The Golden Age

General Grizz

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Original Poster
"The Golden Age was never the present age" - Ben Franklin in the American Adventure.

Everyone remembers the different parks in several Golden Ages...each differ from each person to each person - filled with your favorite parktime memories.

Be it 1997 in the Magic Kingdom on a cool morning in Fantasyland as the rain pours down....a hot afternoon in Frontierland outside the Country Bear Jamboree, watching a few friends playing checkers nearby...the Tropical Serenade in the hot evening before a thunderstorm...Dreamflight in the late afternoon with no one in the queue....the Carousel of Progress queue....the Pirates of the Carribbean...we all go to WDW in a golden age.

These listed above are some of the most dear memories in my mind of Walt Disney World - probably my best visits ever to the Magic Kingdom - all taking place around the 25th Anniversary.

Today, I realized while listening to "Share a Dream Come True" Parade, that I have entered a brand new stage of Disney magic. Even though Dreamflight and Tiki Room are away, I have spent so many new memories in the parks (i.e. sweeping the Country Bear Jamboree Porch for a few hours, talking to CMs in the evening or sitting with the Carousel Family for three shows....watching Cosmic Ray....the cool new 3:00 parade)...between the 25th and now, everything seemed to go downhill.

I seemed to be too absorbed. I always wanted to videotape everything - here-there-here - since my beloved Tiki Room and Dreamflight were hatched. Everything was a mission at the parks...nothing like the hot afternoons and cool mornings in 1995/6/7 when I could take it easy.

While there is still some fear and friction (i.e. CoP's fate and other possible closures), I am now safe to say that the Magic Kingdom has become more magical than it has the past few years. I'd be even better with those two attractions I listed above, but hey, I can't have everything.

We're in a Golden seems...not thinking of the Company...thinking of Walt... The magic tingled down...arriving there by bus...going down Main Street with joy watching the crowds at CBJ...riding CoP three times, falling in love with the family...the new Aladdin Ride in the evening ... (I supposed I was hypmotized here!) ... the colors on Cinderella's Castle...the ride back on the ferry...seeing the Kingdom float away...

The Golden Age IS the Present Age!

"When you imagine, time becomes timeless!"


Well-Known Member
Let's see...

Running ahead of my parents up the hill to the Land at night to see Kitchen Kabaret before the park closed, walking past Spaceship Earth and gazing at the EPCOT logo being projected on it, standing on a warm night at MK waiting for MSEP to begin and hearing the opening annoucement, seeing Henry and Sammy up close while exiting CBJ for the first time, riding the riverboat and looking at the new Wuzzles book I got, riding the monorail to the TTC at night and passing through the Contemp., riding through JII and being greeted by Dreamfinder and Figgy outside, looking at that little remote contolled robot thingy at EPCOT(Can't remember what it's called), watching the Water Pagent over the Seven Seas Lagoon, seeing my brother get "possessed" by a hitchhiking ghost the first time he rid the Haunted Mansion(He was sitting in the middle of the Doombuggy:), walking through the hedge maze at Starland, and a few recent ones, walking down Main Street with the snow blowing, walking in to the Country Bear Christmas for the first time and getting an old childhood holiday feeling I hadn't felt in years, and seeing the space shuttle launch in the middle of the fireworks show.


New Member
What a great thread. Good job, grizzlyhall.

The first phase:
My visits as a child. Driving up World Dr. on the way to the Contemporary and seeing the topiary sculptures they used to have all along the road, and my first-ever glimpse of the monorail. I was amazed.
Waiting in line at the World of Motion. Not waiting in line at Horizons, which instantly gave it big points. :)
Gazing up at Cinderella in awe when I met her in Fantasyland.
Walking awestruck through the arcade at the Contemporary -- even today, no trip is complete without playing a few games after a meal at the Food and Fun Center.
MGM Studios in the opening year. Going on the Great Movie Ride and being terrified by the Alien portion. Walking around the park feeling so completely like I'd stepped into old Hollywood, even though I didn't even know what the heck Old Hollywood was.
Two words: Captain EO.

