The feeling of leaveing!!


New Member
Original Poster
How many people, when checking out look at the faces of the people just arriving with smiles on there faces and get an awful feeling? This is a very unpleasent feeling even if you've had a terriffic trip!!


New Member
I agree. I firmly dislike that feeling. When we check out, we are tired from hitting the parks too hard. We're sad about leaving and its not a very postitive feeling. What makes it worse is when you look in the lobby and all these families with young kids walk in and they're smiling and their eyes are huge. It's not hard to picture their faces as the plunge down Tower or Terror or the sincere joy of seeing Mickey. I just want to run over there and say "Hey, I'm your new kid!" Its a bad feeling to leave but then there's always next time.


Well-Known Member
Oh and, uh, DisneyFan ... your bio says:

"I am one of the biggest Disney fans in my city second only to my aunt and cousins. "

I think you should change it to "third only to my aunt and cousins and that guy DisneyJoey on the WDWMAGIC forums." :lol:


New Member
Ok DisneyJoey I'll have to change that bit about my family. We'll just have to see if you're a bigger Disney fan than me. Maybe we can have a Disney Trivia contest at Foley's. All WDWMAGIC members are invited to attend. After party will be at the Disney Store at which I made a tradition of making friends with the CM's there. Should be fun!


Well-Known Member
Come on down - you're on! :D I'll give ya free gift wrap anytime, too, just come on in! ...Oh and that Disney Store is NEVER hiring, I've tried for 3 years straight.


We hate leaving. Leaving WDW is one of the worst feelings in the world. My family starts feeling it the second day of our trip dreading the leaving feeling.:( :cry:


New Member
agreed. and that feeling comes back every time i hear a disney song or see a commercial *sigh*

::gets all choked up and teary eyed::


Oh my yes I love listening to theme park music from WDW on the internet but every time I do it just seems to leave a happy but sad knot in me. I even order the WDW travel planers just to sit and have a 30 minute trip to the parks.:cry:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i know that feeling too. i get it anytime i see ANYONE at WDW while packing stuff to the vehicle to leave. people checking in, people walking around, and worst of all, people at the bus stop, cause you know they're going somewhere you want to be. no matter how great of a trip it was, i'm always envious of those people. and no matter how many times i go, those last moments in WDW are ALWAYS bittersweet.


we aways get sad when we leave, not only because we are leaving, but when we go, but its sad because alot of the family comes down when we go so its a bit of a family reunion. I usually start planning the next trip as soon as we get back to help overcome the sadness.


Active Member
I hate the day when we leave. It's just terrible for me :'( I hate the thought that I ave to wait atleast a year or two before I go back... ok I'll admit it, sometimes I even get teary-eyed, lol. Oh well, only 155 more days till I'm in the magic!! :-D


New Member
I just had to experience leaving last Saturday. To make things worse our flight didn't leave until 7:00 pm so we had to go through the whole check out thing and then we just hung out at the food court for the rest of the time and played cards. We saw sooo many people coming into the resort for the first time to start their vacation. I think it would have been easier if we just went and waited at the airport. atleast I would have been off of Disney property. I don't know what would have been worse....seeing people get off of their planes in Orlando just starting their vacations or seeing people coming to the resort just starting their vacation. :cry: TO top it off I am now back in Michigan where it got to 9 degrees as a high yesterday and on my work this morning I saw a Disney commercial on TV......just seeing Cindy's Castle again made me feel bad all over again. :cry:


New Member
A Simple Solution

This thread is excessively depressing, so I've made up my mind. There's a simple solution to all this -- never leave Walt Disney World. And that's precisely what I plan to do.

It might be a challenge at first staying in the Magic Kingdom 24/7, but I'm sure my body will adapt to the daily churros and tasty burgers. Once my cash is all spent, I'll resort to eating critters on Tom Sawyer's Island, or maybe I could dress as a street performer, dazzle my audience on Liberty Square, and accept donations from the crowd.

Camping at the Magic Kingdom overnight is another difficulty, but it's one that I'm well-prepared for; this is often a topic of discussion for my group whenever we visit Disney -- "If you were going to steathily stay at Disney overnight, where would you hide?" Again, Tom Sawyer's island may provide the solution. And since I hear that the park is actually bustling with activity overnight, a CM disguise could also prove to be useful. I'm sure there are some insiders here with great tips on infiltrating the park at night. Can anyone else plan a feasible strategy? :p

... Heh, but really -- does anyone have good suggestions for leaving Disney? Any departure traditions to easy the pain? My team often starts planning our next trip the moment we spot "See You Real Soon!"


New Member
Agree with all - really get sad and choked up on departure.

For years, I have tried to determine the best way to leave - late on last day, fully enjoy last full day and then leave early the next morning, etc. Our trips to WDW usually also include visiting relatives in Tampa, so we also struggle with the order of the trip (visit Tampa, go to WDW, fly home from Orlando or fly to Orlando, go to Tampa, fly home from there).

