Tomato Soup-[/FONT][FONT="] made fresh with 100% organic ingredients, served with French bread.[/FONT]
[FONT="]BLT Salad- [/FONT][FONT="]Everyone loves BACON!!! And this salad has thick cut, hickory smoked bacon strips crumbled over a bed of Iceberg Lettuce and Cherry Tomatoes, tossed with a Balsamic Vinaigrette and garnished with parmesan croutons.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Entree/Main Course[/FONT]
[FONT="]Japa-Dogs-[/FONT][FONT="] The taste sensation that swept the 2010 Winter Olympics has found a home at the Internet Café. Japanese style hot dogs served in a variety of styles inspired by both western and eastern flavors make for a tasty and filling meal.[/FONT]
Fried Oreos- Popular at local fairs and carnivals, The Internet Café takes this treat to a new level by serving them warm on a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Yogurt Parfait- For those who like something on the lighter side, we offer a mix and match yogurt parfait station. Choose your flavor of yogurt, your favorite fruit, and a variety of delicious mix-ins and get ready for a healthy and delicious snack or desert.
The Internet Café features a full coffee bar offering the most popular of coffee house drinks,including cappuccino, espresso, and blended ice drinks.
Bubble Tea- A popular trend from Japan, Bubble tea is sweetened iced tea, blended with cream, with Boba (tapioca pearls) added. This tea is available in a variety of flavors.
Soft Drinks- The internet café offers a unique selection of popular soft drinks from around the world. Guests can enjoy many of the flavors offered at the cooling station located in Epocot, our advice, stay clear of the Beverly.
MegaBites is a table service restaurant featuring fine dining and excellent service, paired with technological wonders to make for a truly unique dining experience. The décor of the restaurant is sleek and stylish, evoking the future without being “futuristic.” The focus of the room is not on outlandish wall displays or décor, but rather on the tables themselves.
Upon arriving at your table, you will be instructed by your server to touch the Epcot symbol on the center of the table when you are ready to begin dining. After touching the symbol a virtual waiter will appear on the screen. Garcon, as he calls himself, is a dapper fellow with a personality that one might call a mix of C-3PO, Alton Brown, and Wadsworth from the movie Clue.
“Good evening my friends, my name is Garcon, and I will be your host and guide as we take you on your culinary adventure this evening. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests, just call my name at any time and I will do my best to assist you with whatever your needs may be.”
“Before we begin, may I ask if there are any special dietary needs or restrictions this evening? If so, please select from the menu on the table, if your specific dietary needs are not located here, I will send one of my assistants over to speak with you directly.”
“Very good then, shall we proceed with dinner then? I am sure you are thirsty after a long day of wandering around Future World, might I take your beverage orders?”
As an order is placed, by selecting from the options on the table, a waiter will fill the order in the back and bring it out to the table. Drink selection include the usual sit down faire.
“Might I suggest a Megabite Martini? Inspired by the Seattle Coffee scene, this drink features an iced shot of espresso, vanilla vodka and Kahlua, served chilled to perfection. We also offer a variety of other specialty drinks and of course our bartenders are excellent at mixing your favorites.”
“While we wait for your , might I interest you in ordering an appetizer? We have several delectable options available, including our signature
CapreseTower, layers of Beefsteak Tomato, Mozzarella, and Fresh Basil drizzled with Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil and sprinkled with Sea Salt and Crushed Black Pepper.”
A menu of appetizer options comes up with pictures and descriptions of each item.
Seafood Stew- A savory stew made with mussels, clams, shrimp, lobster, and scallops.
Chicken Bytes- A platter of white meat chicken bites served with a selection of dipping sauces, including BBQ Sauce, Sweet and Sour, Honey Mustard, and a rotating seasonal option.
Lamb Lolypops- A trio of succulent lamp lollypops, served with a dollop of mint jelly for dipping.
“I’ve placed your appetizer orders, if you are ready to order your entrée’s I would be more than happy to assist you. Feel free to ask for wine pairings as you browse the menu.”
New York Strip Steak with Salted Fingerling Potatoes- Grilled to perfection, drizzled with a red wine reduction, and served with Fingerling Potatoes encrusted in a fine layer of sea salt.
