Trailer Tuesday Results
Studio execs wanted to thank those of you who submitted a film proposal this week. Don't call us, we'll call you. I was really hoping to see a Bore and The Incredible Bulk buddy film but in all seriousness those were lots of fun. Enjoyed reading each of your entries.
It's funny with superheroes, for every mainstream cool hero/name there are 10 random ones you think can't be real.
After much deliberation, execs have decided to greenlight [USER=117529]@D Hindley[/USER] Great Lakes Avengers. Picturing anything super about Milwaukee is funny in its own right, loved the real/spoof/real aspect of it and of course, the cameos.
With those entries there will be 5 points for each of you to go towards your studios tally and then an extra 10 for Pixar for getting one of their films green lit this week. Looking forward to next week's pitches!