The Alamo Teaser Poster


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From Empire Movies


I was looking forward to this until the LA Times reported that this was going to be major PC.

Come on. There are things to be sinsitive about but this is not one of them.

Anyone heard different? Please us know....



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The film is set for release in December 2003. I do not know the specific date but they are looking to release before The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MickeyMoose15
The film is set for release in December 2003. I do not know the specific date but they are looking to release before The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

They're a bit late, then... :lol:

What's it all about?


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I meant The Return of the King.

Cast: Dennis Quaid (Sam Houston), Jason Patric (Jim Bowie), Billy Bob Thornton (Davy Crockett), Emilio Echevarria (Generalissimo Antonio Miguel Lopez de Santa Anna), Patrick Wilson (William Barret Travis), Marc Blucas (James Butler Bonham), Stephen Bruton (Almerson Dickinson), Rutherford Cravens, Blue Deckert, Nick Kokich, Jordi Molla (Juan Seguin), Matt O'Leary (Daniel Cloud), Wes Studi (Chief Bowl)

Director: John Lee Hancock (The Rookie)

Based Upon: The true story of the "Last Stand of the Alamo" in 1836, which featured such famous historical figures as Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, and lasted for an amazing 13 days against stupendous odds (though they still lost). The story of this siege has been adapted to film many times before, the most famous of which was probably the 1960 film starring (and directed by) John Wayne.

Premise: Compared to Braveheart (Mel Gibson as Davy Crockett?), this is the story of a small force of less than 300 men who, in 1836, fortified a fort called the Alamo in San Antonio in Texas (before it joined the United States of America), determined to defend it from the daunting power of the far larger Mexican Army, led by General Santa Anna... (3/20/02) Variety reports that the script includes details not included in the John Wayne movie, like more on the Mexican point of view, William Barret Travis' "serial marital infidelities", Jim Bowie's slave trading, and Davy Crockett's "overall political incorrectness".


This is one Disney movie that I definitely wont see. First of all if its going to be major PC that is just denying history, and second of all, billy bob thornton as Davey Crockett!!!? What are they thinking?


Originally posted by MickeyMoose15

William Barret Travis' "serial marital infidelities", Jim Bowie's slave trading, and Davy Crockett's "overall political incorrectness".

Why do we have to look back and bad mouth american heroes? This is almost as bad as looking down upon the Founding Fathers because they practiced slavery.


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Because they were all like us. They did great things but they made mistakes like us. Look at Grant. He helped win the Civil War but he drank (when his wife wasn't around) and he had horrible failures early on in the Civil War.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Turbogames
Why do we have to look back and bad mouth american heroes? This is almost as bad as looking down upon the Founding Fathers because they practiced slavery.

Hold on, Turbo. You just said you're not going to see this movie cause it's PC, and now you're complaining it's too real? I don't get it!


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Ron Howard was going to direct this until he asked for way too much money. Both he and Russell Crowe wanted 21% of the gross of the film and $10 million to be in the film.


Originally posted by MKCustodial
Hold on, Turbo. You just said you're not going to see this movie cause it's PC, and now you're complaining it's too real? I don't get it!

I dont mind them showing the truth about american "heroes", but when they usually do that they look down upon them. They probably wont put as much emphasis on the great things these people did in their lives, but more on the bad things, like public schools have started to do with the founding fathers.


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So what? It shouldn't matter. They were human like everybody else so why shouldn't we learn about the mistakes they made.


New Member
give me a break.the alamo was history-right or wrong the mexicans were fighting with the americans for soo sick of PC-whats bext making a movie about the holocaust and showing us that the nazis were actually really nice guys that were just mis understood??????????? give me break

i cant stand when someone takes a historical event makes an movie and trys to make it different just to please people-perfect example is the american civil war.hollywood does the same thing-makes the south look like a bunch of dumb rednecks and the north look like a bunch of saints. truth is slavery want the only issue of the civil war-only one of about 100.also blacks even though were free in the north dealt with just as much hatred there too-blacks in the union army dealt with issues of being used for manual labor and other white troops at first refused to even fight along side of them-ive yet to see only one movie that truly showed how the civil war really was like any other historical event.


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They are not trying make this film picture perfect for an American audience. If you look at it, the republic of Texas wanted to join America. When Polk became president, Congress immediately passed legislation for Texas to become part of the United States but there was dispute over where the border was between Texas and Mexico since many American settlers who were in the Republic of Texas went as far as the Rio Grande river. That is what the dispute was about. It wasn't till later that the United States went after California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

I agree with you that slavery was a very small issue in the Civil War but it became a huge issue during the war especially after Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation.

Seen Gods and Generals? I think you would like it because it makes the South look like a bunch of saints while the North looks like greedy morons. Now that is unrealistic.

The South were the ones who jumped to conclusions and screwed themselves over. They had no strong economy without the North. They had money but a mass majority of the Confederacy used Union gold bars because Confederate money was worth nothing. Not to mention several other reasons.

The South were not saints. The North wasn't either but they were better then the South, I can tell you that.


New Member
Originally posted by MickeyMoose15
They are not trying make this film picture perfect for an American audience. If you look at it, the republic of Texas wanted to join America. When Polk became president, Congress immediately passed legislation for Texas to become part of the United States but there was dispute over where the border was between Texas and Mexico since many American settlers who were in the Republic of Texas went as far as the Rio Grande river. That is what the dispute was about. It wasn't till later that the United States went after California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

I agree with you that slavery was a very small issue in the Civil War but it became a huge issue during the war especially after Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation.

Seen Gods and Generals? I think you would like it because it makes the South look like a bunch of saints while the North looks like greedy morons. Now that is unrealistic.

The South were the ones who jumped to conclusions and screwed themselves over. They had no strong economy without the North. They had money but a mass majority of the Confederacy used Union gold bars because Confederate money was worth nothing. Not to mention several other reasons.

The South were not saints. The North wasn't either but they were better then the South, I can tell you that.

i agree with u 100%-being a yankee from ny and raised in fla for most of my life im not really for either issue is with how hollywood as a whole really doesnt use accurate info about historical not saying the north or south was evil-but it isnt fair to always having the south looking like a bunch of dum yahoos while the north like minority loving angels.much of the souths generals were highly educated from west point except stonewall jackson who was in fact a yahoo(but great general)
u seem like a civil war buff too thus i think u can agree that alot of hollywood films about civil war are in fact way wrong and have an extremely liberal i will agrre that the WERE sotherners who were rednecks and loved being racists-and there were northerners who were fighting for freedom-but if u interviewed the men on both sides in a battlefield before the were about to be killed fighting for their flag and asked them if there going to fight and die right now for the issue of slavery i truly think most would have said no-most southerners at the time couldnt afford shoes let alone slaves

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