This is my first ever trip report! Wish me luck and feel free to stop if at any point you get bored lol.
So first off let me give you a little preflight history. We were scheduled to leave Wednesday, January 22nd and return Thursday January 30th. The night before out flight weather reports in the Boston area (we were flying from Logan as we live right outside the city) were calling for 9-12 inches of snow Tuesday night into Wednesday midday. FANTASTIC as our flight was scheduled to leave Wednesday morning at 9am. All night long the 8 of us refreshed the jetblue app and watched more and more flights out of Boston get canceled. We headed to the airport about 6am and to our surprise almost every flight between Tuesday night at 8pm and Wednesday morning at 7:15am was canceled. Ours was the first flight out that morning with only a 1 hour delay. Here’s how ecstatic we were! You can kind of see some of the snow on the runway in the background.
Since we had an hour delay we decided to throw back a couple Sam Adam's before the flight. Hey! It’s five o’clock somewhere!
After our pretty smooth flight we picked up our rental cars and heading to our new home for the next 7 days at the Solana Resort in Davenport. We rented a private house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and a private pool and spa. Worth every penny and only 11 minutes from the WDW gates.
and a quick trip to Publix to stock up the refridgerator we decided to head out to EPCOT for of ADRs at Biergarten!
The weather was a bit chilly but after leaving a snowstorm back home we weren’t complaining one bit!
That's my younger brother and I. My fiance' passed on this trip as we are spending a portion of our honeymoon next year in Disneyland and we had just been to DIsney World in March.
After dinner we took a quick ride on Maelstrom as there was no wait at all. It was my parents first time on the ride.
We have always been big AK lovers. I never quite understood how some people call this a ½ day park. There is so much to see and do. First stop was to get our fastpasses for Everest, Kilimanjaro and Dinosaur. We’ve never used the FP+ so I was a bit worried but I liked it. It was quick and easy. After obtaining our fastpassed we heading over to Rafiki’s planet watch and bumped into these guys. (Again NO wait at all)
And I had to get a new pair of ears… Tradition you know.
After planet watch we headed over and used out FP+ for Everest. (one my favorite rides)
DAY 3: Magic Kingdom
It was a bit chilly again in the morning when we first headed out. However it warmed up fast. The rides had hardly any waits at all and we managed to get into Be Our Guest with only a 10 minute wait around 11:30am.
Day 4: Hollywood Studios
A few of us set out earlier this morning to get a couple rides in before the others were ready to get out of bed. It’s great having your house while in Disney because there is no limit on how many drinks you can consume. However, for a few of the people in our party that also means KILLER HANGOVERS the next day lol!
After a trip on ToT & RnRC our hungover family members were ready for round 2. The 6 of us who made it out that day went and got our FP+ but had plenty of time to kill. We are HUGE Boston Bruins fans. I myself am a season ticket holder and the B’s had a game that day at 1pm. We got a table outside of the High Octane Café near the Backlot Tour and live streamed the game. The bartender was also from Boston and he was fantastic. He would call across the bar for a score update. We had a few drinks
After a late lunch at Mama Melrose’s for our Fantasmic Package we were able to hop on ToT with our FT+ and we also squeezed in Muppets and Lights, Motor, Action followed by a drink at the Tune-In Lounge. The bartender was awesome. He took a trick photo looking like I was holding a light saber.
We ended the night with a VIP viewing of Fantasmic which was wonderful! We got there 5 minutes before the show and had no problem finding seats. I recommend that package to everyone.
Day 5: EPCOT
This is where things get messy lol. Now, I’m guessing from the vibe of the trip you are all aware that there were no children with us. We decided to drink the world at Epcot after we did all of our required attractions lol. We had two sober drivers. We had one of the best nights at Epcot ever. There was a bit of a sprinkle early in the trip around the world but it cleared up pretty quickly. Here’s a quick recap in photos.
Our evening ending with a late night dip in the pool and hot tub back at the house.
Day 6: Our Birthday!
So, my brother and I were born two years apart on the same day January 27th. We’ve always celebrated together and I couldn’t picture having it any other way. His new girlfriend ALSO has a January 27th birthday! On this day of the vacation we went back to Animal Kingdom and then to Downtown Disney for some shopping before our reservations at Ohana!
Day 7: Our Last Day!
The last day of vacation always seems to come so quickly. We decided to end our vacation at Magic Kingdom since that is most of our favorite park. The weather was wonderful. The lines were short.
Like I said i'm just getting the hang of these trip reports but my best friend (seen in many of these pictures) and I are heading back down in October with her family. My fiance' is skipping that one as well. Disney one ever two years is good enough for him. Until next time my friends... See you real soon!
I absolutely loved you trip report! And all your Disney themed outfits! Too cute! I need to steal your Disney fashion!
I hope to drink around the world my next trip. Tried to last time but only made it through 6 countries before it started downpouring! You have officially motivated me.