The castle pics


Original Poster
Has anybody got any photo's of the castle when the stitch ride first came
to MK and he tp'd and graffiti'd all over it.
Would be appreciated.
Google search is your friend ;)

The 2nd worst idea ever done to the castle.

The first being...


Active Member
:eek: I had no idea they did that to the castle for the stictch ride! I would have been so mad had I been there. How long was it like that?
I have to admit I have a special place in my heart for the castle cake, only because my DH proposed to me in front of it. Also, I had been to WDW before and know I would be going back. Had it been a once in a lifetime trip or my first trip, I would have been pretty mad.


Active Member
The castle cake was a rubbish idea, but I found the stich castle idea quite funny.

I agree... It seems like a lot of fan-fair for not much of a ride though, and I like SGE! I just don't think it needed a grand opening like that.... something more a long the lines of MILF.

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
I still have pics of a much thinner and younger me in front of that pink castle posing. It never occured to me how crazy that idea was. At the time I had only been to Disney a couple times so it was inventive and different to me. I remember even buying one of those little statues of the castle on that brown base. I think it fell and broke years later. That's probably a good thing.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things because we are curious."
---Walter Elias Disney


New Member
My husband was there when it was the cake but since we have been together (2000) we have been twice and i would have been a bit upset if i had saved for two years to see it like that but i would have still enjoyed all things Disney and i would make me save hard to back and see it back to normal (iff that was possible):rolleyes:


New Member
haha.. i was only 8 years old when they decided to make the castle into a cake.. back then i thought it was so cool.. but if they did that to me now when.. i would be SOO ticked that they did it to such an iconic symbol and quite possibly my favorite thing about wdw. (seeing the castle brings tears to my eyes.. haha)

...i unfortunately have a shirt with the reg. castle on one side and it says "that was then" and then on the front, with the cake castle, it says "THIS IS NOW"

i should burn it...

100th post!!


Looks like I am the exception so far on this thread, but I liked the Castle Cake. I still have the Disney Magazine with it on the cover.

I never saw the Stitch treatment, but it looks like it would have been kind of funny (although I could empathize with someone who was upset going to see the castle for the first time).

I actually really like it when they decorate the Cinderella Castle in different ways. It seems fun to me and I would be happy if they did it more often. I guess I just like decorations. Just my opinion.


New Member
I liked the castle as a cake, mostly because it happened to be my birthday when I was there and it was like that so I thought it was really neat at the time. I don't know, I like how they do different things with the castle sometimes, don't always like everything but it's never premenant so no biggie.


Active Member
Count me in the Castle Cake Fan Club. My first trip was when it was newly installed, and it was a very fun idea for a temporary makeover. I know it might be gaudy as a permanent addition, but why do most of you guys hate something that was a neat and fun idea for most?


Well-Known Member
I thought the tp-ing was pretty funny. It was just for one day so it didn't really hurt anything. Now the Stitch ride itself and what it turned the ride it replaced into? Yeah, not a ALL.


Count me in the Castle Cake Fan Club. My first trip was when it was newly installed, and it was a very fun idea for a temporary makeover. I know it might be gaudy as a permanent addition, but why do most of you guys hate something that was a neat and fun idea for most?
Because people love to whine. Anything that doesn't fit in to their perfect vision of Disney is an object of scorn. This is not limited to the internet, but is quite pervasive here. Someone earlier asked something to the effect of what a person's impression be of the Castle if they they arrived for the first time, and found it TP'd? I'm guessing they got on with their lives. Or, if they are like some others, had it ruin the occasion and bring their very existence into doubt. "If everything is not perfect I am living a lie." Personally, I prefer SSE without the stars, but it really didn't make any difference for me one way or the other. The Castle Cake was amusing in the short term (for which it was intended). And I saw the Stitch castle just now for the first time. A little silly, but not much else.


Well-Known Member
My first trip was during the 25th Anniversary Celebration, so I gotta say I'm fond of the cake castle, it just brings back so many memories.

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