The second phase:
WDW as a pre-teen/teenager.
The day I was introduced to Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and the Skyway, all in the same morning. Riding Haunted Mansion again and again and again. Beginning a lifelong obsession with the Wedway Peoplemover that has carried over into its TTA form.
Beaches and Cream. :)
Walking around the Marketplace at night, feeling the most incredible sense of wonder and rightness -- like an adventure was always waiting for me right around the corner.
Flirting repeatedly night after night with a girl in the game room of the Wilderness Lodge, but never getting her name.

The recent years:
The past few years have been full of awakenings. Falling in love with rides I never even paid attention to as a child (Liberty Belle), or going on rides I never went on for the first time (Cinderella's Carousel). Suddenly appreciating the delicate theming of the park.
One of my greatest recent memories was actually paying attention to the way walking underneath the Main Street train station and out onto Main Street really feels like a transformation, like you've literally just crossed into a new world.
Perhaps best of all, as grizzly put it, just being able to slow down and appreciate everything -- walking from MGM to Boardwalk to Epcot instead of taking the boats, or just popping into the Magic Kingdom for a quick trip on Space Mountain and the TTA and then leaving without feeling like you've missed out on anything, because you know you'll always be coming back. Feeling like WDW is really home.


New Member
Sitting on the edge of my seat as a 6 year old kid as my parents call CRO, getting yelled at for picking up the phone and trying to listen..Pulling a pile of old maps out of my dresser and planning what I would do on the trip..Not following any of my pre-planning once I got there..

Refelctions of Earth. That's enough said.

flirting on the edge of sleep as we returned from Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party on the bow of the transport boat as we went back to fort wilderness...Waking up to that big buffet at Pioneer hall, the way the air was foggy and untouched in the morning at that place still amazes me. Sipping hot choco as we take the Hayride around the lake, watching the MK fireworks as we do so.

Spaceship earth...God Almighty! Spaceshipe earth...

Walking over that perfectly placed hill in Animal Kingdom on my first day therre, and coming face to face with the most amazing Icoon anywhere, the Tree of Life, snd standing dumbfounded until a CM asks,"Would you like a picture?"

Wiping away the tears of a loved one after "The American Adventure"

One man's Dream. Again, the tears.

Filling an entire ToT elevator with our family. That is a memory to cherish.

Holding my neice in my lap while she goes on Small World Afterall for the first time, holding her hand on Space Mountain...

Realizing I was meant to design these things. And persuing it like an obsession..(which it is.)

I could go on, But I'll spare you.


Well-Known Member
I have lots of "golden memories." but there are a few that get me every time. Remember that Kodak movie they used to show as a pre-show to something-or-other - hope someone else remembers this - it was a guy whose job was taking pictures of babies and getting them to smile. At the end of the short film, he was doing the same thing to his OWN kids. I still get misty-eyed whenever I remember it.

Other "golden moments" -

- seeing SE lit up at night just as was looking over my shoulder as we left EPCOT for the last time each year

-same thing for Cinderella's castle

- the World of Motion ride (remember the traffic cop hiding behind a clump of trees on a motorcycle, looking for speeders?)


-that feeling of time being suspended as soon as you walk into any of the parks

-the original Journey Into Imagination ride

-standing on line at night for Splash Mountain, in the glowof the lanterns

There are probably a million others, too!


New Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
Remember that Kodak movie they used to show as a pre-show to something-or-other - hope someone else remembers this - it was a guy whose job was taking pictures of babies and getting them to smile. At the end of the short film, he was doing the same thing to his OWN kids.

That was the preshow for Captain EO. I don't know if it had a specific name, but the lyrics to the thing were something like "capture a smile, say cheeze, magic memories, everytime you capture a smile." The whole preshow was basically the process of life. It started with a baby, then he went to school, then away to college "off to college, 'cross the country, living on my own was kinda fun", then he met his girlfriend, got married and had his own kids.