Chicken Cordon-Bleu- A juicy breast of chicken stuffed with succulent ham and gruyerre cheese, served with oven roasted broccoli
Eggplant Parmsan- Served over a bed of noodles with a flavorful tomato sauce.
Some ways in which the table would communicate with the guest:
"Thank you, I have placed your order. While we wait might I interest you in showing you exactly how your meal will be prepared this evening?"
On the table are video displays that shows a cooking demonstration of each item ordered.
"Here is your first course, please note the nutritional information on the table, in case you were curious."
Whenever anything in placed on the table and little box opens next to it displaying nutritional information, and buttons to recieve more information about it's ingredients and what not.
"My friends, your main course is on its way to your table. Now would be a good time to select any entertainment you might wish to enjoy during the meal. Of course, you can always choose to not have any entertainment and simply enjoy the meal and some conversation."
A variety of options comes up, including music, old Disney cartoons that feature food as a them in the plot, and videos on the history of the dishes you've ordered.
"Well, I hope you've left room for dessert. If so, I will need to know if you prefer Apple or PC. I'm talking of course about our Apple Pie and our Peach Cobbler, two very popular dishes. We also have a Blackberry Tart, and delicious Hot Fudge Sundae, no computer reference there, just a darn good sundae."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure to serve you this evening, if you would like I can assist you in taking care of the bill, or send a waiter over to help you."
Your bill comes up on the screen, if paying with credit card or room key, you can use the scanner on the side of the table, if paying in cash, a waiter will come over to assist you with change.
"Good night my friends, don't forget to come back soon!"
Hands-on exhibits
There are 12 glass room-sized cubes, which allow 5 people in to play at a given time. There will be a time limit of 15 minutes per group.
While waiting there is a small preshow presentation about the amazing advancements in technology information that computers and microtechnology have made possible.
The film will be something along these lines (slightly more optimistic)
The hands on exhibit for this computer pavillion consists of rooms made up of glass walls, ceiling and floor included. Like stepping into an olf fashioned computer moniter.
Using the latest in LCD tech, the walls work like giant touch screens similar to what you might find in the latest Blackberry...only much much bigger.
When guests enter, one wall will have the opening icon that says TOUCH HERE, which brings up the list of crazy new accessories to discover, and games that can be played solo or as a group.
*Touch Screen walls...which, depending on the App used, can also translate to floor or ceiling. They allow the user to open app windows and expand them as large as they wish!
*Voice Recognition Software...vocal commands to open applications, play computer games, or synthisize voices
*New keyboard technology...Qwerty keyboards that can appear on the walls themselves or projected in the air.
* Create a 3D Avatar.
A camera outside the glass cube can take a picture of a guest, and then convert it into a 3D CGI (caricature) matrix avatar, that moves with the user
*Dance Floor game. Music plays and the floor lights up with the dance steps needed to win.
*Giant Jigsaw...Just as it sounds...large puzzle pieces can be moved around the screen wall to complete a picture
*Moving Surrounds
Guests choose one environment, and the whole room responds with a moving CGI display of the command. Whether it turns the room into a jungle scene, or an aquarium or a scene on Mainstreet USA, is up to the guests to decide
*Internet Games
With limited access to the internet, guests can compete with each other in challenges such as the Google Game (everyone types in a Disney related word, and the winner is the one with the most Google hits) or Tech Trivia
Each of these technologies already exists in some form, but are not commercially available. As soon as the technology becomes widely used, and can be found in our homes, laptops, or phones, then the pavillion is updated with newer tech.
Attraction #1-TRON Computer Wars
-Ride Duration: 2 minutes, 30 seconds. If tie, 3 minutes.
-Coaster Type: Dueling Trackless
-Track/Car Style: Sit Down (modeled after a Tron Lightcycle.)
TRON Computer Wars is the modern day bumper cars. Guests choose between two sides: The Hostile Programs and the Users. An arena with 6 triple wide light cycles (that seat 9 people) 3 for the Users, 3 for the Hostile Programs, will do battle with each other. A randomly chosen movement sequence calls for multiple near-misses (which gives the riders an opportunity to "bump" to opposing cycle) offers for a different ride each time an overall a thrilling experience. This ride uses a trackless technology- like Pooh's Hunny Hunt in TDL.
