We all now Disney's California Adventure and concept-arts of the future placemaking gave us an idea of the one to come, but do you know that there is a Disney's California Adventure that never was ?
All the attractions we know were there in this early concept, but with a different architecture. As the entrance, it was totally different, and the park's icon was a giant spire, a reminiscent of the Westcot legendary project.
The concept-arts of this Disney's California Adventure that never was are on line at:
http://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2008/ ... never.html
And all about the Westcot project with a Tony Baxter presentation is here:
Once you're on the page, double-click on each picture to get them in high-res.
All the attractions we know were there in this early concept, but with a different architecture. As the entrance, it was totally different, and the park's icon was a giant spire, a reminiscent of the Westcot legendary project.
The concept-arts of this Disney's California Adventure that never was are on line at:
http://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2008/ ... never.html
And all about the Westcot project with a Tony Baxter presentation is here:
Once you're on the page, double-click on each picture to get them in high-res.