New Member
Ahh...nostalgic memories all.

For me...

...seeing Main Street Electrical Parade for the first time in the 70's on a family visit with my mom and grandmother. And then needing 20 boxes of tissues when I saw it for the last time ever March of 2001 before it was removed [for good according to CMs]... When I was there, standing three deep in the crowd that March, I had my camera at the ready for when the lights went out and the "voice" announce the start of the MSEP. I couldn't get any mind immediately went back 20+ years...and I cried. It made me miss my late mom and grandmother all the more...and also I cried cause I wouldn't be able to share a moment like this with my neice...not be able to see the wonder and joy in her eyes as the sparkling, blinking lights and bright music played. But there will be other memories to create.

...Eastern's "If You Had Wings"

...The Magic Shop on Main Street

...The videocomm kiosks at EPCOT Center for info and restaurant reservations

...Being able to buy jelly babies at the United Kingdom pavilion in World Showcase.

...The first version of Journey Into Imagination and Captain EO

...MK staying open til midnight on Summer weekends and the drive back home to Tampa Bay, falling asleep in the back seat of the family car


New Member
Being 8 years old and being the first in the MK that morning, watching the gates roll open and my mum and i skipping the whole way to tomorrow land in the glorious sunshine. I can not help but smile when i write this as it is a memory that will stay with me forever. I also cant help but smile when i think of the millions of other friends and fammilies who also have the happiest memorys to keep and share forever. thanx walt, you did a great job.


Well-Known Member
Running through a thunderstorm to ride space mountain. Standing at the fountains in epcot after the reflections of earth, watching the crowd flow by. Standing by splash mountain waiting for the evening parade.


Well-Known Member
I just remembered another - one night at the MK, my husband and kids and I were on Big Thunder just as the fireworks reached the finale - it was unforgettable!


New Member
My Golden Ages

Just reading everyone's memories, only solidifies my love for this place. It almost makes me cry. Now for mine...

- My first MEMORABLE trip to WDW was in 93, I had gone previously as a child 4 & 5 years old, but only remember crying and being scared as we walked past the characters in MK. ANYWAY...

In the third grade is when the parks REALLY made an impression on me. EVERYTHING was bigger than life, yet tangible. Our first night there, we went to Epcot and rode Body Wars, Horizons, World of Motion, and Journey into Imagination. On WoM and JiI, my younger sister and I got to ride in a seperate vehicle than my parents, which was a HUGE thing for us kids at 9 and 7 y/o. It wasn't crowded on either of them, and riding through all of them made for a MAGICAL night, that brings me to tears right now. Also at Epcot, we never got see the old IllumiNations cuz we didn't secure a good enough spot, and my parents held us up onto railings there in WS Plaza, unfortunately some CM had a job to do and told us we couldn't stand on them, so with no view we left Epcot that night, watching fireworks explode behind Spaceship Earth. Heh! For some strange reason, I also had this weird obsession with going to the Eifel Tower in France at WS. Being a child, it didn't occur to me that you couldn't get to it. I drug my family ALL the way to the back of the France pavillion only to find the wall of a shop and no way to get to the tower. What a bummer!

Then seeing MGM for the first time, and just stumbling into the Beauty and the Beast show when it was on Hollywood Blvd. And just being in awe as the doves were released. WOW, thats when we discovered the 50's Cafe, and we've been back there eating ever since.

At the Magic Kingdom, it was a cool morning in Fantasyland and that was back when a lot of the characters would walk around. Being that it was January, the park wasn't very full, and we found Donald walking around. I had this weird thing of putting my arms in my shirt cuz it was cold, well Donald TIED my sleeves together and then posed for a picture. How much fun was that.

Ok I have a ton of memories, but I'll stop, cuz I'm REALLY rambling. I'll be 18 tomorrow and although it doesn't seem very long to some of you guys, it was a CENTURY ago for me. But I wanted to make one more point.