User Backstory: The Hostile Programs have infiltrated the game grid. Flynn has hired new recuits to board a new lightcycle and stop them.
Hostile Program Backstory: The MCP has brought in new recruits to aid him in the effort of infiltrating the game grid. They musty defeat the Users in order to complete their task.
Attraction Script:
Guests enter Kevin Flynn's futuristic ENCOM Laboratory, where a large computer screen in the middle is labeled Clu, and on the screen, as everyone is entering the pre-show room, the game Pong is being played. Once everyone has entered, Flynn appears on the screen.
Flynn: Hello? Hello? Oh! Hello. I'm Kevin Flynn, creator of Clu. Thank you for volunteering as new TRON recruits. I really need your help to shut down the Master Control Program, so I can get my software back up online. From inside the game, I should be able to also transport all of you in. Wait one moment.
Pong appears on the screen again. Suddenly, an alarm sounds:
Alarm: Warning. Hostile Programs have invaded Lightcycle Arena. Warning. Hostile Programs have infiltrated Light Cycle Arena.
Flynn reappears on the screen.
Flynn: Oh no! Look, new recruits, I know that you're probably not ready for this, (you've had no training whatsoever), but I need you all to board my prototype triple-wide Lightcycle, which seats 9 people, and stop the Hostile Programs! I'll send you to the arena now, where Alan Bradley, aka Tron, can help you board the cycles. No time to lose. Opening ENCOM Portal... now!
A cloud of smoke covers the giant screen as both sides open to reveal the loading station. A Tron AA watches over the action.
Tron: Alright, recruits. Flynn and I should be able to pilot your cycles from here. But, in order to defeat the Hostile Programs, you have to bump them. Each cycle has a large circular button in each row. When two opposing cycles are passing each other, the button will flash. You must hit the button before the other cycle does, or your bike will spin out. The team with the most bumps wins the battle. In the event of tie, the bikes on each team with the lowest amount of bumps will have a sudden death match. Recruits, that's all the information you need. Let's move out into the arena.
Guests board the blue lightcycles, and head out into the arena to battle the red lightcycles.
Guests enter the seemingly meniacal laboratory of Ed Dillinger, also known as Sark. A large circular screen is in the middle of the room. A teleportation door lies on a side wall. Suddenly, the Master Control Program Appears on the screen.
MCP: Greetings, new Hostile Programs. Today is the day we put an end to the Users. Using the new triple wide lightcycle prototype, we are to infiltrate the arena and defeat the Users. There is no time to waste. I will open the teleportation device on the side wall for you to enter the program. End of line.
A puff of smoke, and a futuristic portal reveals the loading dock for the Hostile Programs. Here, an AA Sark resides over the guests.
Sark: New recruits, here are your orders. You are to board the light cycles as soon as possible. I am to explain battling. On each row on each lightcycle, there is a large red button. If your lightcycle comes close in contact to an enemy lightcycle, it will flash. Your objective is to press the button before the opposing lightcycle. This will cause the opponent to spin out, and a point will go to the Hostile Programs. If there is a tie, the lightcycle on each team who has accumulated the most bumps will enter a sudden death match. That is all. Hurredly, enter the lightcycles and prepare to battle!
Ending Lines:
Flynn: Great work, recruits! Clu is now free of Hostile Programs, and is back up and running!
Losing- Users
Flynn: We've been defeated. We'll get them next time. Luckily, Tron is piloting a Solar Sailer, and intends to shut down the MCP.
Winning- Hostile Programs
MCP: Suberb. We've defeated the worthless Users. End of line.
Losing- Hostile Programs
MCP: Failure is not an option! You will be terminated immediately. End of line.
Ride #2-A Journey Through the Internet
This attraction would be an omnimover with vehicles similiar to that of JII,except they would be white with a blue stripe. Vehicles would travel in clusters of 3. To make the vehicles feel like they moving quick,projections in tunnels moving in the opposite direction woulkd be seen throughout the journey.
