The Florida Sun


Original Poster
This might sound stupid, but every time I've been to Disney, I think I'm too concerned about getting sun burned, so I use so much sunscreen that I come back without a tan!!! What SPF do you use? If I use a low one maybe I'll still get a tan?

I just hate coming back as white as I was when I left :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I can only resond for myself. I typicall don't burn easily, so i use a SPF 4. We also only go during the fall months, so the sun is much less intense than in the summer. I find that an application of SPF 4 in the morning then again in early afternoon will keep me well covered, but will still allow for some tanning.


New Member
i usually burn pretty easily, but i also try to avoid being in the sun for any extended period of time.... we never go to the water parks... we generally use a spf 15 i think.... and apply a couple times during the day.... hope this helps.


New Member
Well, I rarely ever burn, and usually only tan, so I never use sun screen. But I would use an SPF 4 if I thought I might burn. Don't put it everywhere, though. Just in those areas you usually burn at. You don't need it all over your arms and legs, no wonder you never tan!

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Everyone's skin is so different that this is hard to answer.

Use an SPF less than what you used last time. If you are still too pale on your last day, go without.


Well-Known Member
to be the summer sun you'd be kinda silly not to use at LEAST 15...
once your skin tans even the LITTLEST bit you can lessen the SPF and you will get a deeper tan, not so much a burn!

good luck!

Jessie Johnson

New Member
We normally use SPF 15 for the begining and SPF 7 for the end of the holiday but personally I think there is nothing worse on holiday than sunburn so if I was you I'd use some sort of protection.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you already know this, but it's extremely important to have sunscreen (15 or higher) on the areas that are exposed the longest and burn the most - your nose, tips of your ears, back of your neck, shoulders and the tops of your feet. Depending on your sun sensitivity, you might want to just go with 4 everywhere else. I agree, though - the WORST souvenir to bring home from a vacation is a sunburn, so don't underestimate that Florida sunshine!


Active Member
I never use sunscreen personally. (I know, I know, skin cancer etc., etc.) Being Irish, I usually just burn to a crisp the first time I go outdoors in June here in Connecticut, then turn back to pastey white and stay that way for the rest of the year.

But, my wife and I ALWAYS make sure the kids are covered. On our last trip, our 2 year old suddenly broke out with a rash at the Studios. We went to the first aid station, at the doctor there told us immediately that it was the sunscreen ( no charge, thank you). I believe they said that the chance of the sunscreen causing a rash like this increases with the SPF. We got a different sunscreen the next day with a lower SPF and she was fine. No burn either. Just something to keep in mind.


Well-Known Member
As powerful as the Florida sun is from this time of year through late september, sunscreen is an absolute must. Even when it is hazy outside, realize the UV Index is usually at 10+ outside from now through the end of summer--water only magnifies that. So use something...wearing a hat or visor is also a good idea, in addition to the shades.:cool:
Originally posted by DogsRule!
As powerful as the Florida sun is from this time of year through late september, sunscreen is an absolute must. Even when it is hazy outside, realize the UV Index is usually at 10+ outside from now through the end of summer--water only magnifies that. So use something...wearing a hat or visor is also a good idea, in addition to the shades.:cool:

CM's can wear a straw hat:lol:


Well-Known Member
Being a red head I need some sun pretection. I don't usually put it all over but on my nose and ears and cheeks and stuff. You don't need to over do it.


Well-Known Member
I'm terrible for this, always forgetting to put cream on. Fortunately I have a wife who makes sure to remind me and I don't burn to badly in any case.

Generally we start of with factor 40 and move down to factor 20 after the first 3 or 4 days.


New Member
Living here in Florida I have had good and bad experiences. Depending on your skin type SPF 15 - 20 should be good if you will be in and out of buildings. If you will be outside for prolonged periods, I would suggest a little higher. ALso don't forget sunscreen on overcast days, you can get a worse burn in Florida on a cloudy day then on a sunny one.


Well-Known Member

Shame on all of you!! You put your sunscreen on right now!! Actually, being very fair with blue eyes, I don't leave the room with anything less than 45 on all exposed parts and a hat. Plus, I just had a mole removed, leaving a half inch scar underneath my right eye. I'd rather not do that again. Please be careful people!! Your tan is really not THAT important, is it?


A concerned Mad Mouse:lol:


New Member
I burn easily, but then I tan... so what I usually do is go to a tanning salon for about a week or so before I go to FL or any other desitnation where the sun is stronger than in CT... and I get my base tan. Then I use SPF 15 while I'm out in the sun, and I get more color, but no burn. I am blond, with fine hair, so I have to spray my head with a sunscreen too... I know it sounds strange, but it's terrible to get a burn on my scalp!
Gotta agree with MouseMadness here. I'm amazed that people are so unconcerned about skin cancer, early wrinkles, sun spots, and especially SKIN CANCER. There are going to be a lot of dermatologists making a lot of money on a lot of people in thirty years.

A tan really is not worth it. Trust me, from personal family experience.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Gotta agree with MouseMadness here. I'm amazed that people are so unconcerned about skin cancer, early wrinkles, sun spots, and especially SKIN CANCER. There are going to be a lot of dermatologists making a lot of money on a lot of people in thirty years.

A tan really is not worth it. Trust me, from personal family experience.

Hey, we're not talking about laying on the beach for 8 hours. How much time does one spend in the sun a WDW? Seriously, think about it, you go in and out of buildings all day. Most of your time is spent inside at some attraction. Sun exposure is pretty minimal. So why waste the extra money on a SPF9000 when it really doesn't do any good? It sounds like most of us know our bodies pretty well and have taken the necessary precautions.

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