My favorite time of day in ANY of the parks, is Sunrise and Sunset. I've only been to Magic Kingdom for sunrise, no other park, but it was one of the best memories I had from my 7 year absence-return trip in 2000. As we walked down Main Street, my family ducked into the Bake shop for breakfast as I went to have my moment with the Castle and the 7:30 Am Sun. It was a personal experience that will stay with me forever. Armed with my camera I got some great shots. I had to reach out and touch it, (the castle) who doesn't? Looking down main street.........

Ok Dusk at the parks is REALLY cool, I LOVE WS in Epcot at Dusk. A golden splash comes off the Lagoon and bathes the entire Showcase in a GLORIOUS golden light. Plus add in Tapestry of Nations going on at the same time, and well, another beautiful memory from my golden age of WDW.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Last night, I watched a Dreamflight video...thinking of the old attraction afterwards, Baby Mine started playing on my playlist (Carousel music)....I actually had tears running down... :(


New Member
Great thread!
Just a few I can think off at the moment.

The end sequence of Splash Mountain, I'm humming Zipadee Doodah all the way to Pirates, I leave there humming "A Pirates Life..." and then CoP "It's a great big beautiful tomorrow" Even just thinking about the theatre spinning gives me goosebumps.
And I just love Columbia Harbor House though I can't explain why.

At EPCOT, Spaceship Earth. Seeing Danny Kaye outside American Adventure the week the park opened, though I didn't appreciate how famous he was when I was 7. Watching my kid brother and sister chasing the lights imbedded in the ground near Innoventions as Illuminations started in the background.
World Showcase, I just love walking round the lagoon.

MGM, seeing ToT stretching up over the park. Placing your hands in the celebrity imprints outside Great Movie Ride.

AK, my cousin and I trying to time getting on the safari ride so we could get straight back on with the same driver and see if they noticed. It didn't work but it was fun trying.

But my absolute favourite was sitting on the ferry one night heading from MK to TTC and just observing all the other guests. Some looked elated but tired, many looked sad to be leaving. It's just the emotions that Disney seems to bring out.


New Member
Last year at this time [easter] my wife and dd were at WDW for 1 fantastic week . the last night of our stay we ate a late dinner at
mama melrose at daughter [9 years old ]was so exhausted she fell asleep in the restaurant,and I had to carry her.
AS we walked past the Muppet attraction, that song sung by kermit ,[I believe the rainbow song?]was playing on the sound system at the time, and the melancholy feeling that this was our last night in disney, and also, most likely,the last time that I would be able to hold or carry my daughter like this. Those of you that have kids that have Grown up know what I mean . You just cant pick em up and hug em any more because theyre just too big. Any way I carried her all the way out of the park ,to the bus,and back to our resort....almost killed me.But ill always remember that
last night in disney and that song kermit sings.

This year were going back [last year was our first time].
we leave on the 10th of april , and this time were bringing my parents .they have never been and are soooo excited . Its almost like were bringing two more little kids with us .
Im sure we'll have great time and are looking forward to it .


New Member
Realizing I was meant to design these things. And persuing it like an obsession..(which it is.)

My all time most cherished memories with me as the active participant.

The first time I walked under the train station at Magic Kigndom and had and having to sit down because I was so overwhelmed.

Walking the entire Haunted Mansion ride track.

Getting someting I designed built onstage at Animal Kingom and at the Imagineering offices at Epcot.

As for sharing time at the Disney Parks with my family.

Watching everyone along the Parade Route sing my 3 year daughter Happy Birthday

Watching my son meet Minnie Mouse and her making a really big fuss over him and how thrilled he was. That was one time that I was REALLY REALLY thankful for the Disney Photographers. They took a great picture of it all.

The great way the maid arrainged our kids ever growing collection of stuffed animals every day while staying at Port Orleans Riverside.

Like eveyone else I could go on and on.....

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