The Great Movie Ride


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean! :lol:

We always joke that the name should be changed to the "OLD Great Movies Ride"...or the "Mediocre Movies Ride".....or the "Films Your Parents Enjoyed Movie Ride"........

With all the GREAT MOVIES that have come out since the attraction films were made, you think they could have updated it at least once a year after the Oscars were awarded!

As far as I could tell, it has been only closed down for periodic maintenance...not visible updating.

As a matter of fact, it is closed til the second week of April for "maintenance".



New Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
I know what you mean! :lol:

We always joke that the name should be changed to the "OLD Great Movies Ride"...or the "Mediocre Movies Ride".....or the "Films Your Parents Enjoyed Movie Ride"........

With all the GREAT MOVIES that have come out since the attraction films were made, you think they could have updated it at least once a year after the Oscars were awarded!

As far as I could tell, it has been only closed down for periodic maintenance...not visible updating.

As a matter of fact, it is closed til the second week of April for "maintenance".


No, there have been no visable changes to The Great Movie Ride since it opened.
But I have to disagree with a comment made by Brer Stitch saying that it should be called "Films Your Parents Enjoyed Movie Ride." Did you not enjoy The Wizard of Oz? Or Indiana Jones? I mean, these are awesome movies... classics. I think that if you updated it with all these new and popular movies that come out, you're gonna have to update it constantly! Disney doesn't even like to re-paint lately let along spend money on updating a ride every year. I think they thought that sticking with the classics were safe. Though I definately agree that some of those movies I have never even seen, including the Tarzan movie and the choregographed swimming one, see I don't even know the name of it. I think that they should maybe just update some of the scenes... and change the script, its getting boring!


New Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
No, there have been no visable changes to The Great Movie Ride since it opened.
But I have to disagree with a comment made by Brer Stitch saying that it should be called "Films Your Parents Enjoyed Movie Ride." Did you not enjoy The Wizard of Oz? Or Indiana Jones? I mean, these are awesome movies... classics. I think that if you updated it with all these new and popular movies that come out, you're gonna have to update it constantly! Disney doesn't even like to re-paint lately let along spend money on updating a ride every year. I think they thought that sticking with the classics were safe. Though I definately agree that some of those movies I have never even seen, including the Tarzan movie and the choregographed swimming one, see I don't even know the name of it. I think that they should maybe just update some of the scenes... and change the script, its getting boring!

I'm getting tired of it. The only reason I go is to watch the video clips and see how many actors and movies I can name now. I know that films like Casablanca are classics, but I haven't seen it and I doubt many younger than 25 have either unless they are movie buffs.


New Member
Originally posted by Horizons#1Fan
Has this ride been updated since it came out? Last time we went in 1997 it was the same as when it opened.

The ride portion has had some minor changes.

The Busby Berkley Girls, used to Turn, and it did not have the Scrim with Images in front.

They also Change the Ending tribute film Every few years.


New Member
The Busby Berkley girls have not changed at all. It has always been that way and i've been going to MGM since it opened.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
I'm getting tired of it. The only reason I go is to watch the video clips and see how many actors and movies I can name now.

There are ride videos of it?! I'd like to see it! Can you give me a link???????


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
There are ride videos of it?! I'd like to see it! Can you give me a link???????

Follow this link:

Here is another link, even better:

If you are unfamilar with Mirc, look at one of Bamboo7's post (currently he has the most recent post) and near the bottom of his tag is a Help Click Here link.



Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
I know what you mean! :lol:

We always joke that the name should be changed to the "OLD Great Movies Ride"...or the "Mediocre Movies Ride".....or the "Films Your Parents Enjoyed Movie Ride"........

With all the GREAT MOVIES that have come out since the attraction films were made, you think they could have updated it at least once a year after the Oscars were awarded!

As far as I could tell, it has been only closed down for periodic maintenance...not visible updating.

As a matter of fact, it is closed til the second week of April for "maintenance".


lol sad but true!!!!! they really need to update it!!!!!
This is one of those rides that you enjoy on really hot summer days. Even with the huge trams that take you through the attraction, it seems to take a long time in line. The gangster shtick is very dated. I have an 18 and 20 year old, and I don't think they ever have seen a "gangster" movie. They sure don't know the Busby Berkley girls. They are familiar with Alien, but wasn't that movie from the 80's??

This ride is in need of a huge, major update. It doesn't pass as an old favorite that you dare not touch like Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean. However, I'm sure with the cutbacks, this ride is not on the short list of immediate updates.