Colors used throughout attraction,as well as logo used on cars and other places-
Story- The storyline is based on fact,with some sci-fi elements. In this attraction,guests are taken to Internet Labs Incorporated. They are transformed into an email,and sent to a related lab so that the time it took for the email to arrive can be measured. They are then beamed back to the original lab.
Queue-The queue is multi-story. It has ramps thatzig-zag across both floors. It has an industrial look,with round steel railings and metal walls. Along the way,guests pass rooms with high-tech computer and server sets,that have animatronic lab workers in white coats tending to them. It empties into a preshow room.
Preshow- The President of Internet Labs Incorporated
comes on to a large screen in the center of the room,as well as smaller ones on the ceiling. He says:
"Welcome,guests to Internet Labs Incorporated and our EPCOT branch. I'm the President of the labs, Mac Gates. You are here for a study that is very important to all of us here at Internet Labs. We need your help to study how fast an email travels as we send you on a journey through the Internet. Once we arrive in the sending room,a beam will transmit all of you into an email,where you will be sent to one of our branches and beamed back here. Your journey will seem much slower than it actually is. I will be your guide throughout your journey. A reminder to keep all hands,feet and legs inside the vehicle at all times. We don't want to be responsible for you being lost to a virus! Now,let us begin our journey!" *logo comes onto screen,doors open to load*
Scenes- All text in
italics symbolizes dialouge by Mac.
Scene #1-Deployment-After being loaded into vehicles,Mac's voice comes over each vehicles speker system.
"You will now be beamed into an email,please look at our logo above." A flash goes off,all the lights blink rapidly,and the image of the cluster of vehicles is displayed on a computer monitor ahead. The vehicle continues to move through a white,blue and green lab area,surrounded by hard-working technicians.
"Right now,in the real world you guys only exist in this email,nobody else can see you. Now,I will send you on your journey. Computer-send email. *computerized voice-sending message*
Scene #2-Changing to email format-"We are now travelling through the Internet! Right now,you are a text format,you will now be changed need to change you to an email format. You will be a code of 0s and 1s-a binery code." The cars slowly spin,fiber optic lights blink as numbers,letters,symbols and images of other experiments fly by,changing to 0s and 1s,symbolizing the change to email format.
Scene #3-Domain address- Fiber optic lights continue to blink,projection tunnels still on.
"As you may know,emails are written similar to this- We are sending you to Next,the internet determines where the email has to go by looking at the domain name,in this case It will locate that,then the local adress,more on that later. Here we go!" Doamain names pass riders in the tunnel. They fly by very quickly. Fianlly,a loud beeping sound is heard and the computerized voice says-domain located,as ili,com flashes in big letters on the tunnel.
Scene #4-local address- The domain name is still on the side,fiber optic lights are flashing. "That went well! Next,the internet loactes the local adress,in this case labexperiment." A similar sequence is shown is in scene 2. A computerized voice says-nearing destination.
Scene #5-text format- "You know how you were changed into email format,well now you need to be textagain,so the recipient can read you!" A sequence of events similar to that of scene 2 occurs,except the 0s and 1s are changed to images on the tunnel.
Scene #6-arrival- The vehicles enter an office in the branch. They are greeted by a technician-"Welcome! Glad to see you made it safely. And look at all the ladies! Helooo girls!
"Hey! Cut that out!" "Sorry Mac! Anyway,I'm done calculations-the message was transmitted in 4 seconds!"
"Its OK. Now,you were great travelers! What seemed like 8 minutes to you guys was just a few quick seconds. We will now beam you straight back to our main lab in EPCOT!" The tunnels now go through the smae sequence that changed them into an email.
Scene #7-back to reality- Guests arrive in the labs. They approach unload.
"Well thanks so much to all of you. You really helped us to see how fast an email is sent. Please be sure to explore the public area of our labs that explains how computers are used in EPCOT. I hope you enjoyed your journey through the internet. Goodbye!"
With that,guests are taken down the now familiar white,green and blue hallways to an area featuring an exhibit with pictures,information and a live technician that tells how computers are used in EPCOT. This would act as the post show,and further providing education. This empties into the pavillions main lobby.