The thing that seems to have worked lately is to go first to WDW, stay as late as possible on last day and then drive down to Tampa and fly home from there. That way, we can squeeze every last drop out of the WDW trip and then still have a couple days of vacation in Tampa to look forward to. That seems to temper the sadness of leaving Disney, although, of course, it does not make it go away entirely.


I was majorly depressed last year when leaving.

It was my first time at a deluxe hotel (Animal Kingdom Lodge)... it was SOOOOOO relaxing.

Just knowing that I had to go back to the daily grind at work and be away from that atmosphere made leaving so difficult!

That's what gets me the most. The feeling of being in another existence (for lack of a better term) while in Disney World. People are all having fun and happy. There's imagination everywhere. You can be there and look at everything with wonder. All the different themes and feelings of each park and the different areas in each park.

Knowing that won't be a part of your day is depressing. It brings a feeling of loss. (until the next trip!)

Going back home and to work, much of that just isn't there. The people are not as happy and the surroundings are so mundane in comparison.

(Wow, I really sound like a nut).

Anyway, seeing people come in as I'm leaving makes me want to ask them if they'd go home for me while I "borrow" their vacation. :)


New Member
Been there, felt that

Boy do I know that feeling. I have tried to come up with a cure for those post vacation blues and although I haven't found it yet, here are a couple of things I do:

1. This is an oldie but it does work. I start planning for the next vacation at the airport while waiting for departure. I even print up a few pages of planning sheets prior to leaving. My son enjoys giving input on where to stay next time and what we will and won't do.

2. I try to budget a few extra vacation dollars so that a day after getting home, we hope over to one of the local hotels for a one night stay. We just hang out at the pool and relax (Disney vacations can take a lot out of you. lol). This one really helps us with the leaving Disney blues.

3. We sometimes mail ourselves a box filled with stuff we've bought. My wife is a shopaholic (I hope she doesn't read this :lookaroun ) and looks forward to getting the "goodies" in the mail.

Just Keep Swimming!



:wave: Several observations here if I may.

First, understanding that the feeling you get when leaving is for different reasons to everyone…our “Leaving” feeling occurs 2 times. The 1st when we are exiting the turnstiles for the final time on our trip (usually its at MK with EPCOT a close second). We always stop when we are just outside the turnstile and look back. I think it has always hit my youngest daughter (who is now 23 and more later in this post on her) and I the worse….I would be lying to you if I said we didn’t have tears in our eyes. And secondly yes, we hate seeing all the people who are about to check into the hotel as we’re leaving because in truth we never want to leave nor have our trip ending and we’re envious of theirs’ just beginning. For some, sadly, WDW is not magical while for most it is very magical and then again for a few WDW is EERILY MAGICAL, almost cultish. We fall into this last group.

Second point. A little bit about our family. We were from New Jersey and now, for the past 10 years, we live in Tennessee. My wife has been deceased for 6 years. We have 2 daughters 28 and 23. Our first trip to WDW was in 1978 when our eldest daughter was just shy of 3. Since that trip we have made 83 separate trips to WDW (actually my 84th begins tomorrow for 5 nights – 1st time by myself). My wife passed away 6 years ago and our oldest daughter is married and has just started a family of their own so it has been 4 years since she has last visited WDW with us. But my youngest daughter, my kindred spirit, continues to go with me at every possibility. She has visited WDW with others without me but she professes that it is not the same…not as much fun as when she goes with daddy. In those 83 trips we have made 664 daily entries into the parks (yes I have kept track of each trip). The point is we always thought that we were unique, that we were the KINGS of DISNEY WORLD, and that no family ever spent as much time there (or home as we called it) as we did. You would be surprised the many times we would comment on, you could even jokingly say plot against, the grandmaster families. Why were they selected when we are the rightful ones to lead the parade? Then I started viewing this site. I am truly amazed at the number of families who could rival us in their devotion (or is it a sickness) to WDW. What a truly amazing place, phenomenal if you will, this home we call Disney is. And for the 1st time I will experience it alone…I must confess I’m excited and also somewhat sad because everywhere I turn there is a memory there, a picture, where I see my wife or daughters, their smiles (and at times my wife cursing under her breath). And yet nothing will, could, keep me from going, so in conclusion I guess this puts me right up there with you DisneyJoey and Disneyfan81 as the top disney fanatics…..good thing for you I and my family don’t live in Baton Rouge or you would be way down on the list.

Thanks for you patience in reading this.


New Member
Yeah...when I leave the MK for the last time on my trip I get a little teary eyed. I have to turn around and look at the castle one more time before I step out of the park. It was really magical this past week though. We were hanging around after Wishes looking at all of the Inspearation Mickeys and Mickey came to the back of the train station to say goodbye to everyone. All of the little kids were running over to wave and say good bye. He said "See ya soon" and that is when I got really sad :cry: It had been 8 years since my first trip and the thought of another eight years made me sad. I had another full day at Epcot the next day before I left so that made it a little better but I still paused as I was walking out of the turnstiles at Epcot for the last time on my vacation......back to reality was just around the corner:(

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