New Member
I know what you mean! I love the ride and I look forward to it everytime I go there. I was wondering the same thing. I don't think it has been updated for a while. You'd think they could update by putting a couple more movies in or replacing a few of them. Great nonetheless. Like the Indiana Jones part though.


Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorite rides in the park. I love it. I am 25 and have seen most of the movies and dont get mad if there is two movies that I havent seen represented in it.

Here is what I would propose to Disney to keep it fresh. Before the final "movie" put a large room where you can add and remove a montage ( bad spelling :) ) of all the recent movies of the past 5-10 years. Make this part easy enough to update with only taking down the ride for a few weeks every year. I am not saying you need the whole set but just the actors acting out a famous scene. This would keep it fresh for all.


Well-Known Member
I love this ride and I have to disagree with the "Mediocre Movie Ride" comment. Many of the films are still great and still popular today. Every child knows The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Mickey Mouse, Tarzan (maybe not Johnny Wiesmuller's Tarzan, but probably Disney's Tarzan) and Indiana Jones, and the gangster and cowboy segments can be enjoyed by anyone since every generation has gangester and cowboy films. The only thing I would change would probably be Alien. Star Wars would be an obvious choice to replace it, I think. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.


New Member
This ride is definitely one of my favorites because I am a HUUGGEE movie freak, but I do agree it should be updated somewhat...I think I would be dissapointed if they took out any parts other than the Alien bit, but they could sure add some more current movies in somehow! :king:


Well-Known Member
What? No! I love the Nostromo section... but I suppose removing it might help justify them building an Aliens-themed Indiana Jones attraction.

The Great Movie Ride is one of my all time favorites. Every scene is a shining example of what Disney used to do when their budget was still as big as their greed. The level of detail, quality of the animatronics, and diversity of the areas you travel through makes this ride a conceptual sister to Horizons. With Spaceship Earth looking at a demise to make room for time racers, The Great Movie Ride will be the only attraction of its kind left: The Ultra Dark Ride.

Besides, I can't think of any movie or genre that deserves to be added to this attraction anyway. Well maybe some representation of the Military/Spy genre. I've always thought that the laser scene from Goldfinger deserved to be in this attraction.


Well-Known Member
WELL said, Bairstow! and i agree! i certainly hope they keep the same concept of the ride going for many, many years to come! the 'ultra dark ride', as you put it, is quickly becoming extinct, which is truely heart wrenching!
i do think, however, that GMR is in need of some slight adjustments. not a total overhaul, though...remember, MGM is carrying a theme of early Hollywood, so to just throw out the tried and true classics would be folly. that's what makes the GMR so great...the classics are truely classics! not a movie that was great at the moment and faded away.
of course, it's not perfect...there could be some updates here and there. for instance, personally, i hate the 'small scenes'. if you're going to put me on a ride about movies, then gosh-darnit, emerse me in that movie! i want to experience it for myself, ya know? SO, i wish they could somehow extend these scenes, like the Busby girls and definately Casablanca! i've always hated the Fantasia scene...i kinda wish they'd just take that one out altogether....they COULD put something Snow White in it's place, since it WAS groundbreaking.
don't shoot me here, but i hate the animatronics...they look like wax figures...i wish they could do something to their skin to make it look more realistic. i'm sure they could, actually.
i've never liked the gangster scene...i was scared to death of the GMR for years because the very first time i rode (i was 8) we stopped on the gangster scene, and i seriously thought it was all for real. to this day i still pray that we get the cowboy every time we ride (they seem to be funnier anyway) i've never cared too much for the Tarzan scene either...
i like Alien for the smell, but that's about it.
so, what movies could they replace a few scenes with? as mentioned before, Star Wars. personally, i'd love to see a Shirley Temple movie thrown in there somewhere, somehow. and i think it'd be great if they put Forrest Gump in there (one of the best movies ever made, imo!) it's too bad that Disney didn't buy the rights to Lord of the Rings...that'd be great in there, even though it's brand new, i'm absolutely positive it will prove to be a classic.
actually, now that i've started thinking about it, it's kinda hard to come up with movies that parents and kids know and love...:veryconfu


New Member
-hey Dizknee_Phreek-

since you'd like to have the fantasia scene taken out all together, i'll have that done for ya *POOF* its gone now.

lol seriously though, many sources have pointed that during this current rehab, the fantasia scene has been removed and is currently being replaced by something else. [don't know what though]

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